Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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liberals want our guns taken away, so they can take over the country and really turn it into a Socialist Utopia just like Venezuela and the old USSR. Problem with the liberals, is that as long as the 2nd amendment allows "LAW ABIDING CITIZENS" to protect themselves for governments foreign and domestic, the liberals will continue to rant and rave. I

But you aren't shooting "criminals", guy. We have 33,000 gun deaths every year, and most of them aren't criminals. The ones who were weren't doing things that merited killing them.

Most western democracies ban private gun ownership, and they are just as capitalist as we are.

Suicides don't count. People are allowed to kill themselves if they want to.

And if you want to live in a country that bans guns then by all means move the fuck out
Isn't that really the point? Instead of just going where they can feel safe (even if they are not), they want to force everyone else to give up their weapons. Liberals really are not about free choice, are they?
Suicides don't count. People are allowed to kill themselves if they want to.

And if you want to live in a country that bans guns then by all means move the fuck out

what fun would that be.

I want to live in the country that bans guns, and then all you pathetic, malignant narcissists will be standing on the sidewalk crying when the ATF comes by to take your guns to the smelting plant.
So go already. This isn't the country where you want to be.
Hey Joe, CUBA is open now, move there and your dreams of socialist utopia can be met. I would even pay for your one way ticket as long as you keep your promise never to come back.

I've got a better idea. Why don't all you Wingnuts move to Somalia. They've got religious crazies and a shitload of guns... you'd probably be happy there... except for all the black people.
Last I heard, you were saying you want to live in a country where private gun ownership is banned. That's not here. The people who want to live in a country where private gun ownership is legal want to live here. That's not going to change, so the logical thing for you to do in order to be happy is to move. Otherwise, you're just going to continue ranting and raving and getting precisely nowhere. How miserable would be that existence.
There you go again.

No wonder no one here takes you seriously.

Insults and tiny penis posts.

Peeking through people's Windows again?

Joe. You never served one minute in the Military.

You were never a Republican right winger turned liberal.

You sir are just a keyboard Coward with no life.

I've got a box of medals and a DD214 that says otherwise. But that's not the point.

I didn't "turn liberal" The Republican Party lost it's FUCKING MIND.

And we've got the dead pre-schoolers to prove it.
I was pulling your chain Joe.

Lighten up Slick.

Thanks for your service.

I'd like to see the link that the Republican Party killed those children.

Actually, what killed those children was "the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990"

Yesterday, Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) introduced H.R. 86, the Safe Students Act, which would repeal the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990. The bill, originally introduced by Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) in 2007, repeals the Gun-Free School Zones Act (GFSZA) of 1990, which makes it “unlawful for any individual knowingly to possess a firearm at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is a school zone.” In 1995, the Supreme Court held the GFSZA unconstitutional, which prompted Congress to amend the bill in 1996. The Supreme Court has not ruled on the constitutionality of the amended Act. “Gun-free school zones are ineffective. They make people less safe by inviting criminals into target-rich, no-risk environments,” said Massie. “Gun-free zones prevent law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves, and create vulnerable populations that are targeted by criminals.” Representative Massie concluded: “A bigger federal government can’t solve this problem. Weapons bans and gun-free zones are unconstitutional. They do not and cannot prevent criminals or the mentally ill from committing acts of violence. But they often prevent victims of such violence from protecting themselves.” As John Lott, author of More Guns, Less Crime writes, “Ask yourself: Would you feel safer with a sign on your house saying ‘this house is a gun-free zone’? But if you wouldn’t put these signs on your home, why put them elsewhere?” Original Cosponsors include: Rep. Steven Palazzo (R-MS), Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK), and Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC). Congressman Massie is Chairman of the Second Amendment Caucus in the 114th Congress. (Source)

Yeah, that's the ticket. Put a bunch of guns in the schools where the kids can get at them, because, that's going to work really well.

Just ask the teacher who got fired after a student stole naked images off her cell phone.
Better ban private ownership of cell phones just to be safe.
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The discussion is the murder of children. Does the means used really matter? It shouldn't. If you are concerned about a small number of children losing their life to guns, you should be horrified by the holocaust of abortion.......but you aren't, because this actually has nothing to do with children for the left. They are merely a convenient prop to be used in the anti-gun agenda. When you champion stopping the murder of all innocent children by all means of killing, I'll take your little anti-gun crusade seriously. Until then, every time you cry gun and say "it's for the children", I'll cry abortion.

VERY stupid and biased response.....

An aborted fetus IS NOT a child...If you religious zealots would get this simple fact through your head, you'd take the first step to come out of the inquisition mindset.......Given your moronic rationale, you'd have us believe that "life begins" at the point of lustful thoughts.
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The discussion is the murder of children. Does the means used really matter? It shouldn't. If you are concerned about a small number of children losing their life to guns, you should be horrified by the holocaust of abortion.......but you aren't, because this actually has nothing to do with children for the left. They are merely a convenient prop to be used in the anti-gun agenda. When you champion stopping the murder of all innocent children by all means of killing, I'll take your little anti-gun crusade seriously. Until then, every time you cry gun and say "it's for the children", I'll cry abortion.

VERY stupid and biased response.....

An aborted fetus IS NOT a child...If you religious zealots would get this simple fact through your head, you'd take the first step to come out of the inquisition mindset.......Given your moronic rationale, you'd have us believe that "life begins" at the point of lustful thoughts.
Love how you call an aborted fetus is not a child. No shit shirlock, that is a dead baby. A unborn child in the womb of a women is a living , thinking, loved baby awaiting the day when it can be put in the mother's and father's arms. But you totally insane liberals, hate all people, starting with babies, children, young adults, men and women, because you don't want to share this Earth with them, because those who don't think like you, wont allow you to destroy as we see with all the liberals. Shame more liberals didn't abort their children and then the world would be a better place. Look in the mirror Nitwit4900 and thank God that your mother didn't decide to end your life because you were just a jumble of cells. Dumbass. Or you can damn your mother for bringing your sorry ass into the world, which is why you hate everyone and everything. Now go back to your basement and be the miserable wretch that you are.
The discussion is the murder of children. Does the means used really matter? It shouldn't. If you are concerned about a small number of children losing their life to guns, you should be horrified by the holocaust of abortion.......but you aren't, because this actually has nothing to do with children for the left. They are merely a convenient prop to be used in the anti-gun agenda. When you champion stopping the murder of all innocent children by all means of killing, I'll take your little anti-gun crusade seriously. Until then, every time you cry gun and say "it's for the children", I'll cry abortion.

VERY stupid and biased response.....

An aborted fetus IS NOT a child...If you religious zealots would get this simple fact through your head, you'd take the first step to come out of the inquisition mindset.......Given your moronic rationale, you'd have us believe that "life begins" at the point of lustful thoughts.

A fetus isn't a child...........and blacks and Jews aren't real people. I've seen your kind before. Fuck off loser.
The discussion is the murder of children. Does the means used really matter? It shouldn't. If you are concerned about a small number of children losing their life to guns, you should be horrified by the holocaust of abortion.......but you aren't, because this actually has nothing to do with children for the left. They are merely a convenient prop to be used in the anti-gun agenda. When you champion stopping the murder of all innocent children by all means of killing, I'll take your little anti-gun crusade seriously. Until then, every time you cry gun and say "it's for the children", I'll cry abortion.

VERY stupid and biased response.....

An aborted fetus IS NOT a child...If you religious zealots would get this simple fact through your head, you'd take the first step to come out of the inquisition mindset.......Given your moronic rationale, you'd have us believe that "life begins" at the point of lustful thoughts.
Love how you call an aborted fetus is not a child. No shit shirlock, that is a dead baby. A unborn child in the womb of a women is a living , thinking, loved baby awaiting the day when it can be put in the mother's and father's arms. But you totally insane liberals, hate all people, starting with babies, children, young adults, men and women, because you don't want to share this Earth with them, because those who don't think like you, wont allow you to destroy as we see with all the liberals. Shame more liberals didn't abort their children and then the world would be a better place. Look in the mirror Nitwit4900 and thank God that your mother didn't decide to end your life because you were just a jumble of cells. Dumbass. Or you can damn your mother for bringing your sorry ass into the world, which is why you hate everyone and everything. Now go back to your basement and be the miserable wretch that you are.

Funny how the lefties like Natalie considers themselves sophisticated, enlightened and tolerant, but maintain a culture of hate and death isn't it?
Funny how the lefties like Natalie considers themselves sophisticated, enlightened and tolerant, but maintain a culture of hate and death isn't it?

I think it may be time for you to have another enema....LOL
Love how you call an aborted fetus is not a child. No shit shirlock, that is a dead baby. A unborn child in the womb of a women is a living , thinking, loved baby awaiting the day when it can be put in the mother's and father's arms. But you totally insane liberals, hate all people, starting with babies, children, young adults, men and women, because you don't want to share this Earth with them, because those who don't think like you, wont allow you to destroy as we see with all the liberals. Shame more liberals didn't abort their children and then the world would be a better place. Look in the mirror Nitwit4900 and thank God that your mother didn't decide to end your life because you were just a jumble of cells. Dumbass. Or you can damn your mother for bringing your sorry ass into the world, which is why you hate everyone and everything. Now go back to your basement and be the miserable wretch that you are.

Lots of kids are ready for adoption....Care to step up and show how far your "love" of unwanted children you're willing to adopt you hypocritical bastards?
Love how you call an aborted fetus is not a child. No shit shirlock, that is a dead baby. A unborn child in the womb of a women is a living , thinking, loved baby awaiting the day when it can be put in the mother's and father's arms. But you totally insane liberals, hate all people, starting with babies, children, young adults, men and women, because you don't want to share this Earth with them, because those who don't think like you, wont allow you to destroy as we see with all the liberals. Shame more liberals didn't abort their children and then the world would be a better place. Look in the mirror Nitwit4900 and thank God that your mother didn't decide to end your life because you were just a jumble of cells. Dumbass. Or you can damn your mother for bringing your sorry ass into the world, which is why you hate everyone and everything. Now go back to your basement and be the miserable wretch that you are.

Lots of kids are ready for adoption....Care to step up and show how far your "love" of unwanted children you're willing to adopt you hypocritical bastards?

Why bother when you can just kill them instead, eh Natalie? problem solved!
There you go again.

No wonder no one here takes you seriously.

Insults and tiny penis posts.

Peeking through people's Windows again?

Joe. You never served one minute in the Military.

You were never a Republican right winger turned liberal.

You sir are just a keyboard Coward with no life.

I've got a box of medals and a DD214 that says otherwise. But that's not the point.

I didn't "turn liberal" The Republican Party lost it's FUCKING MIND.

And we've got the dead pre-schoolers to prove it.

And I left the Democratic party because they lost their fucking minds aborting far more children than guns ever kill. Democratic leadership is perfectly fine with killing a baby that is crowning as long as it hasn't left the birth canal. Until's "just a mass of tissue". I could take the liberals stand on guns killing kids if they would drop the hypocrisy and recognize that their sacred plank of abortion guised as "reproductive rights" and "women's health issues" is far worse when it comes to killing children. To scream and shout about one and turn a blind eye to the other is dishonest and hypocritical. Get your shit together, be honest and then there can be a real dialogue.

Stop bringing abortion into this discussion.

The discussion is the murder of children. Does the means used really matter? It shouldn't. If you are concerned about a small number of children losing their life to guns, you should be horrified by the holocaust of abortion.......but you aren't, because this actually has nothing to do with children for the left. They are merely a convenient prop to be used in the anti-gun agenda. When you champion stopping the murder of all innocent children by all means of killing, I'll take your little anti-gun crusade seriously. Until then, every time you cry gun and say "it's for the children", I'll cry abortion.

There are plenty of abortion threads if you want to talk about abortion. If you weren't so caught up in yourself, you would realize that I'm NOT anti-gun. I am a PRO rights person.
There you go again.

No wonder no one here takes you seriously.

Insults and tiny penis posts.

Peeking through people's Windows again?

Joe. You never served one minute in the Military.

You were never a Republican right winger turned liberal.

You sir are just a keyboard Coward with no life.

I've got a box of medals and a DD214 that says otherwise. But that's not the point.

I didn't "turn liberal" The Republican Party lost it's FUCKING MIND.

And we've got the dead pre-schoolers to prove it.

And I left the Democratic party because they lost their fucking minds aborting far more children than guns ever kill. Democratic leadership is perfectly fine with killing a baby that is crowning as long as it hasn't left the birth canal. Until's "just a mass of tissue". I could take the liberals stand on guns killing kids if they would drop the hypocrisy and recognize that their sacred plank of abortion guised as "reproductive rights" and "women's health issues" is far worse when it comes to killing children. To scream and shout about one and turn a blind eye to the other is dishonest and hypocritical. Get your shit together, be honest and then there can be a real dialogue.

Stop bringing abortion into this discussion.

The discussion is the murder of children. Does the means used really matter? It shouldn't. If you are concerned about a small number of children losing their life to guns, you should be horrified by the holocaust of abortion.......but you aren't, because this actually has nothing to do with children for the left. They are merely a convenient prop to be used in the anti-gun agenda. When you champion stopping the murder of all innocent children by all means of killing, I'll take your little anti-gun crusade seriously. Until then, every time you cry gun and say "it's for the children", I'll cry abortion.

There are plenty of abortion threads if you want to talk about abortion. If you weren't so caught up in yourself, you would realize that I'm NOT anti-gun. I am a PRO rights person.
Just making a comparison about liberals. They want to kill babies in or out of the womb as Joe says, but then when they are being indoctrinated in public schools, he FEELS indignant when another liberal enters a school and aborts those children just a few years later. Right Joe?
Love how you call an aborted fetus is not a child. No shit shirlock, that is a dead baby. A unborn child in the womb of a women is a living , thinking, loved baby awaiting the day when it can be put in the mother's and father's arms. But you totally insane liberals, hate all people, starting with babies, children, young adults, men and women, because you don't want to share this Earth with them, because those who don't think like you, wont allow you to destroy as we see with all the liberals. Shame more liberals didn't abort their children and then the world would be a better place. Look in the mirror Nitwit4900 and thank God that your mother didn't decide to end your life because you were just a jumble of cells. Dumbass. Or you can damn your mother for bringing your sorry ass into the world, which is why you hate everyone and everything. Now go back to your basement and be the miserable wretch that you are.

Lots of kids are ready for adoption....Care to step up and show how far your "love" of unwanted children you're willing to adopt you hypocritical bastards?

Why bother when you can just kill them instead, eh Natalie? problem solved!

I posted several videos on another gun control thread about why you should not bring the abortion topic into the gun control debate! You don't bring many people onto OUR side by using this argument.
There you go again.

No wonder no one here takes you seriously.

Insults and tiny penis posts.

Peeking through people's Windows again?

Joe. You never served one minute in the Military.

You were never a Republican right winger turned liberal.

You sir are just a keyboard Coward with no life.

I've got a box of medals and a DD214 that says otherwise. But that's not the point.

I didn't "turn liberal" The Republican Party lost it's FUCKING MIND.

And we've got the dead pre-schoolers to prove it.

And I left the Democratic party because they lost their fucking minds aborting far more children than guns ever kill. Democratic leadership is perfectly fine with killing a baby that is crowning as long as it hasn't left the birth canal. Until's "just a mass of tissue". I could take the liberals stand on guns killing kids if they would drop the hypocrisy and recognize that their sacred plank of abortion guised as "reproductive rights" and "women's health issues" is far worse when it comes to killing children. To scream and shout about one and turn a blind eye to the other is dishonest and hypocritical. Get your shit together, be honest and then there can be a real dialogue.

Stop bringing abortion into this discussion.

The discussion is the murder of children. Does the means used really matter? It shouldn't. If you are concerned about a small number of children losing their life to guns, you should be horrified by the holocaust of abortion.......but you aren't, because this actually has nothing to do with children for the left. They are merely a convenient prop to be used in the anti-gun agenda. When you champion stopping the murder of all innocent children by all means of killing, I'll take your little anti-gun crusade seriously. Until then, every time you cry gun and say "it's for the children", I'll cry abortion.

There are plenty of abortion threads if you want to talk about abortion. If you weren't so caught up in yourself, you would realize that I'm NOT anti-gun. I am a PRO rights person.

Let me put two and two together for you. The concern here is the death of children. Why does the particular means matter when discussing it? Yes, a child dying by gunshot is tragic. Children dying by abortion is tragic. One happens with far more frequency than the other. The tragedy is multiplied. You'd think that someone who is horrified by the death of children would want to do something about the death of children regardless of the cause of death. But they don't. Because the real concern isn't children. The real concern is their hate and fear of an inanimate object. It's always telling that the people who cry for "the children" killed by guns don't give two shits and a holler about the exponentially more killed by abortion. The abortion question is a test to see what the real agenda is. The real agenda is guns, not children. The gun grabbers could care less how many children die because the vast majority of gun grabbers are pro-abortion supporters who are coldly indifferent to the death of children. And that is how 2 and 2 make 4.
Love how you call an aborted fetus is not a child. No shit shirlock, that is a dead baby. A unborn child in the womb of a women is a living , thinking, loved baby awaiting the day when it can be put in the mother's and father's arms. But you totally insane liberals, hate all people, starting with babies, children, young adults, men and women, because you don't want to share this Earth with them, because those who don't think like you, wont allow you to destroy as we see with all the liberals. Shame more liberals didn't abort their children and then the world would be a better place. Look in the mirror Nitwit4900 and thank God that your mother didn't decide to end your life because you were just a jumble of cells. Dumbass. Or you can damn your mother for bringing your sorry ass into the world, which is why you hate everyone and everything. Now go back to your basement and be the miserable wretch that you are.

Lots of kids are ready for adoption....Care to step up and show how far your "love" of unwanted children you're willing to adopt you hypocritical bastards?

Why bother when you can just kill them instead, eh Natalie? problem solved!

I posted several videos on another gun control thread about why you should not bring the abortion topic into the gun control debate! You don't bring many people onto OUR side by using this argument.

You're not going to bring any gun grabber over to your side. Bringing up abortion exposes their false agenda of concern for children. It has nothing to do with children.
I've got a box of medals and a DD214 that says otherwise. But that's not the point.

I didn't "turn liberal" The Republican Party lost it's FUCKING MIND.

And we've got the dead pre-schoolers to prove it.

And I left the Democratic party because they lost their fucking minds aborting far more children than guns ever kill. Democratic leadership is perfectly fine with killing a baby that is crowning as long as it hasn't left the birth canal. Until's "just a mass of tissue". I could take the liberals stand on guns killing kids if they would drop the hypocrisy and recognize that their sacred plank of abortion guised as "reproductive rights" and "women's health issues" is far worse when it comes to killing children. To scream and shout about one and turn a blind eye to the other is dishonest and hypocritical. Get your shit together, be honest and then there can be a real dialogue.

Stop bringing abortion into this discussion.

The discussion is the murder of children. Does the means used really matter? It shouldn't. If you are concerned about a small number of children losing their life to guns, you should be horrified by the holocaust of abortion.......but you aren't, because this actually has nothing to do with children for the left. They are merely a convenient prop to be used in the anti-gun agenda. When you champion stopping the murder of all innocent children by all means of killing, I'll take your little anti-gun crusade seriously. Until then, every time you cry gun and say "it's for the children", I'll cry abortion.

There are plenty of abortion threads if you want to talk about abortion. If you weren't so caught up in yourself, you would realize that I'm NOT anti-gun. I am a PRO rights person.

Let me put two and two together for you. The concern here is the death of children. Why does the particular means matter when discussing it? Yes, a child dying by gunshot is tragic. Children dying by abortion is tragic. One happens with far more frequency than the other. The tragedy is multiplied. You'd think that someone who is horrified by the death of children would want to do something about the death of children regardless of the cause of death. But they don't. Because the real concern isn't children. The real concern is their hate and fear of an inanimate object. It's always telling that the people who cry for "the children" killed by guns don't give two shits and a holler about the exponentially more killed by abortion. The abortion question is a test to see what the real agenda is. The real agenda is guns, not children. The gun grabbers could care less how many children die because the vast majority of gun grabbers are pro-abortion supporters who are coldly indifferent to the death of children. And that is how 2 and 2 make 4.

When you bring abortion into the discussion, you push all those people away from you who are pro choice. THAT is the point.
Love how you call an aborted fetus is not a child. No shit shirlock, that is a dead baby. A unborn child in the womb of a women is a living , thinking, loved baby awaiting the day when it can be put in the mother's and father's arms. But you totally insane liberals, hate all people, starting with babies, children, young adults, men and women, because you don't want to share this Earth with them, because those who don't think like you, wont allow you to destroy as we see with all the liberals. Shame more liberals didn't abort their children and then the world would be a better place. Look in the mirror Nitwit4900 and thank God that your mother didn't decide to end your life because you were just a jumble of cells. Dumbass. Or you can damn your mother for bringing your sorry ass into the world, which is why you hate everyone and everything. Now go back to your basement and be the miserable wretch that you are.

Lots of kids are ready for adoption....Care to step up and show how far your "love" of unwanted children you're willing to adopt you hypocritical bastards?

Why bother when you can just kill them instead, eh Natalie? problem solved!

I posted several videos on another gun control thread about why you should not bring the abortion topic into the gun control debate! You don't bring many people onto OUR side by using this argument.

You're not going to bring any gun grabber over to your side. Bringing up abortion exposes their false agenda of concern for children. It has nothing to do with children.

An embryo is not a child.
Shame your mother decided not to destroy the embryo that was in her. You would of been a lot better off, not having your sorry ass, FORCED to live in this lousy country. Maybe you should go and kill her for her transgression against you.
Ah shit, you liberals are wrong once again. You say you cant deny the "science of global warming" and now with science saying that life starts at conception, you have been killing unborn children just as much as killing born children in schools and theaters. I know that in your miserable lives you hate all humanity especially those who find happiness with children. You cant find that happiness so try to FORCE upon the rest of US your immoral ways.
Human life begins with a bright flash of light as a sperm meets an egg, according to a Telegraph article, which says scientists have video footage that proves, for the very first time, that at the exact moment of conception, an explosion of sparks erupts from the egg. The argument counters that of abortion advocates who claim that no one can really define the moment life begins.


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