Sarah Palin melts down on television...................

Palin is an idiot. Why does that surprise anyone?

Gracie. When you are asked to be on a show to do an interview you get a pre interview so both you and the talk show hosts are on the same board. They tried to blind side her.

She took it to them live to the point Matt had to jump in over Guthrie.

YOU DO NOT DO THIS TO YOUR GUEST. Ok. Got it Gracie? I know you hate her guts but for crying out loud when she fights back against those assholes are you really going to cheer for Matt and Guthrie?

Where did I lose you?
She KNEW that topic would come up. SHE brought it up herself in front of millions of people and then expects nobody to ask her about it? Come on. I believe they never said they would not mention it.
Where did I lose you?
If me believing someone (media) over a bimbo like palin means I am lost to you, then you expect me to goosestep with you no matter what my own opinion is. That is not going to happen, TD. I wouldn't expect it (you goosestepping for me) of you, either.
All libs are afraid of Palin.

Why would they be? What harm has Palin ever done to liberalism, on balance?

In fact, liberalism has benefited greatly from Palin.

Palin makes it obvious that liberals are intolerant of other points of view and will lie, cheat and indulge in character assassination in order to suppress free speech they deem threatening to their lock-step political views.

And what views outside of lockstep conservatism does Sarah Palin embrace?

That's ironic coming from a despicable piece of shit like you.
such a bitter angry little cracka aren't ya
You know, she was there to be interviewed, and part of the interview was about her endorsement of Trump, and they simply wanted to know what she meant about blaming Obama for her son's PTSD (which was one of the main points of her endorsement speech).

She didn't like the question, because (as usual), she was severely under prepared for the interview.

And..........she DID backpedal when asked about blaming Obama.
She KNEW that topic would come up. SHE brought it up herself in front of millions of people and then expects nobody to ask her about it? Come on. I believe they never said they would not mention it.

It was discussed in the pre interview and was told it would be off topic for this interview. Or she would not have gone on. You prefer to believe Matt and Guthrie it seems. Interesting. Very interesting Gracie when you are siding with the enemy.

You have a tight segment. Interviews are actually just fillers for commercial advertisements. You have 3 minutes for example. You run it thru so everyone comes off looking professional.

Bitch Guthrie blindsides her. I thought Sarah bitch slapped her back like Troy hitting a gator with "Choot em". It was awesome. Go Sarah. Still in shock that you prefer them. Will have to watch for more of your posts up and coming.
Why would they be? What harm has Palin ever done to liberalism, on balance?

In fact, liberalism has benefited greatly from Palin.

Palin makes it obvious that liberals are intolerant of other points of view and will lie, cheat and indulge in character assassination in order to suppress free speech they deem threatening to their lock-step political views.

And what views outside of lockstep conservatism does Sarah Palin embrace?

That's ironic coming from a despicable piece of shit like you.
such a bitter angry little cracka aren't ya

Angry? I can't imagine anything more entertaining than the idiocies you and NYcarbineer post in this forum?
Sounds like the friendship between Gracie and TD is over because of a little political difference.

Sad, really. I like my friends because I like my friends, their political or religious views have very little to do with them being my friend. How we treat each other does.

In fact, liberalism has benefited greatly from Palin.

Palin makes it obvious that liberals are intolerant of other points of view and will lie, cheat and indulge in character assassination in order to suppress free speech they deem threatening to their lock-step political views.

And what views outside of lockstep conservatism does Sarah Palin embrace?

That's ironic coming from a despicable piece of shit like you.
such a bitter angry little cracka aren't ya

Angry? I can't imagine anything more entertaining than the idiocies you and NYcarbineer post in this forum?
you were much funnier when you whined about your neighbor wanting to beat you up
You have a lot of nerve libs demanding Palin go on shows.


I'd love to hear an interview with Bernie Sanders on Cunningham.

How about Hillary on Hannity?


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