Sarah Palin: I didn’t read ‘Duck Dynasty’ interview

Notice the only people who ever post anything about Sarah Palin are always lefties? Wonder why? Is she really in your heads that much? Why are you so obsessed? I truly do not understand it.

Notice how the only people who ever suggest that Palin is a viable politician to run for and be US president are always righties?

As long as the Right believes thusly, everything she says and does is something she should be held accountable for because she is a prospective presidential candidate.
So she should be held to a higher standard than the president?

Is it possible that Palin said something as stupid and disingenuous as, "If you like your plan you can keep your plan"? I mean what is the standard, and is the responsible for setting it? Relatively, Palin comes of honest at the very least.
Sarah Palin doesn't just say dumb things, she is dumb. .

If that is true then how do you explain her with hardly any money running a grass roots campaign going door to door in Alaska running for governor against two powerful wealthy experienced politicians in the names of incumbent Governor Tony Knowles and former Governor Frank Murkowski and winning? If she is dumb then how did she debate both of them 3 times on issues such as the oil and gas industry, health care, the seafood and timber industry, fiscal reforms, budgets, education and trade only to become the 14th person in our nations history to beat a incumbent governor? Explain that!

When asked about anything that would be unscripted, she becomes unravelled. ...

Wouldn't you say the same for Obama?
If that is true then how do you explain her with hardly any money running a grass roots campaign going door to door in Alaska running for governor against two powerful wealthy experienced politicians in the names of incumbent Governor Tony Knowles and former Governor Frank Murkowski and winning? If she is dumb then how did she debate both of them 3 times on issues such as the oil and gas industry, health care, the seafood and timber industry, fiscal reforms, budgets, education and trade only to become the 14th person in our nations history to beat a incumbent governor? Explain that!

When asked about anything that would be unscripted, she becomes unravelled. ...

Wouldn't you say the same for Obama?

No, I absolutely would not. He can go on for hours in his question/answer sessions and it's because he really knows the issues.

I have my own complaints about Obama but he is very intelligent and he knows how to talk to people.
Democrat women are suppose to be for THE WOMAN

well we see how full of crap that is

They hail the man (Obama) as President, like he is a Dear leader of all times

and they kicked the WOMAN (Hillary) for the man to the curb

so folks, when you see thread like this, or the best of theirs was, Palin likes Black meat.... who is really for the woman?
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When asked about anything that would be unscripted, she becomes unravelled. ...

Wouldn't you say the same for Obama?

No, I absolutely would not. He can go on for hours in his question/answer sessions and it's because he really knows the issues.

I have my own complaints about Obama but he is very intelligent and he knows how to talk to people.

He does know how to bullshit the people. Course that is all he's ever done prior to being elected so that accomplishment is nothing to write home about. Rousing the rabble isn't hard when they are dumber than you are.
Democrat women are suppose to be for THE WOMAN....
We're supposed to be for 'the woman'? Any woman, no matter how incompetent and incapable she is? You really think that? Palin is at the far end of the spectrum as far as being anywhere near smart enough to be a president. Anyone who cannot see that is very misiguided.
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Now they want to be for the Woman HILLARY as President after they kicked her around for the MAN

I laugh at them if it wasn't so pathetic when you see threads like this
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When asked about anything that would be unscripted, she becomes unravelled. ...

Wouldn't you say the same for Obama?

No, I absolutely would not. He can go on for hours in his question/answer sessions and it's because he really knows the issues.

I have my own complaints about Obama but he is very intelligent and he knows how to talk to people.

Will you admit Palin had more executive experience than Obama and knew how to run a governing body?
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Sarah Palin: I didn’t read ‘Duck Dynasty’ interview

Turns out Sarah Palin, who has been one of Duck Dynasty’s biggest defenders, hasn’t actually read the GQ interview that includes cast member Phil Robertson’s controversial comments on homosexuality and other subjects.

When pressed by Fox News host Greta Van Susteren whether the language Robertson used when talking about his opposition to homosexuality was graphic and offensive, Palin admitted she didn’t know what Robertson had said.

“I haven’t read the article. I don’t know exactly how he said it,” Palin said Monday on Fox News’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.”

After the GQ interview was published, Palin immediately came to Robertson’s defense by posting a statement on Facebook saying it was an issue of free speech and defended his comments in a TV appearance with Sean Hannity.

Sarah Palin: I didn?t read ?Duck Dynasty? interview - Lucy McCalmont -

Quelle surprise!

Has she ever even read any article at all? :cuckoo:

Anyone who had the time to read that stupid red neck's interview needs to get a life.
Sad to see the left give out atta boys for their hate of a woman who has no BEARING on their pathetic hateful lives

Have to prop each other up for something I guess

threads like this one just proves

Liberalism is hateful mental disorder
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Wouldn't you say the same for Obama?

No, I absolutely would not. He can go on for hours in his question/answer sessions and it's because he really knows the issues.

I have my own complaints about Obama but he is very intelligent and he knows how to talk to people.

Will you admit Palin had more executive experience than Obama and knew how to run a governing body?

Well, I've tried to get my point across regarding her rise to power in the Republican party. She has had some experience in Alaska.

Would you admit that she does not have a grasp of issues, foreign or domestic, enough to speak intelligently about them?
No, I absolutely would not. He can go on for hours in his question/answer sessions and it's because he really knows the issues.

I have my own complaints about Obama but he is very intelligent and he knows how to talk to people.

Will you admit Palin had more executive experience than Obama and knew how to run a governing body?

Well, I've tried to get my point across regarding her rise to power in the Republican party. She has had some experience in Alaska.

Would you admit that she does not have a grasp of issues, foreign or domestic, enough to speak intelligently about them?
Of course she has a grasp on issues. Palin has been spot on when it comes to speaking on domestic and foreign issues, especially domestic. She has a common sense folksy approach when she speaks on issues that the political and media elites can't decipher. I like it.
Will you admit Palin had more executive experience than Obama and knew how to run a governing body?

Well, I've tried to get my point across regarding her rise to power in the Republican party. She has had some experience in Alaska.

Would you admit that she does not have a grasp of issues, foreign or domestic, enough to speak intelligently about them?
Of course she has a grasp on issues. Palin has been spot on when it comes to speaking on domestic and foreign issues, especially domestic. She has a common sense folksy approach when she speaks on issues that the political and media elites can't decipher. I like it.

So she knows the issues but she refuses to be interviewed by anyone except the most wingnutty and super co dependent cable talk show hosts? OK, that is not someone I would ever find capable of leading my dog to the park let alone a leadership position in the formerly powerful Republican party.

It's obvious she is your hero, I would never ask you that. I already know.
Well, I've tried to get my point across regarding her rise to power in the Republican party. She has had some experience in Alaska.

Would you admit that she does not have a grasp of issues, foreign or domestic, enough to speak intelligently about them?
Of course she has a grasp on issues. Palin has been spot on when it comes to speaking on domestic and foreign issues, especially domestic. She has a common sense folksy approach when she speaks on issues that the political and media elites can't decipher. I like it.

So she knows the issues but she refuses to be interviewed by anyone except the most wingnutty and super co dependent cable talk show hosts? OK, that is not someone I would ever find capable of leading my dog to the park let alone a leadership position in the formerly powerful Republican party.

It's obvious she is your hero, I would never ask you that. I already know.

You really hate strong women don't you? Is it envy? Does it make you uncomfortable that she didn't abort Trig?

tapatalk post
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Of course she has a grasp on issues. Palin has been spot on when it comes to speaking on domestic and foreign issues, especially domestic. She has a common sense folksy approach when she speaks on issues that the political and media elites can't decipher. I like it.

So she knows the issues but she refuses to be interviewed by anyone except the most wingnutty and super co dependent cable talk show hosts? OK, that is not someone I would ever find capable of leading my dog to the park let alone a leadership position in the formerly powerful Republican party.

It's obvious she is your hero, I would never ask you that. I already know.

You really hate string women don't you? Is it envy? Does it make you uncomfortable that she didn't abort Trig?

tapatalk post

What's a string woman? :lol:
So she knows the issues but she refuses to be interviewed by anyone except the most wingnutty and super co dependent cable talk show hosts? OK, that is not someone I would ever find capable of leading my dog to the park let alone a leadership position in the formerly powerful Republican party.

It's obvious she is your hero, I would never ask you that. I already know.

You really hate string women don't you? Is it envy? Does it make you uncomfortable that she didn't abort Trig?

tapatalk post

What's a string woman? :lol:

You know! A STRING woman!!

"Sarah can't come to the phone right now; she's ALL tied up!"

/whip crack
Will you admit Palin had more executive experience than Obama and knew how to run a governing body?

Well, I've tried to get my point across regarding her rise to power in the Republican party. She has had some experience in Alaska.

Would you admit that she does not have a grasp of issues, foreign or domestic, enough to speak intelligently about them?
Of course she has a grasp on issues. Palin has been spot on when it comes to speaking on domestic and foreign issues, especially domestic. She has a common sense folksy approach when she speaks on issues that the political and media elites can't decipher. I like it.

This is so intensely not true, it's seriously laughable. Spot on? Seriously? Too funny!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Well, I've tried to get my point across regarding her rise to power in the Republican party. She has had some experience in Alaska.

Would you admit that she does not have a grasp of issues, foreign or domestic, enough to speak intelligently about them?
Of course she has a grasp on issues. Palin has been spot on when it comes to speaking on domestic and foreign issues, especially domestic. She has a common sense folksy approach when she speaks on issues that the political and media elites can't decipher. I like it.

This is so intensely not true, it's seriously laughable. Spot on? Seriously? Too funny!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Shows what you know, ignoramus:

Is she “unqualified” or “unprepared”? What is her actual record? The media demanded and got unprecedented access to the emails she wrote as governor. No other national or state politician has been more open and transparent. We can know this woman if we just take the time to investigate.
I did, and I discovered a record of relentless reform and fiscal leadership that goes beyond “drill, baby, drill” and is more complex than selling an expensive state jet.
Today everyone likes to call himself a deficit hawk, but it’s easy to be a budget cutter when you’re broke. Palin was a serious deficit hawk at a time when her state was flush with a massive oil revenue surplus. It takes discipline and strong conservative principles to rein in spending at a time like that. Palin cut spending by nearly 10% during her tenure while reforming government, attracting more energy companies to do business in her state and adding jobs.
In the days of credit downgrades in states across the country and for the country as a whole, Alaska has seen its credit upgraded twice since 2006 due to Palin’s reform of the state employee pensions and Alaska’s oil valuation tax.
While the nominees for both political parties have implemented health care mandates on some level, Palin proposed repealing bureaucratic mandates for health care facility development and enacted patient-centered, market-driven health care reforms.
Though she is unabashedly a woman of faith, Palin’s message and governing style garnered her approval ratings as high as 93% in the second least religious state in the country. This was no uneducated, geographically-challenged “Bible Spice.”

Who Is the Real Sarah Palin?
Palin was the first female and youngest governor to be elected in Alaska, which is tied for the second most powerful governorship in the United States, according to Thad Beyle, a political scientist at the University of North Carolina.
Palin's approval rating average from the time of her inauguration until John McCain selected her as his running mate was 77.38%. Her consistently high approval ratings reached their zenith in May of 2007, at 93%. Alaska pollster David Dittman said at the time, "Her strength is her independence. She distanced herself from the old boy Republican regime and has been completely non-partisan.” Alaska Democratic Party Chairman Jake Westbrook gave Palin credit for “working across party lines on issues where there is agreement."
Budgeting and Spending
Palin cut state spending between 2007 and 2010 by 9.5% while also reducing federal earmark requests by more than 80% during her tenure. She used her line-item veto to cut more than a quarter billion in superfluous spending in both 2007 and 2008. In 2009, she instituted a temporary hiring freeze, while at the same time reducing spending by more than 33% between FY2009 and FY2010.
But she didn’t just cut spending; she saved, reformed, and prioritized like a good fiscal manager. She invested $5 billion in state savings, overhauled education funding, paid down debt, invested $2.6 billion in an education fund for the future, and funded a Senior Benefits Program to provide support for low-income Alaskan seniors.
Her recently released emails prove that she did indeed kill the "Bridge to Nowhere." In fact, Palin wanted to redirect the federal funds to Minnesota after the bridge there collapsed in 2007, as she indicated in an email to her staff. Palin also rejected much of President Obama's "stimulus money" in 2009."

Who Is the Real Sarah Palin?

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