Sarah Palin just got some really bad news!

All I can say is thank God there are no Michelle Obama hate threads here at USMB,,,,,ever. Steph, I think you should point that out. This would strengthen your argument that the left is filled with hate but not the right. :thup:
shut up. Palin isn't a governor anymore and nothing she does today affects your all's pathetic lives

Well Steph, as Ms Palin loves the limelight and just loves to say controversial things that brighten the spotlight on her. She does effect people's lives, because some folks (cough, cough) take what she's says seriously. Look at all the $$$$$ that comes her way after Sarah makes one her profound statements.

oh okey whatever
I haven't heard her speak on homosexual marriage but if you need to make up stuff to get your votes then you will lie, cheat and lie some more. that's a proven fact
Once again leftist dirtbag federal judges overturning the will of the people and their votes. Be advised there is an era of conservatism coming that will not only reinstate the state laws that were trampled. The new era will usher in YEARS of traditional American laws and overturned challenges to those laws. You prog perverts seem to like judicial activism....GOOD because you can expect a dump truck of it for the next 30 years....This nation is all done with your rape of the Constitution and theft of our hard-earned tax dollars. Marry your goldfish for all we care.....none of it will have legal standing after Barry is frog-marched out of the WH and sent to Leavenworth.
Sarah Palin and the Federal Marriage Amendment:

In a Christian Broadcasting Network interview, Palin stated that she supports a federal amendment, such as the Federal Marriage Amendment, that would ban same-sex marriage nationwide. This view is in direct conflict with John McCain, who does not support gay marriage, but believes the issue should be left up to the individual states.

Sarah Palin on Gay and Lesbian Issues - Where Does Sarah Palin Stand on Gay and Lesbian Issues

Easy enough to check.
Sarah Palin is no longer Governor of Alaska, but she will no doubt be spitting feathers at news that a Federal judge just overturned the state’s 16-year-old ban on same-sex marriage.

In 1998, Alaska became the first state to embed marriage inequality in it’s constitution, by defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman — barring same-sex couples from entering into the institution. Palin backed the amendment.

What’s more, she backed Bush Jr’s Federal Marriage Act which sought to roll out this ban at a federal level. The FMA stated:

Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution or the constitution of any State, nor state or federal law, shall be construed to require that marital status or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon unmarried couples or groups.

However, Palin and other opponents of marriage equality have been fighting a losing battle ever since.

At least 27 states now allow same-sex marriage — an increase of 13 states since the month began. Those states are:

Eight more states, currently winding their way through the federal process, are likely to follow shortly:

More on the Alaska ruling at the link.

It's law in NC, first marriages took place last Friday
Sarah Palin is no longer Governor of Alaska, but she will no doubt be spitting feathers at news that a Federal judge just overturned the state’s 16-year-old ban on same-sex marriage.

In 1998, Alaska became the first state to embed marriage inequality in it’s constitution, by defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman — barring same-sex couples from entering into the institution. Palin backed the amendment.

What’s more, she backed Bush Jr’s Federal Marriage Act which sought to roll out this ban at a federal level. The FMA stated:

Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution or the constitution of any State, nor state or federal law, shall be construed to require that marital status or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon unmarried couples or groups.

However, Palin and other opponents of marriage equality have been fighting a losing battle ever since.

At least 27 states now allow same-sex marriage — an increase of 13 states since the month began. Those states are:

Eight more states, currently winding their way through the federal process, are likely to follow shortly:

More on the Alaska ruling at the link.

It's law in NC, first marriages took place last Friday

Federal U.S. District Court Judge Max O. Cogburn Jr. overturned North Carolina's ban on same-sex marriage Friday in a case filed by members of the clergy seeking to marry gay couples.

"North Carolina's laws prohibiting same-sex marriage are unconstitutional as a matter of law," wrote Cogburn. "The issue before this court is neither a political issue nor a moral issue. It is a legal issue."

The ruling that came down around 5:30 p.m. was met with celebration among scores of same-sex couples who had spent hours lined up at county courthouses across the state, awaiting a ruling allowing them to marry.

The Wake County Register of Deeds Office stayed open until 9 p.m. Friday to issue marriage licenses. The first marriage featuring Chris Creech and Chad Biggs, both Wake County Sheriff's deputies, took place right at 6 p.m. and was carried live by local TV stations.

"Even before this I was happy, but I think now that it's on paper and it's legal - it's a commitment between two people," Biggs said.
Who woulda thought? Luddly is talking about Sarah Palin again.

If you're talking about em you're thinking about em.

Get a life loser.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Once again leftist dirtbag federal judges overturning the will of the people and their votes. Be advised there is an era of conservatism coming that will not only reinstate the state laws that were trampled. The new era will usher in YEARS of traditional American laws and overturned challenges to those laws. You prog perverts seem to like judicial activism....GOOD because you can expect a dump truck of it for the next 30 years....This nation is all done with your rape of the Constitution and theft of our hard-earned tax dollars. Marry your goldfish for all we care.....none of it will have legal standing after Barry is frog-marched out of the WH and sent to Leavenworth.

such christer fantasy's :blahblah::laugh2:
good grief, you little people are as petty as they come

we got bad news here when you posted this crap


You try to marginalize it with insults, but facts are facts. The gay marriage debate is over, and social conservatives are losing. As I predicted in another thread, the GOP won't even run on the issue in 2016. They abandoned the cause when they realized it didn't equal votes. They played socially conservative voters as fools, and now they have given up on the issue.

What the hell ever, the only WAY you PEOPLE can win it is by overstepping the peoples vote and relying on black robe justices. so really you people haven't WON jack shit the RIGHT WAY. Still has nothing to do with Sarah Palin

Have you opposed decisions made by the Supreme Court that support your opinion the same way you do those that don't?

Was "Citizens United" decided the "right way", or the Right way?

Americans have quickly come to the support of marriage equality, and the issue is over. The GOP can fight tooth and nail, but they won't. They know they have lost.
Except the Supreme Court did not make any such ruling on Gay marriage.
Once again leftist dirtbag federal judges overturning the will of the people and their votes. Be advised there is an era of conservatism coming that will not only reinstate the state laws that were trampled. The new era will usher in YEARS of traditional American laws and overturned challenges to those laws. You prog perverts seem to like judicial activism....GOOD because you can expect a dump truck of it for the next 30 years....This nation is all done with your rape of the Constitution and theft of our hard-earned tax dollars. Marry your goldfish for all we care.....none of it will have legal standing after Barry is frog-marched out of the WH and sent to Leavenworth.
Outstanding post. States rights will end up trumping gay marriage.
The election of 2016 will smash the TPM, this generation's version of the JBS, for good.
There IS a great deal of angst among Democrat Central Commitee shills against the Tea Party for their stand against allowing marriage between alleged humans and Dr. Denton pajamas.

That does seem unnecessarily cruel....I mean to come between a boy and his jammies?

Sarah Palin is no longer Governor of Alaska, but she will no doubt be spitting feathers at news that a Federal judge just overturned the state’s 16-year-old ban on same-sex marriage.

In 1998, Alaska became the first state to embed marriage inequality in it’s constitution, by defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman — barring same-sex couples from entering into the institution. Palin backed the amendment.

What’s more, she backed Bush Jr’s Federal Marriage Act which sought to roll out this ban at a federal level. The FMA stated:

Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution or the constitution of any State, nor state or federal law, shall be construed to require that marital status or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon unmarried couples or groups.

However, Palin and other opponents of marriage equality have been fighting a losing battle ever since.

At least 27 states now allow same-sex marriage — an increase of 13 states since the month began. Those states are:

Eight more states, currently winding their way through the federal process, are likely to follow shortly:

More on the Alaska ruling at the link.
The evil of homosexuality is spreading. Marriage equality used as excuse for their sick sex practices. The right choice is being pushed aside by the few. And idiots like you approve.
good grief, you little people are as petty as they come

we got bad news here when you posted this crap


You try to marginalize it with insults, but facts are facts. The gay marriage debate is over, and social conservatives are losing. As I predicted in another thread, the GOP won't even run on the issue in 2016. They abandoned the cause when they realized it didn't equal votes. They played socially conservative voters as fools, and now they have given up on the issue.

What the hell ever, the only WAY you PEOPLE can win it is by overstepping the peoples vote and relying on black robe justices. so really you people haven't WON jack shit the RIGHT WAY. Still has nothing to do with Sarah Palin


Marriage equality has been the law of my state since the 2012 election.

No judge made it happen.

A petition was created, enough people signed it to get marriage equality on the ballot, I signed the petition. In 2012 it was on the ballot and passed with a good margin. I voted with the majority.

So no, we can win at the ballot box. We didn't need a judge to make homosexual marriage legal in Washington state.

for crying out loud. all over some people being able to get married and then a 50% chance they'll be getting divorced

they know they can't sell this to the people who votes so they'll find any other way to FORCE this on you. how Equal is that one
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for crying out loud. all over some people being able to get married and then a 50% change they be getting divorced

they know they can sell this to the people who votes so they'll find any other way to FORCE this on you. how Equal is that one

You said what? Maybe you had better phrase that again.

for crying out loud. all over some people being able to get married and then a 50% change they be getting divorced

they know they can sell this to the people who votes so they'll find any other way to FORCE this on you. how Equal is that one

You said what? Maybe you had better phrase that again.

Yeah ... Is she talking about 50% chance of divorce among traditional marriage?

I thought "between a man and a woman" was all sacred and junk.

I often suspect Stephanie hits the bottle pretty hard ... but, fwiw, I've read the 50% isn't accurate.

Whatever, I do agree with her that all Americans should have the equal chance at divorce. :eusa_dance:
Sarah Palin is no longer Governor of Alaska, but she will no doubt be spitting feathers at news that a Federal judge just overturned the state’s 16-year-old ban on same-sex marriage.

In 1998, Alaska became the first state to embed marriage inequality in it’s constitution, by defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman — barring same-sex couples from entering into the institution. Palin backed the amendment.

What’s more, she backed Bush Jr’s Federal Marriage Act which sought to roll out this ban at a federal level. The FMA stated:

Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution or the constitution of any State, nor state or federal law, shall be construed to require that marital status or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon unmarried couples or groups.

However, Palin and other opponents of marriage equality have been fighting a losing battle ever since.

At least 27 states now allow same-sex marriage — an increase of 13 states since the month began. Those states are:

Eight more states, currently winding their way through the federal process, are likely to follow shortly:

More on the Alaska ruling at the link.
The evil of homosexuality is spreading. Marriage equality used as excuse for their sick sex practices. The right choice is being pushed aside by the few. And idiots like you approve.

Said the Peeping Tom.

If its between consenting adults, its none of your business.


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