Sarah Palin: A National Treasure Who Can Fix D.C. And Heal America

Sarah Palin may get a chance refudiate her bell ringing for England whilst chopping off some turkey heads or going to some drunken brawls - during the 2016 RNC. I think she would be just the perfect keynote speaker for their clown car.
Sarah Palin has continued to be engaged in the political dialog unlike any other figure on the national scene. She is what I call the female Will Rogers of our times.
The only person who can mop the floor with faux squaw Warren or Cankles Clinton and not be portrayed as a male chauvanist pig is....a woman, Sarah Palin. Like what she did in Alaska fighting crony capitalism and corrupt lawmakers, she will do the same in Washington D.C. and across America. America needs her, we need her.


Blog Finally Sarah Palin yes

Back for another shot at this, StevieBigot?
Sarah Palin has continued to be engaged in the political dialog unlike any other figure on the national scene. She is what I call the female Will Rogers of our times.


Will Rogers was a drunk who spoke in tongues, had an exorcism and quit/failed at everything he did?

Post a link to prove it.

The only person who can mop the floor with faux squaw Warren or Cankles Clinton and not be portrayed as a male chauvanist pig is....a woman, Sarah Palin. Like what she did in Alaska fighting crony capitalism and corrupt lawmakers, she will do the same in Washington D.C. and across America. America needs her, we need her.

Blog Finally Sarah Palin yes
We had to endure Obama because McCain picked her.

If what you say has a grain of truth, she should have finished her term, and gone to the House or Senate.

I spit thinking of how GOP blew that election, even though I despise McCain.

I despise him LESS than the Amateur.

Do you really think that the GOP could have survived the unprecedented disaster which was Scrub, and won in 2008?

This must really chap your rear...

I have tried to like Hillary.

I can't and I cant sell her. I cant package her. I cant make her likeable.

For those that don't know me. I can sell anything. I can't sell her. My husband even asked me. I can't sell her.
A match between Sarah and Hillary would be interesting. I believe Sarah would win due to being prettier, smarter, more likable, and more accomplished. I also believe the match-up will not happen.

"More accomplished"?

Are you limiting it to the category of "Whelping"? Clearly "Raising" can't be part....
A month in, $he would quit.

Then what?

Fox fired her and they'll let anyone yammer lies on the air.

$he can't get any more "reality" shows because they've all failed.

Her Internet "channel" is a bust.

Sorry StoopidSteave but $arah is done.

Deal with it.
All false.

Prove it.

Not only is it all true, more telling is that even the craziest RWs have distanced themselves from her. Fox liars, Beck (who once adored her), Limbaugh (who always hated her) ...

Brietbart. Hmmm, maybe she could get a gig on Brietbart. They love liars and failures.

Breitbart is dead......succumbed to his cocaine habit....

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