Santos Promises To Matt Gaetz to Resign if 142,000 people demand it

where do i sign up? lol resign, George...NOW

The left have gone full retard over this guy.

Republicans didn’t vote for him because of his background or what school he went to. They simply vote against the batshit crazy Democrat who would be helping to destroy this country even more.

We can primary him in 2024.
The left have gone full retard over this guy.

Republicans didn’t vote for him because of his background or what school he went to. They simply vote against the batshit crazy Democrat who would be helping to destroy this country even more.

We can primary him in 2024.
Which part of the nation has been destroyed these last two years?
Matt should say that if Biden resigns he will resign.

That would be hilarious, especially since there is zero change of Biden ever resigning.
Why pick on Santos? Biden is guilty of the same thing and worse and it wouldn't be hard to find 142,000 people to ask him to resign.
The left have gone full retard over this guy.

Republicans didn’t vote for him because of his background or what school he went to. They simply vote against the batshit crazy Democrat who would be helping to destroy this country even more.

We can primary him in 2024.
See, this is exactly what is wrong with the GOP today. You are no longer moral or responsible. You are no longer pro-conservative. You are anti-liberal. All you care about is "owning the libs" and don't give a flying fuck about principles.

And that's a HUGE difference.

People like you murdered the GOP.
Which part of the nation has been destroyed these last two years?
Take a look at most downtown areas of big cities. Total shit holes. Take a look at the border. The economy. Inflation. Our money being burned in the money pit known as Ukraine. Censorship by Big Tech, brought to you by the Federal government.
He wants 142,00 signatures?

Does this have anything to do with the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation

If so, what happened to the last 2 people?

Just curious.
It's a two minute video and you couldn't take the time to watch it?

Santos said 142,000 people voted for him and if those same 142,000 people say they don't want him, he will quit.
Santos did more than "embellish his resume". Santos received illegal contributions. That is what is going to get him in legal trouble.
See, this is exactly what is wrong with the GOP today. You are no longer moral or responsible. You are no longer pro-conservative. You are anti-liberal. All you care about is "owning the libs" and don't give a flying fuck about principles.

And that's a HUGE difference.

People like you murdered the GOP.
The GOP murdered itself with people like Bush, McCain, Romney, McConnell, Graham, Kinzinger, Cheney, etc.

I don’t care about “owning the libs”, I care about saving this country from the brink.
He wants 142,00 signatures?

Does this have anything to do with the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation

If so, what happened to the last 2 people?

Just curious.
That would be 2000, not 2. Yes, this is a reference to Revelation. The other 2000 are the lost tribe of Israel.
Republicans didn’t vote for him because of his background or what school he went to. They simply vote against the batshit crazy Democrat who would be helping to destroy this country even more.

It is good to see this kind of honesty.

You all do not give a flying fuck about anything but the letter next to the name on the ballot.
Take a look at most downtown areas of big cities. Total shit holes. Take a look at the border. The economy. Inflation. Our money being burned in the money pit known as Ukraine. Censorship by Big Tech, brought to you by the Federal government.
Urban decay has been going on in the US since the 1950s-1960s get real dude.
Santos did more than "embellish his resume". Santos received illegal contributions. That is what is going to get him in legal trouble.
You mean like Biden being fined over $200k for campaign violations?
Or how about nearly all Dems receiving millions from SBF?

A lot of politicians have received dirty money. So when are all of them going to be held accountable?
You can tell any lie, grab any pussy, break any law, force your women to get abortions, beat your women to a pulp, abandon your children, molest kids, and you will have the full backing of the organization formerly known as the Republican Party.

You can even shoot someone on Fifth Avenue.

Then once you are in office, you can add trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions to the federal debt.

This is exactly why I left the GOP.
Urban decay has been going on in the US since the 1950s-1960s get real dude.
Yes, all because of Democrats. I call it the Detroitification of America, and it keeps just getting worse. But idiots like you think nothing can be done about it.

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