Santorum, Desperate and Pathetic, panders to Democrats.

Give him the credit he deserves for this stroke of genius.

Romney was going to claim Democrats crossed over to support Santorum...especially if Santorum wins.

Now Santorum has the rebuttal that he ASKED for their vote.

If Romney tries to make the Democrat claim now, Santorum says he has broad base support.

The Democrats voted for him because he reached out to them.

It's a master stroke. He robs Romney of his excuse for losing his home state. :eusa_clap:
I suspect some Democrats will vote for Santorum. It'd be wonderful having him as the GOP candidate.

Agree, IF I could vote for Ricky baby, I would. I want him to win. I want to see Pres Obama absolutely destroy him, both in debate's and the election. And I used to think Rick might be ok. Till he went off the social issue deep end. Now he is looking like as big an idiot as Herman Cain.

okay, maybe I'm getting old, but I remember Democrats in 1980 saying, "Boy, I hope the Republicans nominate Ronald Reagan and not someone sensible like George Bush. We'll destroy him!"

Didn't work out that way.

You're absolutely right, that was said about Reagan. Law of unintended consequences.

However...Santorum is to the right of Reagan on social issues and the country isn't THAT far right anymore, especially on these social issues that Santorum seems to be making his whole platform.

Oh, and Reagan didn't have that pesky Google problem that plagues Frothy. :lol:

Where Everybody's Googled Your Name
You're absolutely right, that was said about Reagan. Law of unintended consequences.

However...Santorum is to the right of Reagan on social issues and the country isn't THAT far right anymore, especially on these social issues that Santorum seems to be making his whole platform.

Oh, and Reagan didn't have that pesky Google problem that plagues Frothy. :lol:

Where Everybody's Googled Your Name

Yup, reminding people about why Gays are icky is going to really help the gay cause. You keep going with that.
You're absolutely right, that was said about Reagan. Law of unintended consequences.

However...Santorum is to the right of Reagan on social issues and the country isn't THAT far right anymore, especially on these social issues that Santorum seems to be making his whole platform.

Oh, and Reagan didn't have that pesky Google problem that plagues Frothy. :lol:

Where Everybody's Googled Your Name

Yup, reminding people about why Gays are icky is going to really help the gay cause. You keep going with that.

Nope...sorry, but you're in the minority...most people think it's comedic justice.

Yikes: CNN Zoomed In On ‘Frothy Santorum’ Sign During AZ Debate
Agree, IF I could vote for Ricky baby, I would. I want him to win. I want to see Pres Obama absolutely destroy him, both in debate's and the election. And I used to think Rick might be ok. Till he went off the social issue deep end. Now he is looking like as big an idiot as Herman Cain.

okay, maybe I'm getting old, but I remember Democrats in 1980 saying, "Boy, I hope the Republicans nominate Ronald Reagan and not someone sensible like George Bush. We'll destroy him!"

Didn't work out that way.

You're absolutely right, that was said about Reagan. Law of unintended consequences.

However...Santorum is to the right of Reagan on social issues and the country isn't THAT far right anymore, especially on these social issues that Santorum seems to be making his whole platform.

Oh, and Reagan didn't have that pesky Google problem that plagues Frothy. :lol:

Where Everybody's Googled Your Name

Santorum leads Obama in nearly every swing state....Romney, not as much.

GOP 12: Poll: Santorum best against Obama in swing states
okay, maybe I'm getting old, but I remember Democrats in 1980 saying, "Boy, I hope the Republicans nominate Ronald Reagan and not someone sensible like George Bush. We'll destroy him!"

Didn't work out that way.

You're absolutely right, that was said about Reagan. Law of unintended consequences.

However...Santorum is to the right of Reagan on social issues and the country isn't THAT far right anymore, especially on these social issues that Santorum seems to be making his whole platform.

Oh, and Reagan didn't have that pesky Google problem that plagues Frothy. :lol:

Where Everybody's Googled Your Name

Santorum leads Obama in nearly every swing state....Romney, not as much.

GOP 12: Poll: Santorum best against Obama in swing states

And in National Polls Obama beats Santorum by a large margin. Polls mean nothing until the Republicans get off their roller coaster and pick a contestant.
Nope...sorry, but you're in the minority...most people think it's comedic justice.

Yikes: CNN Zoomed In On ‘Frothy Santorum’ Sign During AZ Debate

Is there someone who still watches CNN?

I don't think that Santorum is going to be the nominee because the entire establishment is going to drink the Romney Koolaid. And he wasn't a strong candidate this time. I'm actually amazed he made it this far.

But the scariest thing for social liberals should be if the GOP ever manages to divorce itself from Corporatism and embrace traditional values...

You've said yourself you never want the marriage issue put to a vote. Because you'll lose. YOu'd rather have a court give it to you.
If Santorum wins Michigan and they give Romney the delegates anyways, the evangelicals will sit it out in November. MOOOOOHHHHAAAAAA!!!

^ :lol: Don't count on it...

Are you even paying attention? Have you seen how low the turnout is?

And I don't believe it but as of right now Romney beating Santorum by 5%. I don't believe it! I call BULLSHIT!!!!

You mean if you combine all the real Santorum supporters and all the Liberals who voted for Santorum, we couldn't beat Romney? No Fucking Way!!! I call BULLSHIT!!

Santorum should have won the same way Liebermann held his seat. He lost the primary but ran as a 3rd party, remember? He got enough votes from both sides to be the winner our of 3 people. He didn't get more than 50% of the vote, but he got enough to win. This is how Santorum should have won tonight. The elections are rigged. I'm calling Rick Snyder a criminal! Another Katherine Harris or Ken Blackwell.
santorum: The sometimes frothy, usually slimy, amalgam of lubricant, stray fecal matter, and ejaculate that leaks out of the receiving partner's anus after a session of anal intercourse.


That is supposed to be funny?

Whats next, you're going to say he eats his boogers and his mommy wears combat boots?

Fucking grow up why dont you?
If Santorum wins Michigan and they give Romney the delegates anyways, the evangelicals will sit it out in November. MOOOOOHHHHAAAAAA!!!

^ :lol: Don't count on it...

Are you even paying attention? Have you seen how low the turnout is?

And I don't believe it but as of right now Romney beating Santorum by 5%. I don't believe it! I call BULLSHIT!!!!

You mean if you combine all the real Santorum supporters and all the Liberals who voted for Santorum, we couldn't beat Romney? No Fucking Way!!! I call BULLSHIT!!

Santorum should have won the same way Liebermann held his seat. He lost the primary but ran as a 3rd party, remember? He got enough votes from both sides to be the winner our of 3 people. He didn't get more than 50% of the vote, but he got enough to win. This is how Santorum should have won tonight. The elections are rigged. I'm calling Rick Snyder a criminal! Another Katherine Harris or Ken Blackwell.

Not sure what your point is here.

I think I've established I don't like Romney. But,yeah, his win is pretty consistant with where the polling was and he had the machinery to get out the vote and he did.

Also, even Paul Begala said that teh Democratic turnout in this GOP Primary was actually LOWER than it was in 2008.

I think we'll find out tomorrow that the voter turnout was low and Romney got less votes than he did in 2008. But it does keep the GOP Establishment from admitting they made a huge mistake by backing this guy.
Santorum is unelectable for the simple reason that he most closely represents the sum total of views and beliefs of the Right,

and normal Americans do not want to be led by anyone who fits that description.

So no normal Americans are conservative?

Damn, you are a fucking bigot.
You know what? The idea that anyone of us would say that others of us have no right to have a voice in the public arena makes me want to throw up too. In that, I am in complete agreement with Rick Santorum.

I know what you mean. When Darrell I Will Steal Your Car Issa had a public hearing on womens birth control and reproductive health and had no women on the panel, did you feel the same about that? Did that make you want to throw up? Just curious.

That is a specific case, and anyone with a brain knows that had Issa openly stated no women have a right to express an opinion on this as JFK said no religious people should affect public policy directly or indirectly, you would be shitting a brick and crying to any newsdesk that would take your call.

And you know it too.
If Santorum wins Michigan and they give Romney the delegates anyways, the evangelicals will sit it out in November. MOOOOOHHHHAAAAAA!!!

Where you been hidin' Sealy?

Did you get a deer this year?

Spring turkeys are right around the corner...
Oh, I get it. And like I said, he won't be getting shit when it comes to delegates. He might be using machiavellian tactics to try and push himself up, but it isn't going to work in the primary.

He's a joke.

At this point..and considering that the other candidates seem to have given up the get Romney meme..what he's doing is positioning himself for either something in a Romney administration..or another run in 2016.

Either way..he's got nothing to lose. No one expects him to get the nomination.

You are wrong about that. 2010 changed a whole lot of things, and politics in the GOP has changed as well. Most are not willing to take orders from the elite banksters lap dogs any more and want to pick their own candidate by an actual vote, believe it or not.

If the GOP establsihment forces Romney on us anyway, fuck the GOP forever. It will be time to throw that rotted mass of shit into the river and start a third party.

I almost prefer the thought of the second option and just do a clean reboot.

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