Sarah Palin lied about her son. He never even served in combat

My post 72, sweetie. :smiliehug:
Change the topic when it is proven the op is a liar? Read the thread. He did serve in combat, dear.'ve got to love conservatives. Their own can lie their asses off, leave blood on the floor, beat the shit out of their girlfriends....

......and they ignore it all and start babbling about Hillary.

So much for 'personal responsibility'.

Yo dumbass, don't sit and throw feces while your own candidates do the very same thing. Besides Palin isn't even running, Hillary is

Laughing........Hillary is the focus of a thread titled 'Sarah Palin Lied about her son, he never served in combat'?

Keep running, Sassy. No matter what your ilk do, no matter the lies they tell, no matter the excuses they give, no matter the people they will always, always excuse them, never question them, and try to change the topic.

As you just demonstrated.

Um, sweetie.....where in the thread was it 'proven the OP is a liar'. Or that Track did serve in combat?

Just give me the post number, hon.

ANd where, there any mention of Track having been in combat?

Col. Burt Thompson flying over Iraq.

Pfc. Track Palinhas been promoted from driver to an "air guard" position in one of the rear hatches of the Stryker vehicle. He stands in the hatch with a rifle and watches out for danger to the vehicle, be it airborne or on the ground. His unit also provides security for the brigade's commander and deputy commander. From there, the next promotion is to be a dismounted soldier, one that leaves the 20-ton, eight-wheeled armored combat vehicle.

From all reports, Track Palin is an unassuming and humble fellow and very quiet about the whole "mom running for vice president" thing. "He's a good kid and a good soldier and he'd like to remain anonymous," says Col. Burt Thompson who commands the Alaska-based 25th Infantry Division's 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, known as the "Arctic Wolves."

There you go, sweetie. Post 72. Just highlight Track being in combat for us. Feel free to pick your favorite color. Add glitter if you'd like.
Ah, liberals!

Bitterly clinging to their hate for American veterans rather than face the fear of what's to happen to their icons when America is liberated and we have a real president and a real Justice Department.

Ah well, like fish they rot from the head down and there's their putative nominee wallowing in the stench of probable indictments and trials!

Amazingly cute.

Yeah, his girlfriend's blood on the floor isn't amazingly cute. Neither is the conservative, knee-jerk reaction to blame Obama for it either.

Again, Track hurts people. And when he does, no matter what he does, no matter who he hurts.........its always someone else's fault.

So much for the party of 'personal responsibility'.
Oh, Depotooo........oh, *swee* tee......

I'm still waiting for you to show us where in post 72 there is any mention of Track being in combat.

Did you run out of glitter, dear?
Hon, are you really that naive? He was in Iraq, serving with
Alaska's 25th Infantry Division's 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team -
He stands in the hatch with a rifle and watches out for danger to the the vehicle, be it airborne or on the ground. His unit also provides security for the brigade's commander and deputy commander.

Need more?

Palin's unit is believed to be headed to Diyala, among the most dangerous of Iraq's 18 provinces. It extends from the northeastern suburbs of Baghdad to the Iranian border. Diyala has proven to be difficult to control because it is heavily mixed with Sunni Arabs, Shiite Arabs and Kurds.

Diyala was the fourth most violent of Iraq's provinces, averaging more than 3.5 attacks each day, according to figures from June. It has not been returned to Iraqi control and probably won't be before next year.
Sons of both VP candidates headed to Iraq
He also served in Afghanistan.

My post 72, sweetie. :smiliehug:
Change the topic when it is proven the op is a liar? Read the thread. He did serve in combat, dear.
Yo dumbass, don't sit and throw feces while your own candidates do the very same thing. Besides Palin isn't even running, Hillary is

Laughing........Hillary is the focus of a thread titled 'Sarah Palin Lied about her son, he never served in combat'?

Keep running, Sassy. No matter what your ilk do, no matter the lies they tell, no matter the excuses they give, no matter the people they will always, always excuse them, never question them, and try to change the topic.

As you just demonstrated.

Um, sweetie.....where in the thread was it 'proven the OP is a liar'. Or that Track did serve in combat?

Just give me the post number, hon.

ANd where, there any mention of Track having been in combat?

Col. Burt Thompson flying over Iraq.

Pfc. Track Palinhas been promoted from driver to an "air guard" position in one of the rear hatches of the Stryker vehicle. He stands in the hatch with a rifle and watches out for danger to the vehicle, be it airborne or on the ground. His unit also provides security for the brigade's commander and deputy commander. From there, the next promotion is to be a dismounted soldier, one that leaves the 20-ton, eight-wheeled armored combat vehicle.

From all reports, Track Palin is an unassuming and humble fellow and very quiet about the whole "mom running for vice president" thing. "He's a good kid and a good soldier and he'd like to remain anonymous," says Col. Burt Thompson who commands the Alaska-based 25th Infantry Division's 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, known as the "Arctic Wolves."

There you go, sweetie. Post 72. Just highlight Track being in combat for us. Feel free to pick your favorite color. Add glitter if you'd like.
Hon, are you really that naive? He was in Iraq, serving with
Alaska's 25th Infantry Division's 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team -
He stands in the hatch with a rifle and watches out for danger to the the vehicle, be it airborne or on the ground. His unit also provides security for the brigade's commander and deputy commander.

Need more?

Palin's unit is believed to be headed to Diyala, among the most dangerous of Iraq's 18 provinces. It extends from the northeastern suburbs of Baghdad to the Iranian border. Diyala has proven to be difficult to control because it is heavily mixed with Sunni Arabs, Shiite Arabs and Kurds.

Diyala was the fourth most violent of Iraq's provinces, averaging more than 3.5 attacks each day, according to figures from June. It has not been returned to Iraqi control and probably won't be before next year.
Sons of both VP candidates headed to Iraq
He also served in Afghanistan.

My post 72, sweetie. :smiliehug:
Change the topic when it is proven the op is a liar? Read the thread. He did serve in combat, dear.
Laughing........Hillary is the focus of a thread titled 'Sarah Palin Lied about her son, he never served in combat'?

Keep running, Sassy. No matter what your ilk do, no matter the lies they tell, no matter the excuses they give, no matter the people they will always, always excuse them, never question them, and try to change the topic.

As you just demonstrated.

Um, sweetie.....where in the thread was it 'proven the OP is a liar'. Or that Track did serve in combat?

Just give me the post number, hon.

ANd where, there any mention of Track having been in combat?

Col. Burt Thompson flying over Iraq.

Pfc. Track Palinhas been promoted from driver to an "air guard" position in one of the rear hatches of the Stryker vehicle. He stands in the hatch with a rifle and watches out for danger to the vehicle, be it airborne or on the ground. His unit also provides security for the brigade's commander and deputy commander. From there, the next promotion is to be a dismounted soldier, one that leaves the 20-ton, eight-wheeled armored combat vehicle.

From all reports, Track Palin is an unassuming and humble fellow and very quiet about the whole "mom running for vice president" thing. "He's a good kid and a good soldier and he'd like to remain anonymous," says Col. Burt Thompson who commands the Alaska-based 25th Infantry Division's 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, known as the "Arctic Wolves."

There you go, sweetie. Post 72. Just highlight Track being in combat for us. Feel free to pick your favorite color. Add glitter if you'd like.
Then why does his record show no combat badge?
Do you liberals even know any veterans?

You do realize that 20 percent of FEMALE veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from PTSD, right?

How many women Veterans have PTSD?

Among women Veterans of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, almost 20 of every 100 (or 20%) have been diagnosed with PTSD. We also know the rates of PTSD in women Vietnam Veterans. An important study found that about 27 of every 100 female Vietnam Veterans (or 27%) suffered from PTSD sometime during their postwar lives. To compare, in men who served in Vietnam, about 31 of every 100 (or 31%) developed PTSD in their lifetime.

Traumatic Stress in Women Veterans - PTSD: National Center for PTSD
How do I know? One of the veterans at the Legion suffers from PTSD. She was a 88 Mike...truck driver...not a combat MOS.

Now please STFU before you embarrass yourselves even further, if that is remotely possible.

And for fucksake, stop pretending that you have a single fucking clue what the fuck you are talking about, you silver spoon stuck up your collective asses, lily-livered, soft-handed fuckchops.

Thanks in advance.
ALL attributable to that Repub-instigated war-for-profit which proved to be quite the opposite.
Hon, are you really that naive? He was in Iraq, serving with
Alaska's 25th Infantry Division's 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team -
He stands in the hatch with a rifle and watches out for danger to the the vehicle, be it airborne or on the ground. His unit also provides security for the brigade's commander and deputy commander.

It was an anti-tank unit, sweetie. There were no tanks to fight in Iraq in 2008-2009. And running security for brigade commanders and deputy commanders isn't combat, hon.

There's no the slightest mention of Track in ANY combat in post 72. So much for 'proving the OP was a lie'. Turns out, that was just you.

Need more?

Palin's unit is believed to be headed to Diyala, among the most dangerous of Iraq's 18 provinces. It extends from the northeastern suburbs of Baghdad to the Iranian border. Diyala has proven to be difficult to control because it is heavily mixed with Sunni Arabs, Shiite Arabs and Kurds.

Diyala was the fourth most violent of Iraq's provinces, averaging more than 3.5 attacks each day, according to figures from June. It has not been returned to Iraqi control and probably won't be before next year.

'Believed to be headed', huh? Show us evidence that Track was deployed to Diyala. Or that he Track ever saw combat. His discharge records show no evidence of either, child.
One would think that Snow Snookie would ask her son's permission before blathering- on about his military stint.
Last edited:
...Kondor....I've read your posts. You pretending to be 'above it all' and only focused on issues that immediately effect election day is a steaming load of revisionist horseshit...
Thank you for your feedback.

...You're doing anything you can to try and end discussion of this issue. Not because you support Obama, populist movements, or any of your other nonsense...
Fool... I am trying to get you ankle-biters and yip-yip dogs to focus on the Big Ticket Items, rather than these attack-dog circle-jerks which reflect badly upon you-and-yours.

You won't believe me, but that's your cross to bear, not mine.

Continuing to nip around the fringes saps energy and leaves a bad taste in the mouths of those who observe such juvenile and pointless behaviors.

In all likelihood, you will understand more about this on November 9, 2016.

...Run along, boy.
Not a chance, Princess.
“I remember landing [in Bosnia] under sniper fire,” Hillary boasted. In fact, a video of the trip shows Hillary and her daughter Chelsea being greeted at the peaceful airport in Tuzla, Bosnia, by a young girl with flowers.

Hillary complained that she and her husband left the White House “dead broke.” In fact, they left with contracts for lecture and speeches worth between $20 and $30 million.

Hillary lied numerous times about her e-mails.

a) She said it wasn’t convenient to carry two phones, so she carried only one with her private e-mail account. Not true. She had multiple electronic devices, including another BlackBerry and an iPad. And not incidentally, her aide Huma Abedin, not Hillary, carried the phone.
b) She said she turned over her emails because of a routine State Department request. Not true. The e-mails were subpoenaed by the Benghazi committee.
c) She said she turned over all her work-related e-mails. Not true. Missing from the 30,000 e-mails were contacts with Sidney Blumenthal, Tony Blair, and CIA director David Petraeus, among others.
d) She said that among the 33,000 “private” e-mails that she deleted were communications with her husband. Not true. Bill Clinton said that he had sent a grand total of two e-mails in his life.
e) She said she did not e-mail any classified material. Not true. The Inspector General of the intelligence community found that Hillary received and sent many classified e-mails, including those relating to the North Korean nuclear program.
f) In a letter to Representative Trey Gowdy, the chairman of the House Select Committee investigating the deadly terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Hillary said that the only private e-mail address she ever used while secretary of state was [email protected]. Not true. In fact, she had a second e-mail address, [email protected], and didn’t tell Gowdy about it.
g) She kept her second e-mail address secret because she used it in secret exchanges with Sidney Blumenthal, who was acting as her back channel on Libya.
[FONT=Source Sans Pro, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Blog: What's your favorite Hillary Clinton lie?[/FONT]​
[FONT=Source Sans Pro, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]​
[FONT=Source Sans Pro, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But but Sarah Palin is not running for president. Hillary is. [/FONT]Anyone want me to list the other lies?
Every fucking liberal is a fucking loser. Lying, hypocritical piece of shit losers.
What is there to defend? The left wing makes up a meme and then expects people to defend against it, BS.

BUT there is nothing made up about Mrs. Bosnia Clinton lying about Bosnia, nothing.

Just trying to point out the hypocrisy.

Is this thread about Hillary Clinton?...................Yes or No?

If Track's record shows he was never in combat, will you join the sane ones to call Sarah Palin an idiot?......................Yes or No?

Yo, Einstein you don't have to have been in combat to get PTSD. Get educated about it
Actually the tweet by the combet vet said that he slept in the same bunk as Track. This entire thread is a lie. Can we move this to conspiracy theory or complete bullshit premise?

It says BARRACKS, not bunk.
Those who haven't served don't know the difference.
confusing "bunk" with "barracks" is just ignorance, but it isn't some mystery known only to servicemembers

I think he is correct in that he shared a bunk with Track
What is there to defend? The left wing makes up a meme and then expects people to defend against it, BS.

BUT there is nothing made up about Mrs. Bosnia Clinton lying about Bosnia, nothing.

Just trying to point out the hypocrisy.

Is this thread about Hillary Clinton?...................Yes or No?

If Track's record shows he was never in combat, will you join the sane ones to call Sarah Palin an idiot?......................Yes or No?

Yo, Einstein you don't have to have been in combat to get PTSD. Get educated about it

Google? Asking for links is nothing but deflection and laziness. That and it will blow the entire thread premise out of the water
“I remember landing [in Bosnia] under sniper fire,” Hillary boasted. In fact, a video of the trip shows Hillary and her daughter Chelsea being greeted at the peaceful airport in Tuzla, Bosnia, by a young girl with flowers.

Hillary complained that she and her husband left the White House “dead broke.” In fact, they left with contracts for lecture and speeches worth between $20 and $30 million.

Hillary lied numerous times about her e-mails.

a) She said it wasn’t convenient to carry two phones, so she carried only one with her private e-mail account. Not true. She had multiple electronic devices, including another BlackBerry and an iPad. And not incidentally, her aide Huma Abedin, not Hillary, carried the phone.
b) She said she turned over her emails because of a routine State Department request. Not true. The e-mails were subpoenaed by the Benghazi committee.
c) She said she turned over all her work-related e-mails. Not true. Missing from the 30,000 e-mails were contacts with Sidney Blumenthal, Tony Blair, and CIA director David Petraeus, among others.
d) She said that among the 33,000 “private” e-mails that she deleted were communications with her husband. Not true. Bill Clinton said that he had sent a grand total of two e-mails in his life.
e) She said she did not e-mail any classified material. Not true. The Inspector General of the intelligence community found that Hillary received and sent many classified e-mails, including those relating to the North Korean nuclear program.
f) In a letter to Representative Trey Gowdy, the chairman of the House Select Committee investigating the deadly terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Hillary said that the only private e-mail address she ever used while secretary of state was [email protected]. Not true. In fact, she had a second e-mail address, [email protected], and didn’t tell Gowdy about it.
g) She kept her second e-mail address secret because she used it in secret exchanges with Sidney Blumenthal, who was acting as her back channel on Libya.

[FONT=Source Sans Pro, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Blog: What's your favorite Hillary Clinton lie?
[FONT=Source Sans Pro, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But but Sarah Palin is not running for president. Hillary is. [/FONT]Anyone want me to list the other lies?
Every fucking liberal is a fucking loser. Lying, hypocritical piece of shit losers.
why do you think this is relevant to this thread?
SassyIrishLass said:
Yo, Einstein you don't have to have been in combat to get PTSD. Get educated about it

She does have a point. Victims of child abuse can suffer from PTSD. Rape victims can suffer from PTSD.

Maybe Sarah's telegraphing some Deep Dark Secrets about the inner workings of the Palin family and trying to blame them on Obama.

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