Sarah Palin lied about her son. He never even served in combat

If there is a semblance of truth in any of this, Palin should shut up. With the money she has been raking in she should have more then enough to help pay for the treatment she allegedly says Track needs. A little on the hypocritical side to rail against the government then expect the government to perform. And I am a Palin fan, but the truth be the truth, if there is any truth in this thread.
i didn't go thru the whole thread, but after a couple of minutes i found this.

It seems like the rumors, innuendo and smears thrown by the left against Governor Sarah Palin and her family will never stop. Apparently, the newest lie being casually thrown about by the DemocraticUnderground and the National Enquirer is that Palin's soldier son Track was involved as an unidentified vandal of Wasilla school buses in 2005. Worse, the rumormongers are denigrating Track's patriotism for joining the military and claiming that he was somehow "forced" to join to avoid prosecution. Naturally, they haven't a shred of proof. Fortunately, the New York Daily News has quickly debunked this lie.
In a DU posting from September 2, it was claimed that a "non-disclosed judicial source" said that Track Palin was an "unidentified minor" involved in tire slashings of a fleet of school buses in Wasilla in December of 2005. A 2005 report says that several teens had been found "deflating tires in 44 First Student buses, breaking mirrors and unplugging 110 buses from their engine-block heaters, which caused the buses not to start in subzero weather on Nov. 29."

The DU poster also said that Track was forced to join the military. "Rumors are circulating," the posting claims, "about Track being forced to accept military service or jail time."
It is reported that the National Enquirer is going to drop this story based on nothing but shadowy innuendo on Thursday.
Fortunately, the New York Daily News actually interviewed a few of the people really involved in this vandalism incident and they deny that Track Palin had any involvement at all.

"Track wasn't with me. Track had nothing to do with it," participant Deryck Harris, 20, said Wednesday in an exclusive interview.
"I was friends with him. We hung out. But he wasn't there," Harris said, describing the incident as a senior prank gone awry. "It was my high school mistake. It was a really bad choice. I've paid my restitution."
The NYDaily News also spoke to another person involved in the incident.
"Track Palin was not involved [with the vandalism]," confirmed Capi Coon, the mother of another Wasilla teen arrested for the destructive spree.
Additionally, the once common judicial practice of telling troubled kids that they have a choice between joining the military and jail is rarely resorted to these days. So the claim that a judge ordered Track to join the military to avoid jail is thin gruel, indeed.
So, as it occurs, there is no proof at all that this story about Track Palin is true. Yet, the Nutroots and the National Enquirer will still try to push it just the same. Just know that there is no basis for the charge if you begin to hear this latest slander.
- See more at: Newest Palin Attack: Son Vandalized Buses, Forced to Join Military (NYDaily News Debunks)

but i agree, if sarah said he was in combat, she misspoke.
Helps having a mommy who is Governor......Do you know who I am?

Track is the affluenza teen turned wife beater
They are lying, from 2008-
Sarah Palin's Son Track Stars in Iraq

Col. Burt Thompson flying over Iraq.

Pfc. Track Palinhas been promoted from driver to an "air guard" position in one of the rear hatches of the Stryker vehicle. He stands in the hatch with a rifle and watches out for danger to the vehicle, be it airborne or on the ground. His unit also provides security for the brigade's commander and deputy commander. From there, the next promotion is to be a dismounted soldier, one that leaves the 20-ton, eight-wheeled armored combat vehicle.

From all reports, Track Palin is an unassuming and humble fellow and very quiet about the whole "mom running for vice president" thing. "He's a good kid and a good soldier and he'd like to remain anonymous," says Col. Burt Thompson who commands the Alaska-based 25th Infantry Division's 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, known as the "Arctic Wolves."

So he was in a unit named after the animal his mom advocates shooting from a helicopter?

That's almost poetic.
i found this interesting: So much for the 'shoots wolves from helicopters' myth

So much for the ‘shoots wolves from helicopters’ myth

Posted by joshpainter on June 11, 2011
– by Josh Painter
Some left wing bloggers may be starting to realize that the Palin emails they fought relentlessly to have released are not the silver bullets they had hoped for to use to destroy the object of their hatred. Information contained in the documents, in fact, provides contradictory evidence to one of the many myths they have perpetuated about Sarah Palin.
The emails shatter the mythological image of a bloodthirsty Sarah Palin, assault rifle in hand, maniacally pursing Alaskan wolves from the skid of a black helicopter, fiendishly laughing as she slaughters the poor creatures. Lefty bloggers have been pushing that one for years. But, according to the liberal Washington Post, the emails prove otherwise:

The governor told her fish and game commissioner in blunt terms that she opposed using state helicopters to hunt wolves and preferred paying private hunters.
“We have to act quickly on this as predators are acting quickly and rural families face ridiculous situation of being forced to import more beef instead of feeding their families our healthy staple of alaskan game. Nonsense. Unacceptable – and not on my watch,” she said.
Her source of information? “Todd interviewed buddies who live out there… Some confirmation that state intervention isn’t first choice w/the locals,” Palin said.”We need to incentivize here,” including providing money for trappers.
Governor Palin did indeed strongly support predator control, and she clearly favored paying hunters a bounty to keep the wolf population in check, but the image of her personally shooting the predators from aircraft has finally been shot down. The emails also show that her motivation for keeping the wolf population at manageable levels was her concern for the welfare of Alaska’s rural families who depend so heavily on caribou and moose, the wolves’ prey, for food and warm clothing.
Another email demonstrates Gov. Palin’s opposition to hunting bears in the McNeil River Bear Sanctuary:

“I am a hunter. I grew up hunting – some of my best memories growing up are of hunting with my dad to help feel (sic) our freezer. I want Alaskans to have access to wildlife…BUT – he’s asking if I support hunting the bears in the sanctuary? No, I don’t… I don’t know any Alaskans who do support hunting the McNeil bears that frequent the viewing area. Many Alaskan and Outside visitors view these animals on the McNeil river, within the sanctuary, and, as my parents have reported back after their viewing trip, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience to see such beauty on that river.”
Ashley Judd, please pick up the red phone. It’s Defenders of Wildlife on the line, and they’re in panic mode.
Cross-posted from Texas for Sarah Palin

things are a little different in alaska than manhattan for instance.

Thanks, but it won't matter. The left will go underground with this story for a few months, then rinse and repeat.
The once Grand Ol' Party is really in a death-spiral when the party's acolytes find themselves having to defend the low-life, Sarah Palin.
The once Grand Ol' Party is really in a death-spiral when the party's acolytes find themselves having to defend the low-life, Sarah Palin.

As you give Hillary who has been caught in so many lies one can't keep count a pass? Yeah OK.....sniper fire? BAHAHAHAHAHA
...Oh, its not just that 'Republican family values' produced a pair of out of wedlock kids and a girlfriend's blood all over the floor. Its when it happened.......your ilk blamed Obama. In the party of personal responsibility....its always, always, someone else's fault.
My "ilk blamed Obama"?

Newsflash, slick... I voted for the guy in both 2008 and 2012... holding my nose all the way, and with Buyer's Remorse before I even walked out of the voting booth.

All the pissing and moaning and personal attacks in the world against Other Side Notables who aren't even running for office, is an exercise in futility.

It's not going to do you one damned bit of good... not when the Pubs are ramping-up Attila the Hun, and the Dems are ramping-up Karl Marx.

You're gonna have to do a lot better than that, to derail the Populist Movement building steam on BOTH sides of the aisle, or even just the Pub side.

None of this Palin happy horseshit matters one little damn, and nobody - repeat, nobody - is going to factor-in a single word of it, on Election Day.

But, if it amuses you-and-yours in the meantime... the more you distract yourselves with such silliness, the more yardage the Real World types will be gaining.

Kondor....I've read your posts. You pretending to be 'above it all' and only focused on issues that immediately effect election day is a steaming load of revisionist horseshit.

You're doing anything you can to try and end discussion of this issue. Not because you support Obama, populist movements, or any of your other nonsense.

Run along, boy.
The once Grand Ol' Party is really in a death-spiral when the party's acolytes find themselves having to defend the low-life, Sarah Palin.

As you give Hillary who has been caught in so many lies one can't keep count a pass? Yeah OK.....sniper fire? BAHAHAHAHAHA've got to love conservatives. Their own can lie their asses off, leave blood on the floor, beat the shit out of their girlfriends....

......and they ignore it all and start babbling about Hillary.

So much for 'personal responsibility'.
Last edited:
The once Grand Ol' Party is really in a death-spiral when the party's acolytes find themselves having to defend the low-life, Sarah Palin.

As you give Hillary who has been caught in so many lies one can't keep count a pass? Yeah OK.....sniper fire? BAHAHAHAHAHA
maybe chelsea has ptsd from that. i think that was take your daughter to work week.

Oh, obviously. As demonstrated by her getting married, having a kid and never beating the shit out of her spouse.
The once Grand Ol' Party is really in a death-spiral when the party's acolytes find themselves having to defend the low-life, Sarah Palin.

As you give Hillary who has been caught in so many lies one can't keep count a pass? Yeah OK.....sniper fire? BAHAHAHAHAHA
maybe chelsea has ptsd from that. i think that was take your daughter to work week.

Oh, obviously. As demonstrated by her getting married, having a kid and never beating the shit out of her spouse.
she should have. she could take him out easily (still could). she should have, save all that $$ from impeachment. wouldn't it be funny if both clintons were impeached, chelsea could make it the perfect trifecta.
The once Grand Ol' Party is really in a death-spiral when the party's acolytes find themselves having to defend the low-life, Sarah Palin.

As you give Hillary who has been caught in so many lies one can't keep count a pass? Yeah OK.....sniper fire? BAHAHAHAHAHA've got to love conservatives. Their own can lie their asses off, leave blood on the floor, beat the shit out of their girlfriends....

......and they ignore it all and start babbling about Hillary.

So much for 'personal responsibility'.

Yo dumbass, don't sit and throw feces while your own candidates do the very same thing. Besides Palin isn't even running, Hillary is
The once Grand Ol' Party is really in a death-spiral when the party's acolytes find themselves having to defend the low-life, Sarah Palin.

As you give Hillary who has been caught in so many lies one can't keep count a pass? Yeah OK.....sniper fire? BAHAHAHAHAHA
maybe chelsea has ptsd from that. i think that was take your daughter to work week.

PTSD in Children and Adolescents - PTSD: National Center for PTSD
Looks like Chelsea saw more combat than Track
The once Grand Ol' Party is really in a death-spiral when the party's acolytes find themselves having to defend the low-life, Sarah Palin.

As you give Hillary who has been caught in so many lies one can't keep count a pass? Yeah OK.....sniper fire? BAHAHAHAHAHA've got to love conservatives. Their own can lie their asses off, leave blood on the floor, beat the shit out of their girlfriends....

......and they ignore it all and start babbling about Hillary.

So much for 'personal responsibility'.

Yo dumbass, don't sit and throw feces while your own candidates do the very same thing. Besides Palin isn't even running, Hillary is

Laughing........Hillary is the focus of a thread titled 'Sarah Palin Lied about her son, he never served in combat'?

Keep running, Sassy. No matter what your ilk do, no matter the lies they tell, no matter the excuses they give, no matter the people they will always, always excuse them, never question them, and try to change the topic.

As you just demonstrated.
Do you liberals even know any veterans?

You do realize that 20 percent of FEMALE veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from PTSD, right?

How many women Veterans have PTSD?

Among women Veterans of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, almost 20 of every 100 (or 20%) have been diagnosed with PTSD. We also know the rates of PTSD in women Vietnam Veterans. An important study found that about 27 of every 100 female Vietnam Veterans (or 27%) suffered from PTSD sometime during their postwar lives. To compare, in men who served in Vietnam, about 31 of every 100 (or 31%) developed PTSD in their lifetime.

Traumatic Stress in Women Veterans - PTSD: National Center for PTSD
How do I know? One of the veterans at the Legion suffers from PTSD. She was a 88 Mike...truck driver...not a combat MOS.

Now please STFU before you embarrass yourselves even further, if that is remotely possible.

And for fucksake, stop pretending that you have a single fucking clue what the fuck you are talking about, you silver spoon stuck up your collective asses, lily-livered, soft-handed fuckchops.

Thanks in advance.

The point being that Track wasn't diagnosed with PTSD, had an anger problem BEFORE he went to a war zone, in fact his anger problem probably got him sent there in the first place, and he, unsurprisingly, came back with an anger problem, then goes beats people, then his mom claims it's because he was in Iraq.

That's what we call bullshit, even if people do get PTSD when not serving as a combat soldier.
He got PTSD from those bar fights in the O-lounge. He was a bartender as I recall. So the only " action " he ever saw was a bar fight.
One thing I have learned is never take on the progressive Dems, and be good at it, because they will fight to destroy you and your family any way possible. Lying to do it means nothing to them. From fake lawsuits, lies in blogs, media, etc., they will do whatever they can. And they are so loud and obnoxious they have often prevailed in their quest.
Fortunately though, word ,of it is beginning to be heard and they are beginning to lose some of their grip. Not nearly enough, but hopefully more and more will become aware to question and dig for themselves.
They are lying, from 2008-
Sarah Palin's Son Track Stars in Iraq

Col. Burt Thompson flying over Iraq.

Pfc. Track Palinhas been promoted from driver to an "air guard" position in one of the rear hatches of the Stryker vehicle. He stands in the hatch with a rifle and watches out for danger to the vehicle, be it airborne or on the ground. His unit also provides security for the brigade's commander and deputy commander. From there, the next promotion is to be a dismounted soldier, one that leaves the 20-ton, eight-wheeled armored combat vehicle.

From all reports, Track Palin is an unassuming and humble fellow and very quiet about the whole "mom running for vice president" thing. "He's a good kid and a good soldier and he'd like to remain anonymous," says Col. Burt Thompson who commands the Alaska-based 25th Infantry Division's 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, known as the "Arctic Wolves."

So he was in a unit named after the animal his mom advocates shooting from a helicopter?

That's almost poetic.
i found this interesting: So much for the 'shoots wolves from helicopters' myth

So much for the ‘shoots wolves from helicopters’ myth

Posted by joshpainter on June 11, 2011
– by Josh Painter
Some left wing bloggers may be starting to realize that the Palin emails they fought relentlessly to have released are not the silver bullets they had hoped for to use to destroy the object of their hatred. Information contained in the documents, in fact, provides contradictory evidence to one of the many myths they have perpetuated about Sarah Palin.
The emails shatter the mythological image of a bloodthirsty Sarah Palin, assault rifle in hand, maniacally pursing Alaskan wolves from the skid of a black helicopter, fiendishly laughing as she slaughters the poor creatures. Lefty bloggers have been pushing that one for years. But, according to the liberal Washington Post, the emails prove otherwise:

The governor told her fish and game commissioner in blunt terms that she opposed using state helicopters to hunt wolves and preferred paying private hunters.
“We have to act quickly on this as predators are acting quickly and rural families face ridiculous situation of being forced to import more beef instead of feeding their families our healthy staple of alaskan game. Nonsense. Unacceptable – and not on my watch,” she said.
Her source of information? “Todd interviewed buddies who live out there… Some confirmation that state intervention isn’t first choice w/the locals,” Palin said.”We need to incentivize here,” including providing money for trappers.
Governor Palin did indeed strongly support predator control, and she clearly favored paying hunters a bounty to keep the wolf population in check, but the image of her personally shooting the predators from aircraft has finally been shot down. The emails also show that her motivation for keeping the wolf population at manageable levels was her concern for the welfare of Alaska’s rural families who depend so heavily on caribou and moose, the wolves’ prey, for food and warm clothing.
Another email demonstrates Gov. Palin’s opposition to hunting bears in the McNeil River Bear Sanctuary:

“I am a hunter. I grew up hunting – some of my best memories growing up are of hunting with my dad to help feel (sic) our freezer. I want Alaskans to have access to wildlife…BUT – he’s asking if I support hunting the bears in the sanctuary? No, I don’t… I don’t know any Alaskans who do support hunting the McNeil bears that frequent the viewing area. Many Alaskan and Outside visitors view these animals on the McNeil river, within the sanctuary, and, as my parents have reported back after their viewing trip, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience to see such beauty on that river.”
Ashley Judd, please pick up the red phone. It’s Defenders of Wildlife on the line, and they’re in panic mode.
Cross-posted from Texas for Sarah Palin

things are a little different in alaska than manhattan for instance.
Change the topic when it is proven the op is a liar? Read the thread. He did serve in combat, dear.
The once Grand Ol' Party is really in a death-spiral when the party's acolytes find themselves having to defend the low-life, Sarah Palin.

As you give Hillary who has been caught in so many lies one can't keep count a pass? Yeah OK.....sniper fire? BAHAHAHAHAHA've got to love conservatives. Their own can lie their asses off, leave blood on the floor, beat the shit out of their girlfriends....

......and they ignore it all and start babbling about Hillary.

So much for 'personal responsibility'.

Yo dumbass, don't sit and throw feces while your own candidates do the very same thing. Besides Palin isn't even running, Hillary is

Laughing........Hillary is the focus of a thread titled 'Sarah Palin Lied about her son, he never served in combat'?

Keep running, Sassy. No matter what your ilk do, no matter the lies they tell, no matter the excuses they give, no matter the people they will always, always excuse them, never question them, and try to change the topic.

As you just demonstrated.
Change the topic when it is proven the op is a liar? Read the thread. He did serve in combat, dear.
The once Grand Ol' Party is really in a death-spiral when the party's acolytes find themselves having to defend the low-life, Sarah Palin.

As you give Hillary who has been caught in so many lies one can't keep count a pass? Yeah OK.....sniper fire? BAHAHAHAHAHA've got to love conservatives. Their own can lie their asses off, leave blood on the floor, beat the shit out of their girlfriends....

......and they ignore it all and start babbling about Hillary.

So much for 'personal responsibility'.

Yo dumbass, don't sit and throw feces while your own candidates do the very same thing. Besides Palin isn't even running, Hillary is

Laughing........Hillary is the focus of a thread titled 'Sarah Palin Lied about her son, he never served in combat'?

Keep running, Sassy. No matter what your ilk do, no matter the lies they tell, no matter the excuses they give, no matter the people they will always, always excuse them, never question them, and try to change the topic.

As you just demonstrated.

Um, sweetie.....where in the thread was it 'proven the OP is a liar'. Or that Track did serve in combat?

Just give me the post number, hon.
My post 72, sweetie. :smiliehug:
Change the topic when it is proven the op is a liar? Read the thread. He did serve in combat, dear.
As you give Hillary who has been caught in so many lies one can't keep count a pass? Yeah OK.....sniper fire? BAHAHAHAHAHA've got to love conservatives. Their own can lie their asses off, leave blood on the floor, beat the shit out of their girlfriends....

......and they ignore it all and start babbling about Hillary.

So much for 'personal responsibility'.

Yo dumbass, don't sit and throw feces while your own candidates do the very same thing. Besides Palin isn't even running, Hillary is

Laughing........Hillary is the focus of a thread titled 'Sarah Palin Lied about her son, he never served in combat'?

Keep running, Sassy. No matter what your ilk do, no matter the lies they tell, no matter the excuses they give, no matter the people they will always, always excuse them, never question them, and try to change the topic.

As you just demonstrated.

Um, sweetie.....where in the thread was it 'proven the OP is a liar'. Or that Track did serve in combat?

Just give me the post number, hon.
Ah, liberals!

Bitterly clinging to their hate for American veterans rather than face the fear of what's to happen to their icons when America is liberated and we have a real president and a real Justice Department.

Ah well, like fish they rot from the head down and there's their putative nominee wallowing in the stench of probable indictments and trials!

Amazingly cute.

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