Sarah Palin appears on 'Saturday Night Live'

Never said SNL made her a redneck. I just said that I watched it, and, based on what I'd seen on SNL, combined with all the garbage that I've seen her spew over the airwaves, and I'm even more convinced now that she's a redneck bitch.

I actually LIKE SNL!

Didn't figure that the pitbull would pussy out of doing a rap though......figures, she's even more of a coward than McInsane. At least McInsane is decent enough to pander to people, she simply just refuses.[/QUOTE]

Uh, Biker, that was just part of the skit. She didn't chicken out, it was to make it funny that Amy Poehler would do it instead, even 9 months preggers!

It was hysterical, and Sarah Palin was a good sport about EVERYTHING-I give her kudos!
Go back and find the link, dipshit. What I said was I was an undecided republican (at the time I had not made up my mind - I have now and have done so for several, several weeks - as a matter of fact it was the day that Obama chose Biden as his running mate ) ... you have nothing better to do ... put up or shut up! :eusa_hand:

Your only explanation was that you "changed your mind." How do you change your mind about how you're registered? It makes no sense whatsoever. If you change how you're registered, why would you change it from Independent to Republican to vote for Obama? That makes you crazy.
Never said SNL made her a redneck. I just said that I watched it, and, based on what I'd seen on SNL, combined with all the garbage that I've seen her spew over the airwaves, and I'm even more convinced now that she's a redneck bitch.

I actually LIKE SNL!

Didn't figure that the pitbull would pussy out of doing a rap though......figures, she's even more of a coward than McInsane. At least McInsane is decent enough to pander to people, she simply just refuses.

Wow, you're fucking stupid. Her "chickening out" was part of the skit. It makes sense you're voting for Obama. Clearly your perception sucks.
Wow, you're fucking stupid. Her "chickening out" was part of the skit. It makes sense you're voting for Obama. Clearly your perception sucks.

I'd heard that there were skits they'd asked her to do, one of which was that rap skit, and she said no BEFORE the show.

Your only explanation was that you "changed your mind." How do you change your mind about how you're registered? It makes no sense whatsoever. If you change how you're registered, why would you change it from Independent to Republican to vote for Obama? That makes you crazy.

Twist what I said all that you want, you are wrong.

What this makes is you is the new Sunni Man on the board. :clap2: Congrats!
Twist what I said all that you want, you are wrong.

What this makes is you is the new Sunni Man on the board. :clap2: Congrats!

I'm sorry, TWIST what you said? I'm quoting you word for word. You said "we Independents," and then you said you're a Republican voting for Obama. So, which is it?
Did anyone think the part where she was on the Weekend Update was alittle wierd!
I'm sorry, TWIST what you said? I'm quoting you word for word. You said "we Independents," and then you said you're a Republican voting for Obama. So, which is it?

Jsanders .... when you grow some balls and decide to vote, give me a call ... until then ... I bow to and quote Shattered ..... "STFU"! :eusa_whistle:
Jsanders .... when you grow some balls and decide to vote, give me a call ... until then ... I bow to and quote Shattered ..... "STFU"! :eusa_whistle:

Wow, that's pretty pathetic an attack. I'm not satisfied with the candidates, so I don't vote. I didn't realize that made me ball-less. I thought it made me disgruntled.
must be easier when other people are writing your material. wonder if she watched it with her volume up this time.
must be easier when other people are writing your material. wonder if she watched it with her volume up this time.

I love how a racist woman acted as if she was digging the rap music that is obviously a creation of the black community. The irony
they love rap in europe; they're so much more enlightened there.

What? Does that have anything to do with what I said? And yes, they are so much more enlightened when it comes to race relations than this country

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