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Sarah Palin: 'i Owe America A Global Apology'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said she owes America a "global apology" for the 2008 GOP presidential ticket's loss to President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

During an interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity, Palin spoke about Obama's long-term strategy for defeating the Islamic State -- a militant group formerly known as ISIS or ISIL -- that he laid out in a speech Wednesday night.

"As I watched the speech last night, Sean, the thought going through my mind is, 'I owe America a global apology. Because John McCain, through all of this, John McCain should be our president,'" Palin said.

More: Sarah Palin: 'I Owe America A Global Apology'

I get the willies just thinking about a President McCain and a Vice President Sarah Palin.
What is a global apology?

Without even reading her words in their entirety (if there is such a thing since it seems like she always has to clarify her statements), my guess is that she's apologizing to the whole world for Obama being president because, in her mind, she believes that a McCain and Palin administration would have prevented most problems from arising and solved all the ones that did arise.
What is a global apology?

Without even reading her words in their entirety (if there is such a thing since it seems like she always has to clarify her statements), my guess is that she's apologizing to the whole world for Obama being president because, in her mind, she believes that a McCain and Palin administration would have prevented most problems from arising and solved all the ones that did arise.
Who knows. She said she owes America a global apology. She seems to be speaking for the entire world. Very weird.
I've been waiting for them jump all over this

she does know how to yank their chains...FREE PUBLICITY if she was considering running for President. you go girl
I'm a Republican, but when I first heard her open that yapper all those years ago I laughed and thought "we're fucked". :lol:

That's odd. I'm an elitist prick and I thought finally, someone who gets it at a fundamental level.

I suspect the operative words are "fundamental level"...as in "elementary level"...

You think that you're slamming her, but you're not. I knew someone in this thread would take a swing at the easy lob, but your effort fails.

That higher-than-fundamental thinking that you seem to value employs mostly sophistry intended to convey symbolic imagery and it's divorced from empiricism, from recognizing the world as it actually exists.

Watch this Bill Maher interview with Charlie Rose. Rose embodies the "more than fundamental" intelligence you champion, notice his cringe-inducing remark that he is a "devotee of science." Barf. Notice his remark at the 2:40 mark, Maher states "I'm sure you know these things" and Rose responds "I do" and so reveals himself to be a liar. His more sophisticated thinking, that he was pushing in the interview is revealed to be false and he knows it.

What's the point of being a sophisticated thinker if the reality that you live within is a lie divorced from how the real world operates? All you have here is an exercise of intelligence for the simply reason of wanting to construct fantasy world of thin gossamer for the intellectual pleasure of doing so. Smart people love concocting complicated mind puzzles. Political correctness is just such a complicated mind puzzle. Look at all of the distortions that you have to concoct and keep straight in your mind when you adopt a liberal world view, when you claim that Islam is a religion of peace. All the evidence must be ignored and the fiction must be advanced.

Meanwhile, Governor Palin observes:

On Conservatism:

You can call me a common-sense conservative. My approach to the issues facing my country and the world, issues that we’ll discuss today, are rooted in this common-sense conservatism… Common sense conservatism deals with the reality of the world as it is. Complicated and beautiful, tragic and hopeful, we believe in the rights and the responsibilities and the inherent dignity of the individual.

We don’t believe that human nature is perfectible; we’re suspicious of government efforts to fix problems because often what it’s trying to fix is human nature, and that is impossible. It is what it is. But that doesn’t mean that we’re resigned to, well, any negative destiny. Not at all. I believe in striving for the ideal, but in realistic confines of human nature…

On Liberalism:

The opposite of a common-sense conservative is a liberalism that holds that there is no human problem that government can’t fix if only the right people are put in charge. Unfortunately, history and common sense are not on its side. We don’t trust utopian promises; we deal with human nature as it is.

On what caused the financial crisis:

While we might be in the wilderness, conservatives need to defend the free market system and explain what really caused last year’s collapse. According to one version of the story, America’s economic woes were caused by a lack of government intervention and regulation and therefore the only way to fix the problem, because, of course, every problem can be fixed by a politician, is for more bureaucracy to impose itself further, deeper, forcing itself deeper into the private sector.

I think that’s simply wrong. We got into this mess because of government interference in the first place. The mortgage crisis that led to the collapse of the financial market, it was rooted in a good-natured, but wrongheaded, desire to increase home ownership among those who couldn’t yet afford to own a home. In so many cases, politicians on the right and the left, they wanted to take credit for an increase in home ownership among those with lower incomes. But the rules of the marketplace are not adaptable to the mere whims of politicians.

Lack of government wasn’t the problem. Government policies were the problem. The marketplace didn’t fail. It became exactly as common sense would expect it to. The government ordered the loosening of lending standards. The Federal Reserve kept interest rates low. The government forced lending institutions to give loans to people who, as I say, couldn’t afford them. Speculators spotted new investment vehicles, jumped on board and rating agencies underestimated risks.
Give me someone who understands the world at the fundamental level of REALITY over a sophisticated thinker who spins a fantastic world based on lies and distortions. Most politicians fit the latter mold. Look where that has gotten us.

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