Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Most western democracies have voter ID laws and border protection too. So why won't left wing, mouth breathing, knuckle draggers like you climb on the train of enlightenment? Are you stupid or intentionally delusional?

Its your extreme stupidity that gives morons within your ilk a really bad name.....

Let's see...because European countries have voter ID laws and border protection, we in the US MUST have everyone with semi-automatic weapons?

(Be honest, someone has to turn on the 'puter for you......right?)
Obviously there is an inordinate amount of fear among right wingers; terrible way to live, clutching their guns, thumping their bibles and scared shit-less of "darkies".......Whenever there's a mass shooting by some deranged bastard, they flood the gun stores to get MORE guns and ammunition.

How many of these gun-loving right wingers on here alone are just one step away from a pissed off moment to become yet another Lanza?
Obviously there is an inordinate amount of fear among right wingers; terrible way to live, clutching their guns, thumping their bibles and scared shit-less of "darkies".......Whenever there's a mass shooting by some deranged bastard, they flood the gun stores to get MORE guns and ammunition.

How many of these gun-loving right wingers on here alone are just one step away from a pissed off moment to become yet another Lanza?
And yet you and the others wanting to ban or increase gun control want to do so out of abject fear of guns.

Pure projection. It always amazes me how many of those that want to demand grater gun control because they are afraid of those guns try and demand that it is actually legal gun owners that live in fear. Their fear is evedent in the arguments that they present.
You want to live in a country full of control freaks and you will never have that here so you are destined to be the unhappy pathetic whiner that you are now forever I guess

No......As a true believer in democracy and a progressive, I believe that laws change....Our constitution gets amended...We've eliminated slavery, gave women the right to vote and extended civil rights.

In the long run progressive causes WIN......and since your ilk will not see the inside of the oval office (except as tourists) in decades to come, sanity will win out after your brain set dies out.

YEah the repeal of the second amendment won't happen in your life time but feel free to stamp your little feet and hold your breath until it does

You don't need a repeal to make guns illegal in this country. What you need are a majority of judges in the Supreme Court to say they are not protected by the Constitution, then state by state can make guns illegal.

This can very well happen in our lifetime if Hillary gets into the White House.
I just don't get this whole move out if you don't like it.

We are all here. We are all citizens.

What ever happened to coming together and resolving problems rationally and as adults.

Back to the subject at hand.

Nobody has to move and I'm not gonna be disarmed.

Agreed......and NO ONE on the left is stating that all guns should be outlawed...All that we are trying to get across is that SOME guns are just too dangerous to openly sell virtually to whomever wants one...They are not really "sporting" guns and since we cannot eliminate mental sickness, nor can we come up with a system to screen out mental sicknesses.....then the only logical recourse is to drastically reduce the number of dangerous guns that are manufactured to inflict...... in a very brief period of time.....maximum casualties.

Ban on assault weapons didn’t reduce violence
So if someone kills someone with a knife, can they sue the knife manufacturers? Ridiculous.

If the knife can easily be transformed into an automatic killing machine that can massacre scores of people like in Sandy Hook, then I guess the knife manufacturer has a responsibility, I would think.

And this is a case especially when that gun manufacturer "intentionally" allows this to happen, as a marketing pitch...

And? You say that as though there is an issue here. How many people are killed with such weapons that have been modified? Likely less than have been hit by lightning every year.

The fact is this is simply not done. Likely because such weapons being modified to fully automatic versions would be far less effective than the semi-automatic version.
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33,000 people die from guns every year, and every year the National Rampage Association fights tooth and nail against even the most reasonable precautions, like closing the gun show loophole or preventing people on the No fly List from buying guns.

So tell us how many people on the No Fly List or consumer at a gun show ever bought a weapon and went on a killing spree?

That's the entire point of our side: the laws you want to see enacted won't do squat. They probably wouldn't save one life. Yet just because it's some kind of gun law.......any kind of gun law, you want to see those laws anyway.

And then when those laws don't work, you'll come up with more laws. And when that doesn't work, even more laws yet.

We know how liberalism works. It's an increment system until they eventually get what they want; in this case, all guns outlawed.

You stop an infection when it first starts, not wait until it's ready to kill you.
this isn't the goal of your beloved gun industry, though. Their goal is to sell guns to the crooks so people like you and Dick Tiny and Ray-Cist from Cleveland will all be really scared and want guns, too. And then when our inner cities become free fire zones, the police will need to arm themselves like soliders to break up simple domestic violence issues.

That's already happening liberal cities and states with the toughest gun laws in the country.
There you go again.

No wonder no one here takes you seriously.

Insults and tiny penis posts.

Peeking through people's Windows again?

Joe. You never served one minute in the Military.

You were never a Republican right winger turned liberal.

You sir are just a keyboard Coward with no life.

I've got a box of medals and a DD214 that says otherwise. But that's not the point.

I didn't "turn liberal" The Republican Party lost it's FUCKING MIND.

And we've got the dead pre-schoolers to prove it.

And I left the Democratic party because they lost their fucking minds aborting far more children than guns ever kill. Democratic leadership is perfectly fine with killing a baby that is crowning as long as it hasn't left the birth canal. Until's "just a mass of tissue". I could take the liberals stand on guns killing kids if they would drop the hypocrisy and recognize that their sacred plank of abortion guised as "reproductive rights" and "women's health issues" is far worse when it comes to killing children. To scream and shout about one and turn a blind eye to the other is dishonest and hypocritical. Get your shit together, be honest and then there can be a real dialogue.
Most western democracies have voter ID laws and border protection too. So why won't left wing, mouth breathing, knuckle draggers like you climb on the train of enlightenment? Are you stupid or intentionally delusional?

Its your extreme stupidity that gives morons within your ilk a really bad name.....

Let's see...because European countries have voter ID laws and border protection, we in the US MUST have everyone with semi-automatic weapons?

(Be honest, someone has to turn on the 'puter for you......right?)

Wow, not only are you a liar and dishonest shit, your retarded to boot. It's called an analogy. When you get beyond 3rd grade, a teacher will explain it to you. I'll try, but I have zero confidence you'll grasp the concept, simple as it may be. If you are going to claim that we need to adopt the gun laws of other western democracies because they are so smart, wise and enlightened, then it follows that you would admire their other laws we don't have. Since they all practice voter ID laws, you should be happy with it as well. If that is just too hard for your widdle bwain, I can try to dumb it down and type slower so you can understand.
There you go again.

No wonder no one here takes you seriously.

Insults and tiny penis posts.

Peeking through people's Windows again?

Joe. You never served one minute in the Military.

You were never a Republican right winger turned liberal.

You sir are just a keyboard Coward with no life.

I've got a box of medals and a DD214 that says otherwise. But that's not the point.

I didn't "turn liberal" The Republican Party lost it's FUCKING MIND.

And we've got the dead pre-schoolers to prove it.

And I left the Democratic party because they lost their fucking minds aborting far more children than guns ever kill. Democratic leadership is perfectly fine with killing a baby that is crowning as long as it hasn't left the birth canal. Until's "just a mass of tissue". I could take the liberals stand on guns killing kids if they would drop the hypocrisy and recognize that their sacred plank of abortion guised as "reproductive rights" and "women's health issues" is far worse when it comes to killing children. To scream and shout about one and turn a blind eye to the other is dishonest and hypocritical. Get your shit together, be honest and then there can be a real dialogue.

Stop bringing abortion into this discussion.
And yet you and the others wanting to ban or increase gun control want to do so out of abject fear of guns.

Pure projection. It always amazes me how many of those that want to demand grater gun control because they are afraid of those guns try and demand that it is actually legal gun owners that live in fear. Their fear is evedent in the arguments that they present.

As usual, wrong counter argument.......Exactly who:

.......states that I need guns to protect my self from the government thugs?
.......states that I need ANY and ALL guns to defend my family and property?
.......states that "I'll never give up my guns" because I don't want to be relocated to a camp by a foreign-born, Muslim president?
.......states that I need my guns because those Mexicans are taking jobs from Americans
.......states that I need my guns to kill abortion clinic workers............and

Who simply states that rapid-fire, assault-style weapons should NOT be manufactured and sold for profit, so that once normal citizens don't FLIP and get pissed off one day......and slaughter pre-schoolers?

YOU JUDGE who lives in fear.
I just don't get this whole move out if you don't like it.

We are all here. We are all citizens.

What ever happened to coming together and resolving problems rationally and as adults.

Back to the subject at hand.

Nobody has to move and I'm not gonna be disarmed.

Agreed......and NO ONE on the left is stating that all guns should be outlawed...All that we are trying to get across is that SOME guns are just too dangerous to openly sell virtually to whomever wants one...They are not really "sporting" guns and since we cannot eliminate mental sickness, nor can we come up with a system to screen out mental sicknesses.....then the only logical recourse is to drastically reduce the number of dangerous guns that are manufactured to inflict...... in a very brief period of time.....maximum casualties.

Ban on assault weapons didn’t reduce violence

Marvelous.........this nitwit found an article written TWELVE years ago to justify his imbeciltiy,,,,,

Well, once the ban on the sale of assault weapons was lifted back in 2004 ......what has occured since then???
I just don't get this whole move out if you don't like it.

We are all here. We are all citizens.

What ever happened to coming together and resolving problems rationally and as adults.

Back to the subject at hand.

Nobody has to move and I'm not gonna be disarmed.

Agreed......and NO ONE on the left is stating that all guns should be outlawed...All that we are trying to get across is that SOME guns are just too dangerous to openly sell virtually to whomever wants one...They are not really "sporting" guns and since we cannot eliminate mental sickness, nor can we come up with a system to screen out mental sicknesses.....then the only logical recourse is to drastically reduce the number of dangerous guns that are manufactured to inflict...... in a very brief period of time.....maximum casualties.

Ban on assault weapons didn’t reduce violence

Marvelous.........this nitwit found an article written TWELVE years ago to justify his imbeciltiy,,,,,

Well, once the ban on the sale of assault weapons was lifted back in 2004 ......what has occured since then???

Thanks for asking Nitwit.

Since the mid 90's, violence and gun violence in particular have been on the decline in the US. This is in proportion to more and more states adopting Conceal Carry laws and changing gun laws to the advantage of the victim instead of the criminal.

This is in stark contrast to places like Australia and Great Britain who have experienced an increase in crime and gun deaths since their ban on firearms, or no improvement at all in the long term.

Since we are now on the right track, liberals still fight to reverse what we've gained, but of course, this is typical of liberalism and liberal policies.
Since we are now on the right track, liberals still fight to reverse what we've gained, but of course, this is typical of liberalism and liberal policies.

Ahhhh we are on the "right track".....and we could be better if EVERY SINGLE CITIZEN carries a gun (just like in the old west in the 1870s, correct?)

....and our mass shootings and slaughter of 5 and 6 years old have DECLINED since 12 years ago????
Since we are now on the right track, liberals still fight to reverse what we've gained, but of course, this is typical of liberalism and liberal policies.

Ahhhh we are on the "right track".....and we could be better if EVERY SINGLE CITIZEN carries a gun (just like in the old west in the 1870s, correct?)

....and our mass shootings and slaughter of 5 and 6 years old have DECLINED since 12 years ago????

No, that's because crazy people don't care who has guns. That's besides the fact mass shootings don't account for nearly the amount of gun deaths in this country. They are just sensationalized by the media. We have just as many people getting shot in areas like mine, Chicago, Detroit and such in one year than we have the last ten mass shootings throughout the years.


There you go again.

No wonder no one here takes you seriously.

Insults and tiny penis posts.

Peeking through people's Windows again?

Joe. You never served one minute in the Military.

You were never a Republican right winger turned liberal.

You sir are just a keyboard Coward with no life.

I've got a box of medals and a DD214 that says otherwise. But that's not the point.

I didn't "turn liberal" The Republican Party lost it's FUCKING MIND.

And we've got the dead pre-schoolers to prove it.

And I left the Democratic party because they lost their fucking minds aborting far more children than guns ever kill. Democratic leadership is perfectly fine with killing a baby that is crowning as long as it hasn't left the birth canal. Until's "just a mass of tissue". I could take the liberals stand on guns killing kids if they would drop the hypocrisy and recognize that their sacred plank of abortion guised as "reproductive rights" and "women's health issues" is far worse when it comes to killing children. To scream and shout about one and turn a blind eye to the other is dishonest and hypocritical. Get your shit together, be honest and then there can be a real dialogue.

Stop bringing abortion into this discussion.

The discussion is the murder of children. Does the means used really matter? It shouldn't. If you are concerned about a small number of children losing their life to guns, you should be horrified by the holocaust of abortion.......but you aren't, because this actually has nothing to do with children for the left. They are merely a convenient prop to be used in the anti-gun agenda. When you champion stopping the murder of all innocent children by all means of killing, I'll take your little anti-gun crusade seriously. Until then, every time you cry gun and say "it's for the children", I'll cry abortion.
And yet you and the others wanting to ban or increase gun control want to do so out of abject fear of guns.

Pure projection. It always amazes me how many of those that want to demand grater gun control because they are afraid of those guns try and demand that it is actually legal gun owners that live in fear. Their fear is evedent in the arguments that they present.

As usual, wrong counter argument.......Exactly who:

.......states that I need guns to protect my self from the government thugs?
.......states that I need ANY and ALL guns to defend my family and property?
.......states that "I'll never give up my guns" because I don't want to be relocated to a camp by a foreign-born, Muslim president?
.......states that I need my guns because those Mexicans are taking jobs from Americans
.......states that I need my guns to kill abortion clinic workers............and

Who simply states that rapid-fire, assault-style weapons should NOT be manufactured and sold for profit, so that once normal citizens don't FLIP and get pissed off one day......and slaughter pre-schoolers?

YOU JUDGE who lives in fear.
It's nothing to do with "guns"... It's all about control...
Control freaks like yourself would not understand... Lol
And yet you and the others wanting to ban or increase gun control want to do so out of abject fear of guns.

Pure projection. It always amazes me how many of those that want to demand grater gun control because they are afraid of those guns try and demand that it is actually legal gun owners that live in fear. Their fear is evedent in the arguments that they present.

As usual, wrong counter argument.......Exactly who:

.......states that I need guns to protect my self from the government thugs?
.......states that I need ANY and ALL guns to defend my family and property?
.......states that "I'll never give up my guns" because I don't want to be relocated to a camp by a foreign-born, Muslim president?
.......states that I need my guns because those Mexicans are taking jobs from Americans
.......states that I need my guns to kill abortion clinic workers............and

Who simply states that rapid-fire, assault-style weapons should NOT be manufactured and sold for profit, so that once normal citizens don't FLIP and get pissed off one day......and slaughter pre-schoolers?

YOU JUDGE who lives in fear.
I just don't get this whole move out if you don't like it.

We are all here. We are all citizens.

What ever happened to coming together and resolving problems rationally and as adults.

Back to the subject at hand.

Nobody has to move and I'm not gonna be disarmed.

Agreed......and NO ONE on the left is stating that all guns should be outlawed...All that we are trying to get across is that SOME guns are just too dangerous to openly sell virtually to whomever wants one...They are not really "sporting" guns and since we cannot eliminate mental sickness, nor can we come up with a system to screen out mental sicknesses.....then the only logical recourse is to drastically reduce the number of dangerous guns that are manufactured to inflict...... in a very brief period of time.....maximum casualties.

Ban on assault weapons didn’t reduce violence

Marvelous.........this nitwit found an article written TWELVE years ago to justify his imbeciltiy,,,,,

Well, once the ban on the sale of assault weapons was lifted back in 2004 ......what has occured since then???

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