Sara Palin Thumps Hillary

Yes Palin really is really Low IQ, just like her supporters

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Most liberals can't read.

Really? cannot read? Is that why Liberals and leftists who are college educated voted for Your better. While the slack jawed trailer dwelling bible thumping white trash christers in the low education states (or as Jimmy Breslin called them, the Low IQ red states) who voted for the wasilla hillbilly ,can read? :lol:

Now here we have the perfect example of the elitist scumbag college educated piece of human fecal matter that believes that since he agreed with all the subversives professors in those FORMERLY highly regarded institutes, that hard working, GOD fearing, Traditional values people are "slack jawed trailer dwelling bible thumping white trash christers in the low education states". The INTOLERANCE of the supposed tolerant liberal!

There truly is a reason that US (IMPLIED) IDIOTS still rely on human muscle, and guns, the same type of weapon that the original Patriots dispatched the insurgents with.... Sooner or later, the (IMPLIED) IDIOTS will have to also dispatch the virus that has turned a once great, and looked up to country, to a laughing stock around the world.

Guano, I keep adding that "A" to your name precisely because as guano represents, you are BIRD SHIT!
What were the first week sales of Palin's second book? Not that any of this means anything. Just curious.

From the article you failed to read, obviously.


Fail. Maybe you need to read the article.

Her book, when compared to former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's political memoir, Going Rogue, has woefully underperformed in sales.

Going Rogue is Palin's first book. It did great when released at the height of her popularity. What were the numbers for Palin's second book, America by Heart, released when her 15 mins were just about up?

You are correct I read it wrongly. But Palin didn't do badly with her second book which wasn't pushed like the first. She sold a million copies and rose to 2nd place on the NYT best seller's list.

Comparing the two books when both are or were in their height of popularity shows that Palin trounces Hillary. I am thinking her second book will prove to do the same.

Sales For Sarah Palin?s Second Book Spike Unexpectedly | A Time For Choosing
It is obvious to anyone with half a brain that those are typos. :lol:
Educated people proof read. In addition, there is a spell checker built right into the browser you are using. Even the mobile browsers have them. It highlights the misspelled words with little red squiggly underlines.

An educated person would take the half second to check to see if even a dumb program can spell better than they can. So, speaking of half-brains. Perhaps you should go find that other half.

The point, which sailed over you head, is to tend to your own house before criticizing others.

Read my other posts; you will see that was an exception. I was rushing. Make a big deal about it if you want; I know the reality. Making typographical errors is not the same thing as thinking the word trump is thump. You are showing a very pallid intellect yourself if you think making a big deal out of typos proves anything. No, your point did not sail over my head: your point was to attack some typos in the hopes of putting me down and supporting a fellow conservative by whatever means of which you could avail yourself. It's extremely transparent. Cheap shots. There is no spell check on my browser, btw. Oh, and I'm done with this idiotic crap. Won't respond to further ad hominem attacks.

The attack of the spelling cops. Finding spelling errors is a little easier than defending someone like Palin who can't go beyond a few words without leaving the listener in confusion as to what she's trying to say. She now reverts mostly to one liners and buzz words but her fans love it anyway.
Based on Palin's interviews that she has given in the past, I would be very surprised if she has even read the book that she paid someone to ghost write for her.
Educated people proof read. In addition, there is a spell checker built right into the browser you are using. Even the mobile browsers have them. It highlights the misspelled words with little red squiggly underlines.

An educated person would take the half second to check to see if even a dumb program can spell better than they can. So, speaking of half-brains. Perhaps you should go find that other half.

The point, which sailed over you head, is to tend to your own house before criticizing others.

Read my other posts; you will see that was an exception. I was rushing. Make a big deal about it if you want; I know the reality. Making typographical errors is not the same thing as thinking the word trump is thump. You are showing a very pallid intellect yourself if you think making a big deal out of typos proves anything. No, your point did not sail over my head: your point was to attack some typos in the hopes of putting me down and supporting a fellow conservative by whatever means of which you could avail yourself. It's extremely transparent. Cheap shots. There is no spell check on my browser, btw. Oh, and I'm done with this idiotic crap. Won't respond to further ad hominem attacks.

The attack of the spelling cops. Finding spelling errors is a little easier than defending someone like Palin who can't go beyond a few words without leaving the listener in confusion as to what she's trying to say. She now reverts mostly to one liners and buzz words but her fans love it anyway.

Your problem is your 2 digit IQ that let's you only hear GRUNTING sounds! But you can recognize simple words like FOOD, JELLO, CRAPO, etc. and know what people are talking about.... It come with the liberal mental disorder.....

Read my other posts; you will see that was an exception. I was rushing. Make a big deal about it if you want; I know the reality. Making typographical errors is not the same thing as thinking the word trump is thump. You are showing a very pallid intellect yourself if you think making a big deal out of typos proves anything. No, your point did not sail over my head: your point was to attack some typos in the hopes of putting me down and supporting a fellow conservative by whatever means of which you could avail yourself. It's extremely transparent. Cheap shots. There is no spell check on my browser, btw. Oh, and I'm done with this idiotic crap. Won't respond to further ad hominem attacks.

The attack of the spelling cops. Finding spelling errors is a little easier than defending someone like Palin who can't go beyond a few words without leaving the listener in confusion as to what she's trying to say. She now reverts mostly to one liners and buzz words but her fans love it anyway.

Your problem is your 2 digit IQ that let's you only hear GRUNTING sounds! But you can recognize simple words like FOOD, JELLO, CRAPO, etc. and know what people are talking about.... It come with the liberal mental disorder.....


Between you and Tommy, I can't stop laughing.. ;-)
Read my other posts; you will see that was an exception. I was rushing. Make a big deal about it if you want; I know the reality. Making typographical errors is not the same thing as thinking the word trump is thump. You are showing a very pallid intellect yourself if you think making a big deal out of typos proves anything. No, your point did not sail over my head: your point was to attack some typos in the hopes of putting me down and supporting a fellow conservative by whatever means of which you could avail yourself. It's extremely transparent. Cheap shots. There is no spell check on my browser, btw. Oh, and I'm done with this idiotic crap. Won't respond to further ad hominem attacks.

The attack of the spelling cops. Finding spelling errors is a little easier than defending someone like Palin who can't go beyond a few words without leaving the listener in confusion as to what she's trying to say. She now reverts mostly to one liners and buzz words but her fans love it anyway.

Your problem is your 2 digit IQ that let's you only hear GRUNTING sounds! But you can recognize simple words like FOOD, JELLO, CRAPO, etc. and know what people are talking about.... It come with the liberal mental disorder.....


I am a liberal and I hate men? Lol
Next time someone on here calls me a whore can I link this?
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The attack of the spelling cops. Finding spelling errors is a little easier than defending someone like Palin who can't go beyond a few words without leaving the listener in confusion as to what she's trying to say. She now reverts mostly to one liners and buzz words but her fans love it anyway.

Your problem is your 2 digit IQ that let's you only hear GRUNTING sounds! But you can recognize simple words like FOOD, JELLO, CRAPO, etc. and know what people are talking about.... It come with the liberal mental disorder.....


I am a liberal and I hate men? Lol
Next time someone on here calls me a whore can I link this?

White, Christian ,Straight Men... You are black and a liberal, are you not?
Your problem is your 2 digit IQ that let's you only hear GRUNTING sounds! But you can recognize simple words like FOOD, JELLO, CRAPO, etc. and know what people are talking about.... It come with the liberal mental disorder.....


I am a liberal and I hate men? Lol
Next time someone on here calls me a whore can I link this?

White, Christian ,Straight Men... You are black and a liberal, are you not?

No I am not black. Lol
Why would you assume I am black?
I am a straight woman, who has mostly dated straight white Christian men. My father and brothers are all white straight Christian men. Does that answer your stupid bigoted question?
The black guy I dated in my 20s was even Christian. Stupid right wingers, projecting their hate on others.
I am a liberal and I hate men? Lol
Next time someone on here calls me a whore can I link this?

White, Christian ,Straight Men... You are black and a liberal, are you not?

No I am not black. Lol
Why would you assume I am black?
I am a straight woman, who has mostly dated straight white Christian men. My father and brothers are all white straight Christian men. Does that answer your stupid bigoted question?
The black guy I dated in my 20s was even Christian. Stupid right wingers, projecting their hate on others.

May I apologize for thinking you were black, just goes to prove that there are stupid white women who are liberals, and enjoy working for less than a man under the Obuma regime!
White, Christian ,Straight Men... You are black and a liberal, are you not?

No I am not black. Lol
Why would you assume I am black?
I am a straight woman, who has mostly dated straight white Christian men. My father and brothers are all white straight Christian men. Does that answer your stupid bigoted question?
The black guy I dated in my 20s was even Christian. Stupid right wingers, projecting their hate on others.

May I apologize for thinking you were black, just goes to prove that there are stupid white women who are liberals, and enjoy working for less than a man under the Obuma regime!

Were you headed butted over and over as a baby?
Actually, the number of people with 95 I.Q. or less exactly equals the number of people with 105 I.Q.s or more.

You would know that if you were smart and understood how a normal distribution worked. Instead, like all of Hillary's admirers, you're just a pretentious dumb jackass.

Although the design is for average IQ to be 100, actually the average IQ in the US in 98. Your commentary assumes an average of 100 with a bell shaped curve. Given your vulgarity I am guessing that your IQ is pushing down the average.

Change your avatar it is disgusting.

"Jackass" is an insult, but it's not a vulgarity. You would know that if you weren't a pretentious dumb jackass libturd.

I'd say your I.Q. is above average for a libturd. That means it's above 40.

A child giving the bird IS a vulgarity. Change your avatar.

Yet another assumption by you that I am a liberal. Here is a hint for the dimwitted: Not everyone who thinks you have a lower than average IQ is necessarily a libturd.

You have made several assumptions with no foundation: that average IQ is 100, that it follows a symmetrical bell shaped curve, and that my politics are liberal. Your postings are a sign of a lower than average intelligence. Stupidity and rudeness are a poor way to go through life. I suggest you stop posting till you have something to offer and in the meantime change your offensive avatar.

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