Santorum, Desperate and Pathetic, panders to Democrats.

Well if the DEMS wanted to sink Mitt, then asking dems to crossover for Santorum would be the way to do it.

But if Mitt or Newt wanted to screw Santorum with republicans, this would ALSO be the way to do it.

So it is really a question of who paid for this robocall campaign?

Anybody know for sure?
Santorum is unelectable for the simple reason that he most closely represents the sum total of views and beliefs of the Right,

and normal Americans do not want to be led by anyone who fits that description.
You know what? The idea that anyone of us would say that others of us have no right to have a voice in the public arena makes me want to throw up too. In that, I am in complete agreement with Rick Santorum.

I know what you mean. When Darrell I Will Steal Your Car Issa had a public hearing on womens birth control and reproductive health and had no women on the panel, did you feel the same about that? Did that make you want to throw up? Just curious.
I suspect some Democrats will vote for Santorum. It'd be wonderful having him as the GOP candidate.

Agree, IF I could vote for Ricky baby, I would. I want him to win. I want to see Pres Obama absolutely destroy him, both in debate's and the election. And I used to think Rick might be ok. Till he went off the social issue deep end. Now he is looking like as big an idiot as Herman Cain.
Oh, I get it. And like I said, he won't be getting shit when it comes to delegates. He might be using machiavellian tactics to try and push himself up, but it isn't going to work in the primary.

He's a joke.

At this point..and considering that the other candidates seem to have given up the get Romney meme..what he's doing is positioning himself for either something in a Romney administration..or another run in 2016.

Either way..he's got nothing to lose. No one expects him to get the nomination.
"I know why Obama doesn't want me to face him but I just think it's outrageous and a terrible dirty trick at the last hour, by the way, late in the afternoon on the day before the election, maybe hoping no one would notice, they start sending out calls to Democrats, union members telling them to go into the Republican primary and vote against Mitt Romney," he said.

"This is a new low for his campaign and that's saying something," Romney told Fox News

Santorum told Fox News on Monday night that he is trying to attract the Democratic voters he'll need in a general election campaign. He added that nothing he's said in his robo-call is any worse than the campaign Romney has run.

"When he runs a robo-call of my voice from four years ago saying good things about him, that's not a low moment, and when I run a call basically saying, calling Democrats that are eligible to vote here, to vote for us, that's a low (moment)?" he said.

"And of course, you know, it's interesting that he criticizes me for attracting Democrats because one of the things that the Governor Romney's people say is, oh, he can't attract Democrats. Well, guess what? We will wait and see. I think we can."

The robocall going around Monday says Democrats should send "a loud message" to Romney by voting for Santorum. The message says it's supported by "hard-working Democratic men and women" and paid for by the Santorum campaign.

Indeed, Democrats have made no bones about their efforts to force a Romney loss in the GOP primary. The pro-President Obama super PAC, and the campaign itself have all run ads against Romney in the Wolverine State.

On Monday, liberal blogger Markos Moulitsas of the Daily Kos wrote that a "million-dollar anti-Romney effort (with much of that money coming from Democrats and progressives) has dragged Romney back down to where Santorum can catch him."

He added that "the big-money campaign" aims to drive down Romney's numbers among independents and the Michigan Democratic Party is also engaged in getting Democrats to cast votes for Santorum, "reminding them that casting such votes in no way prohibits them from voting in Democratic contests later in the year."

"The quicker Romney can transition to 'general election' mode, the quicker he can move to the center and start repairing the damage. And as long as Santorum drives the debate, he helps galvanize base Democratic constituencies. ... There is no downside to dragging this contest out a month or two longer," Kos wrote.

Romney Blasts Santorum For 'dirty Trick' Calls To Michigan Dems Encouraging Vote In GOP Primary | Fox News
Wow, a new low!
We ARE talkin'-about....

....Ricky "The Spaz" Santorum!!!

I suspect some Democrats will vote for Santorum. It'd be wonderful having him as the GOP candidate.

Agree, IF I could vote for Ricky baby, I would. I want him to win. I want to see Pres Obama absolutely destroy him, both in debate's and the election. And I used to think Rick might be ok. Till he went off the social issue deep end. Now he is looking like as big an idiot as Herman Cain.
You don't know Ricky "The Spaz", very well.

Here, in PA, his ignorance/homophobia.....

The only way it matters is if Rick can take all in michigan, which wont happen. I will say, the more delegates each candidate secures, the less likely any of them have of getting the 1,144 needed to seal the deal. Which means more popcorn for us and a shit show at the convention.

Go for it Rick. Go for it.
Romney suggested that Santorum was winning the support of the GOP’s most conservative voters with “incendiary,” “outrageous” and “accusatory” comments.

“It’s very easy to excite the base with incendiary comments,” Romney told reporters. “We’ve seen throughout the campaign that if you’re willing to say really outrageous things that are accusatory and attacking President Obama that you’re going to jump up in the polls. You know, I’m not willing to light my hair on fire to try and get support. I am who I am.”

A few minutes later, when a reporter brought up Romney’s comment about lighting his hair on fire, the well-coiffed candidate interjected: “I’m not going to do it. I don’t care how hard you ask. It would be a big fire, I assure you.”

^ :rofl:
Well if the DEMS wanted to sink Mitt, then asking dems to crossover for Santorum would be the way to do it.

But if Mitt or Newt wanted to screw Santorum with republicans, this would ALSO be the way to do it.

So it is really a question of who paid for this robocall campaign?

Anybody know for sure?

That was pretty much what I thought when I listened to the ad. Maybe it was the TPM logo on the youtube video that helped me to think that?

Then after I made my comment, I am told I am stupid because I don't watch Hannity and didn't know that Santorum had just admitted to sleazy politics.

You know what? The idea that anyone of us would say that others of us have no right to have a voice in the public arena makes me want to throw up too. In that, I am in complete agreement with Rick Santorum.

I know what you mean. When Darrell I Will Steal Your Car Issa had a public hearing on womens birth control and reproductive health and had no women on the panel, did you feel the same about that? Did that make you want to throw up? Just curious.

I can't answer that because I have not seen the panel discussion. I read about it here, but I have not seen the discussion nor read anything that was not posted by another poster here.

I think I read that the discussion was actually about the first amendment and that the left wing tried to redefine the discussion. I don't know what happened so I can't answer your quesiton.

This has got to be the stupidest frickin thread on the subject yet.

Romney has voted in a Democratic Primary before and admitted it. He also ADMITTED that the reason he did it was to make sure the weaker Democratic candidate won.
Remember How Romney Voted In A Democratic Primary Himself? | TPM2012

Santorum is vying for Independent and Reagan Democrat votes. Why? Because the Romney Campaign and the inbred GOP elitist wing of the party has been touting Romney as the candidate with "electability" even though he's stiff as a coat rack and he's about to lose his home state to a no name former senator with no money.

Romney is absolutely going to destroy the party. And I really don't think he cares. I used to just think he was an out-of-touch opportunist, but he's turning out to be a power-hungry nutjob. He won't energize the base, and honestly I will vote for Gingrich, Santorum, or Paul over Obama, but if comes down to Romney v Obama, I just won't vote. Sorry. I won't.
The only way it matters is if Rick can take all in michigan, which wont happen. I will say, the more delegates each candidate secures, the less likely any of them have of getting the 1,144 needed to seal the deal. Which means more popcorn for us and a shit show at the convention.

Go for it Rick. Go for it.

Democratic voters who resent Romney’s stance against the auto-industry bailout and prefer to see Obama face Santorum could tip the balance against Mitt in the state, where he and the Pennsylvania ex-senator are now deadlocked.

I did my part. I voted for Santorum. My parents voted for Santorum. And I just heard on Channel 2 Fox News (Not the Fox News you are thinking about but the local news in Michigan) a union organizer got confirmation from 12,000 people that they would show up to vote for Santorum.

This is going to cause the GOP all kinds of headaches. Would have been much better for the GOP if Romney would have won both Arizona and Michigan. Now its gonna drag on. Gives Obama more time.

And did you hear Obama's speech today at the Auto Companies? Oh my God is he in rare form. Now the Republicans are gonna cry that he's campaigning while on official business. :eusa_boohoo:
"Operation Reverse Chaos" . Good move by Santorum. I hear Romney is livid...
If Santorum wins Michigan and they give Romney the delegates anyways, the evangelicals will sit it out in November. MOOOOOHHHHAAAAAA!!!
I suspect some Democrats will vote for Santorum. It'd be wonderful having him as the GOP candidate.

Agree, IF I could vote for Ricky baby, I would. I want him to win. I want to see Pres Obama absolutely destroy him, both in debate's and the election. And I used to think Rick might be ok. Till he went off the social issue deep end. Now he is looking like as big an idiot as Herman Cain.

okay, maybe I'm getting old, but I remember Democrats in 1980 saying, "Boy, I hope the Republicans nominate Ronald Reagan and not someone sensible like George Bush. We'll destroy him!"

Didn't work out that way.

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