Sarah Palin ignites crowd in Tyler (Texas) at the Oil Palace


May 29, 2010
edited for contentShe reall | Tyler Morning Telegraph

Video of speech:
Governor Palin 4 President: (Video) Sarah Palin’s Oil Palace Speech: Obama Incompetence & Lack Of Leadership

Sarah Palin first used her slogan, "Drill, baby, drill," when she was running for vice president. She used it again Saturday night at The Oil Palace, where she talked about the importance of drilling oil domestically for a more secure, freer and more prosperous nation.

Mrs. Palin, former governor of Alaska, author and political commentator, said she first used the now-famous term to call for drilling domestically, safely, responsibly and ethically, although some accused her of being a cheerleader for reckless oil companies.

"We chant 'Drill, baby, drill' because we understand the need to domestically develop our resources," she said to a group of more than 2,000 people gathered at The Oil Palace, which she called an "appropriate" place to talk about energy.

People were decked edited for content.out in patriotic outfits and waving flags or signs that read "Run Baby Run! 2012" while Mrs. Palin spoke. She said she loved the signs and referenced one she saw the other day that read: "I can see November from my house."


"Our heart is broken for them," she said of the BP oil spill victims.

She said Washington doesn't understand the need to be energy secure and President Barack Obama doesn't understand that there's a link between security and freedom while relying on others makes us less secure, less free and less prosperous.

She said Obama is now pushing for an energy tax that will skyrocket the costs of energy and "cap and tax" will be "nothing short of disaster," undermining the recovery in the short term and damaging the long term. Costs for everything from energy and transportation to groceries will be raised and the elderly and poor on fixed incomes will be hurt the most.

Mrs. Palin said she would have considered all ideas and all offers to help would be "on the table" and would have given the Louisiana governor as much latitude as he needed to protect his coastline. She said she would not have placed a moratorium on drilling because "they've suffered enough" without losing their livelihoods.

more in link:
I like Palin, and believe she has some great Ideas. However, I don't believe she will be ready to run as President in 2012. She should go after a Senate seat to get more experience on the international stage.
2000 people???

We used to get more at a High School basketball game

Is Palin paying you a promotional consideration for all your posts here?
2000 people???

We used to get more at a High School basketball game
It was around 5 thousand. My sister attended.

Your link...

Palin Ignites Crowd In Tyler

2,000-Plus At Oil Palace Watch Former VP Candidate Speak


Why do tea baggers always automatically double their attendance numbers?

Math was not their best subject
I don't have a link to my sister except her telephone number and I believe her. The Oil Palace holds around 6 thousand. She said it was damn near filled to capacity and it was great. She is a christian and doesn't make stories up. Also Governor Perry showed up too.
It was around 5 thousand. My sister attended.

Your link...

Palin Ignites Crowd In Tyler

2,000-Plus At Oil Palace Watch Former VP Candidate Speak


Why do tea baggers always automatically double their attendance numbers?

Math was not their best subject
I don't have a link to my sister except her telephone number and I believe her. The Oil Palace holds around 6 thousand. She said it was damn near filled to capacity and it was great. She is a christian and doesn't make stories up. Also Governor Perry showed up too.

My cousins, girlfriends sister was there and she said it was around 400 people.

I don't have a link or anything, she is Jewish and Jews are good with numbers so I believe her
Last edited:
2000 people???

We used to get more at a High School basketball game
It was around 5 thousand. My sister attended.

Your link...

Palin Ignites Crowd In Tyler

2,000-Plus At Oil Palace Watch Former VP Candidate Speak


Why do tea baggers always automatically double their attendance numbers?

Math was not their best subject

You know that it is common practice for everyone to go with the best estimate for them, no matter what your politics. And if you didn't know it I would be surprised.
Sarah Palin ignites crowd in Tyler (Texas) at the Oil Palace

Man! that is awful.
How many burn victims? Any deaths?
She does tend to burn some people up.
Your link...

Why do tea baggers always automatically double their attendance numbers?

Math was not their best subject
I don't have a link to my sister except her telephone number and I believe her. The Oil Palace holds around 6 thousand. She said it was damn near filled to capacity and it was great. She is a christian and doesn't make stories up. Also Governor Perry showed up too.

My cousins, girlfriends sister was there and she said it was around 400 people.

I don't have a link or anything, she is Jewish and Jews are good with numbers so I believe her

So we're supposed to take the word of the person with the original figure of 2000? Where did that number come from?
I don't have a link to my sister except her telephone number and I believe her. The Oil Palace holds around 6 thousand. She said it was damn near filled to capacity and it was great. She is a christian and doesn't make stories up. Also Governor Perry showed up too.

My cousins, girlfriends sister was there and she said it was around 400 people.

I don't have a link or anything, she is Jewish and Jews are good with numbers so I believe her

So we're supposed to take the word of the person with the original figure of 2000? Where did that number come from?

The Tyler Morning Telegraph

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