Santorum, Perkins and the Religious Right's Vision of America


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Peter Montgomery: "Get Out!" Santorum, Perkins and the Religious Right's Vision of America

We know who this religious nutter assicates himself with, people who say shat like this

I don't care what the liberals say, I don't care what the naysayers say, this nation was founded as a Christian nation, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob -- there's only one God, there's only one God, and his name is Jesus.

I'm tired of people telling me that I can't say those words, I'm tired of people telling us as Christians that we can't voice our beliefs or we can no longer pray in public. Listen to me, if you don't love America, and you don't like the way we do things, I got one thing to say: Get out! We don't worship Buddha, we don't worship Mohammed, we don't worship Allah, we worship God, we worship God's son Jesus Christ....

We need change in America... I believe the church needs to be the conscience of the nation. The church needs to be the conscience of our state and our local community... As long as they continue to kill little babies in our mothers' womb, somebody's got to take a stand and stay, "it's not right, God be merciful to us as a nation."

As long as sexual perversion is becoming normalized, somebody needs to stand up and say "God forgive us, God have mercy upon us."

As long as they continue to tell our children they cannot pray in public schools, or pray in open public places today, somebody's got to take a stand and say "God forgive us, God have mercy upon us."

As long as they continue to tear down traditional marriage, listen, God intended for marriage to be between a man and a woman and as long as they continue to attack marriage, somebody needs to take a stand and say "NO! NO! NO! NO!"

... I believe -- it's a spiritual thing -- if we'll put God back in America, put God back in our pulpits, put God back in our homes and in our statehouse and then in Washington, D.C. then we can have revival in America and the Holy Spirit will show up and great and mighty things will happen for this country.

If he wants to put religion before politics he should get out, out of politics that is.
I used to respect Catholics until Santorum came onto the scene. Now, they are only filled with loud mouth pedophiles that Political Chic is happy to defend. :badgrin:
The lefts vision for America;

[ame=]Reverend Jeremiah Wright "God Damn America" - YouTube[/ame]

20 years big 0 went to that man.

for 20 years he listened too and prayed with a man that wants god to damn America.

but hey, that's different, somehow, it's ok.

The lefts vision for America;

Reverend Jeremiah Wright "God Damn America" - YouTube

20 years big 0 went to that man.

for 20 years he listened too and prayed with a man that wants god to damn America.

but hey, that's different, somehow, it's ok.


because most leftists say what Jermiah Wright says, :rolleyes: what a facktard.

ahh, so it IS different!

It's not ok for Rick to be intorduced by a man he barely knows, that's a nut.

but it's hunky fuckin dory for big 0 to attend a nuts church for 20 years.


Why do you come here? you fail and fail again.

do you like public humiliation? I'm not judging, I'd just like to know if you are into that sort of thing.
I used to respect Catholics until Santorum came onto the scene. Now, they are only filled with loud mouth pedophiles that Political Chic is happy to defend. :badgrin:

Well relax on the Catholics. Santorum is not doing well among Catholic voters. According to the CNN exit polls in Illinois for example he only got 30% of the Catholic vote compared to Romney's 53%. In Ohio it was 44%-31% Romney over Santorum. My Mother is a devout Catholic and thinks Santorum is am embarrassment to the Church. She supports Romney as well. Where Santorum gets a lot of support is from Evangelical Christians.

Primaries - Exit/Entrance Polls - Election Center 2012 - Elections & Politics from

Primaries - Exit/Entrance Polls - Election Center 2012 - Elections & Politics from

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