Sarah Palin melts down on television...................

Sounds like the friendship between Gracie and TD is over because of a little political difference.

Sad, really. I like my friends because I like my friends, their political or religious views have very little to do with them being my friend. How we treat each other does.

I love Gracie. I've not tossed her yet. She goes for Bush...................................we'll have an issue.


And only because she would have loved the most boring candidate evah!
I wonder if she's going to start picking and choosing her interviews again?
She'll go anywhere where there are lights and cameras.

You forgot to add a friendly journalist who isn't going to ask any questions that might strain the 2 brain cells she has left.

If on a show like the Today Show morning cuppa coffee show Hillary came on and was promised no topics on a blue dress and then Matt and Guthrie blind side Hillary I would be just as angry.

If Guthrie asked about how Hillary felt the first time she found out there was a dress with her husbands semen on it and oh hows it going in Iowa I would still be spitting bullets. Bi partisan piss off here.

It's not right what these divas think they can do to candidates and its really getting old.
I wonder if she's going to start picking and choosing her interviews again?
She'll go anywhere where there are lights and cameras.

You forgot to add a friendly journalist who isn't going to ask any questions that might strain the 2 brain cells she has left.

If on a show like the Today Show morning cuppa coffee show Hillary came on and was promised no topics on a blue dress and then Matt and Guthrie blind side Hillary I would be just as angry.

If Guthrie asked about how Hillary felt the first time she found out there was a dress with her husbands semen on it and oh hows it going in Iowa I would still be spitting bullets. Bi partisan piss off here.

It's not right what these divas think they can do to candidates and its really getting old.
There was no agreement. You have only Palin's word and that's not worth much. She'd never turn down an interview, especially on a popular show.
It was discussed in the pre interview and was told it would be off topic for this interview.
So SHE says. And she is a known liar.

Gracie. You do a pre interview. It's just what happens. Guthrie pulled a gottcha but got a smack down. And you know its about time. This is just not about Palin. It's about every mother trucking time a conservative goes on a so called middle of the road mainline media show and gets decimated.

Bout time the crew fought back.
I love Gracie. I've not tossed her yet. She goes for Bush...................................we'll have an issue.
Sorry...trying to catch up and respond as I read.

Toss me. I'll live. But not Bush. No Clinton. Done with both sets. Personally...I kinda wish O'Malley had a chance.
Oh, and no Trump. He is not POTUS material.
Liberals lie. They like to choose a target and polarize it. The tactic is right there is Rules for Radicals which is the libtard bible.

Sailor boy is a afraid of Palin
All libs are afraid of Palin.

Lib women are jealous of her looks and smarts and lib men are jealous of her strength very Ironic, Bi-Catfish.....that kind of Irony rings Bells all over the place.
I had an online "pal" that I got along with really well for YEARS. We talked about everything. Laughed, cried, shared. Nothing was personal, ya know? We agreed to disagree quite a few times in our online "friendship" until one day, I said Rosey O'Donnell made me bugshit and I loathed seeing her anywhere on tv. My "pal" had a meltdown and said how dare I say such a thing about wonderful Rosey and that was that. She dumped me. I was surprised at first. Then kinda hurt. Then I got angry. Then I said fuck it. Now? I don't let anyone get too close any more. So..dump me if you want. I will survive it just fine.
Liberals lie. They like to choose a target and polarize it. The tactic is right there is Rules for Radicals which is the libtard bible.

Sailor boy is a afraid of Palin
All libs are afraid of Palin.

Lib women are jealous of her looks and smarts and lib men are jealous of her strength very Ironic, Bi-Catfish.....that kind of Irony rings Bells all over the place.

Go shave your hairy back, hag. Nasty old bish
Prove they made her any promises.

C'mon man. This ain't my first time. There's no amount of proof you brain dead retards will accept. If the media had video of Hillary Clinton growing horns and wings and cutting unborn babies out of their mothers wombs and eating them, and then sending the bill to planned parenthood, You would claim it was Trump doing it. have no proof.
Liberals lie. They like to choose a target and polarize it. The tactic is right there is Rules for Radicals which is the libtard bible.

Sailor boy is a afraid of Palin
All libs are afraid of Palin.

Lib women are jealous of her looks and smarts and lib men are jealous of her strength very Ironic, Bi-Catfish.....that kind of Irony rings Bells all over the place.

Go shave your hairy back, hag. Nasty old bish
Ding ding ding!

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