Sarah Palin: I didn’t read ‘Duck Dynasty’ interview

Palin was the first female and youngest governor to be elected in Alaska, which is tied for the second most powerful governorship in the United States, according to Thad Beyle, a political scientist at the University of North Carolina.
Palin's approval rating average from the time of her inauguration until John McCain selected her as his running mate was 77.38%. Her consistently high approval ratings reached their zenith in May of 2007, at 93%. Alaska pollster David Dittman said at the time, "Her strength is her independence. She distanced herself from the old boy Republican regime and has been completely non-partisan.” Alaska Democratic Party Chairman Jake Westbrook gave Palin credit for “working across party lines on issues where there is agreement."
Budgeting and Spending
Palin cut state spending between 2007 and 2010 by 9.5% while also reducing federal earmark requests by more than 80% during her tenure. She used her line-item veto to cut more than a quarter billion in superfluous spending in both 2007 and 2008. In 2009, she instituted a temporary hiring freeze, while at the same time reducing spending by more than 33% between FY2009 and FY2010.
But she didn’t just cut spending; she saved, reformed, and prioritized like a good fiscal manager. She invested $5 billion in state savings, overhauled education funding, paid down debt, invested $2.6 billion in an education fund for the future, and funded a Senior Benefits Program to provide support for low-income Alaskan seniors.
Her recently released emails prove that she did indeed kill the "Bridge to Nowhere." In fact, Palin wanted to redirect the federal funds to Minnesota after the bridge there collapsed in 2007, as she indicated in an email to her staff. Palin also rejected much of President Obama's "stimulus money" in 2009."

Who Is the Real Sarah Palin?
Ethics reform was the hallmark of Palin’s governorship. She was swept into office on a reform message in a state with a serious corruption problem. Alaska at the time was undergoing a federal investigation that culminated in the indictment of various corrupt lawmakers. Palin had made a name for herself as an ethics crusader when she chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservative Commission and blew the whistle on fellow commissioner and state GOP head Randy Ruedrich for doing party business on state time. This resulted in Ruedrich receiving a $12,000 fine—the largest civil fine for ethics in the state’s history. Alaskans respected the fact that Palin was not afraid of taking on the establishment of her own party.
As governor, Palin fought for and signed sweeping bipartisan ethics legislation, which restricted lobbyists, improved disclosure laws, and improved executive and legislative branch ethics laws. In the face of corruption, she continued to take on her own party when it was necessary. She also increased transparency by releasing her oil tax bill to her constituents 17 days prior to the special legislative session, opening up natural gas pipeline deals to all potential parties, putting the state checkbook online, and not allowing lobbyists in her office."

Yeah, that Sarah's such a failure and a know-nothing.

You leftist retards are so pathetically brainwashed, it's ridiculous. Not only do you not have the information you need to intelligently discuss ANY important don't seem to have the ABILITY to do any research at all! You seem to think you are relegated to ONLY accepting information from extremist lefties like yourself...except...pssst...those people you listen to...they KNOW the truth, and deliberately fill you with lies.

They count on your stupidity. And you NEVER fail them!
Palin didn't have to read the article. She and her daughter Bristol visited the Robertson's in their hometown of West Monroe, La weekend before last and spent the day with them. Here are pictures from the visit. It was big time news in that community.

Sarah Palin + ‘Duck Dynasty’ = Photos You Know You Want to See
Sarah Palin + ?Duck Dynasty? = Photos You Know You Want to See |




So? did they did they discuss his feelings on the subject then? Did they sit around the table and talk about homosexuals being wrong according to the bible? Or did they discuss Palin getting a big black dick in the past?
Haha...just whisper "PALIN" and zona comes out from under his rock.

Seriously, do you have some sort of program that sets off an alarm when anyone, anywhere, mentions Palin?
Haha...just whisper "PALIN" and zona comes out from under his rock.

Seriously, do you have some sort of program that sets off an alarm when anyone, anywhere, mentions Palin?

the left hates Palin so much it drove Bashir insane and he resigned his job in shame
but not many here have any shame...just sad little people
but don't talk about Michelle MaBell Obama...all claws will come out
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Sarah Palin: I didn’t read ‘Duck Dynasty’ interview

Turns out Sarah Palin, who has been one of Duck Dynasty’s biggest defenders, hasn’t actually read the GQ interview that includes cast member Phil Robertson’s controversial comments on homosexuality and other subjects.

When pressed by Fox News host Greta Van Susteren whether the language Robertson used when talking about his opposition to homosexuality was graphic and offensive, Palin admitted she didn’t know what Robertson had said.

“I haven’t read the article. I don’t know exactly how he said it,” Palin said Monday on Fox News’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.”

After the GQ interview was published, Palin immediately came to Robertson’s defense by posting a statement on Facebook saying it was an issue of free speech and defended his comments in a TV appearance with Sean Hannity.

Sarah Palin: I didn?t read ?Duck Dynasty? interview - Lucy McCalmont -

Quelle surprise!

Has she ever even read any article at all? :cuckoo:

Sarah Palin 4 GOP Presidential Nominee in 2016!!!
Sarah Palin: I didn’t read ‘Duck Dynasty’ interview

Turns out Sarah Palin, who has been one of Duck Dynasty’s biggest defenders, hasn’t actually read the GQ interview that includes cast member Phil Robertson’s controversial comments on homosexuality and other subjects.

When pressed by Fox News host Greta Van Susteren whether the language Robertson used when talking about his opposition to homosexuality was graphic and offensive, Palin admitted she didn’t know what Robertson had said.

“I haven’t read the article. I don’t know exactly how he said it,” Palin said Monday on Fox News’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.”

After the GQ interview was published, Palin immediately came to Robertson’s defense by posting a statement on Facebook saying it was an issue of free speech and defended his comments in a TV appearance with Sean Hannity.

Sarah Palin: I didn?t read ?Duck Dynasty? interview - Lucy McCalmont -

Quelle surprise!

Has she ever even read any article at all? :cuckoo:

Sarah Palin 4 GOP Presidential Nominee in 2016!!!

Oh, i see what you did there. :lol:
here we go with the uppity snobs in the Democrat party...Hillary who got her job off her husbands back is the only woman deserving to run for President

gawd just pathetic
here we go with the uppity snobs in the Democrat party...Hillary who got her job off her husbands back is the only woman deserving to run for President

gawd just pathetic

The important thing is that she hates America, is willing to let Americans die, and doesn't give a shit about people, period.

Oh, plus she's a corrupt bitch.

Everything a progressive dreams about in a leader.
Dainty just did the same thing he always does.


they have to keep stirring the shit pot ...they have nothing more important in their lives

Like actual Politicians who are out there ruining our lives
How many Libs read the article before posting how offended they were?

They don't even know what magazine the GQ interview was in!
here we go with the uppity snobs in the Democrat party...Hillary who got her job off her husbands back is the only woman deserving to run for President

gawd just pathetic

The important thing is that she hates America, is willing to let Americans die, and doesn't give a shit about people, period.

Oh, plus she's a corrupt bitch.

Everything a progressive dreams about in a leader.

Obama in a pantsuit and all you named above...So of course they find her suitable
Palin didn't have to read the article. She and her daughter Bristol visited the Robertson's in their hometown of West Monroe, La weekend before last and spent the day with them. Here are pictures from the visit. It was big time news in that community.

Sarah Palin + ‘Duck Dynasty’ = Photos You Know You Want to See
Sarah Palin + ?Duck Dynasty? = Photos You Know You Want to See |




Or did they discuss Palin getting a big black dick in the past?

If you were SMART, you would know that the story was a lie by the author who wrote the unauthorized biography of her. He admitted it. He admitted the book was to smear her. Palin, after refusing to grant him interviews, had to put a restraining order on him when he rented a house next to her family home when he was writing the book. He was caught looking from the 2nd floor balcony into Palins daughters windows forcing Todd Palin to build a extremely high fence between the properties where he couldn't see what they were doing.
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Politico is not doing themselves any favors as a non partisan website who post important political information of the time running this kind of crap..Now looking like a left wing National Enquire

their lose

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Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson Gives Drew Magary a Tour

Calling intolerance intolerance is the only honest reaction to intolerance. Robertson's intolerance is wrong, and his racist nonsense just plain stupid for a man who is around my age. Pretending intolerance is only an act of partisans excuses evil, and while Robertson is not evil, the sort of characterizations he engages in are the foundations of evil. Check history sometime.

Teaching Intolerance
The New Religious Intolerance | Boston Review

"We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal." Karl Popper
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In other words, those who attack Robertson are intolerant.

Got it. Of course, we already knew that, tincan...

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