Sarah Palin melts down on television...................

She didn't meltdown....good grief. She simply told the hosts they promised not to bring it up....and they did anyway.

Meltdown? LMAO

Prove they promised that.

Nothing was promised to her and when it was pointed out she then changed it to how she was there to talk about the Iowa Caucus, and not her son.

I watched it this morning, and saw where Matt told her no promises were made, so she did melt like she does when she is caught...
Sarah Palin is an idiot.

I hope that the various right wing idiots that post on this board challenge me and tell me how smart she is.

And then post links showing me how smart she is.
Sarah Palin is an idiot.

I hope that the various right wing idiots that post on this board challenge me and tell me how smart she is.

And then post links showing me how smart she is.

Your untamed passion for Sarah Palin is clearly obvious, why ruin your bewildering fantasies ..?

She comes down to a woman just making her way through life .. :popcorn:
Sarah Palin is an idiot.

I hope that the various right wing idiots that post on this board challenge me and tell me how smart she is.

And then post links showing me how smart she is.

Your untamed passion for Sarah Palin is clearly obvious, why ruin your bewildering fantasies ..?

She comes down to a woman just making her way through life .. :popcorn:

Sarah has said a lot of vile and hurtful things about a lot of people. Without that, I don't think her stupid remarks would be that big of a deal If you dish it out, you have to be able to take it.
Sarah Palin is an idiot.

I hope that the various right wing idiots that post on this board challenge me and tell me how smart she is.

And then post links showing me how smart she is.

Smarter than you.
That's a lot of botox! The only part of Palin's face that moves these days is the lower jaw. It's creepy.


Yet these are the same individuals who will spin it around with their very best attempt, to say those conservatives who are just as critical in their treatment of Obama just HAS to be racist. In fact.... that term has been thrown around SO much during this presidency, you can actually market it in much the same way as Trump did with the words "you're fired". Only be sure to have it carved on the side of a wooden storage box holder for a package of Kleenex when you do, marketing after all is everything
Sarah Palin is an idiot.

I hope that the various right wing idiots that post on this board challenge me and tell me how smart she is.

And then post links showing me how smart she is.

Your untamed passion for Sarah Palin is clearly obvious, why ruin your bewildering fantasies ..?

She comes down to a woman just making her way through life .. :popcorn:

Sarah has said a lot of vile and hurtful things about a lot of people. Without that, I don't think her stupid remarks would be that big of a deal If you dish it out, you have to be able to take it.

Vile and hurtful things? Now what could she have possibly have said about Obama that could be deemed vile and hurtful?
Her comment: "You promised me not to talk about my kids!"

Shows how naive she is. Media don't gives a dam about her kids, they are after Trump, and she is just another "thing" they can throw at him...
Sarah Palin is an idiot.

I hope that the various right wing idiots that post on this board challenge me and tell me how smart she is.

And then post links showing me how smart she is.

Your untamed passion for Sarah Palin is clearly obvious, why ruin your bewildering fantasies ..?

She comes down to a woman just making her way through life .. :popcorn:

Sarah has said a lot of vile and hurtful things about a lot of people. Without that, I don't think her stupid remarks would be that big of a deal If you dish it out, you have to be able to take it.

She does outsmart and kick Socialist Democrat ass, I can see why y'all hate her.

She profits from inspiring Democrat hate and stupidity ...sooo, she wins...:laugh:
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What office is Palin running for again?


Please link to where this was not about her TV appearance to day and instead said she is running for office.


I'm just wondering why any of this matters?


Because idiot fake christians still believe her lies and she's backing another fake christian.

BTW anyone read where Good Christian Duh Donuld didn't know what the plate of crackers was for when he "took communion" and put money in the plate?

Funny funny stuff.

Is there already a thread about it here?

Trump reportedly mistakes communion plate for offering plate

A liberal talking about his missed opportunity to take from the rich, what Trump offers to the church. How I love hearing what the left chooses to complain about
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Sarah Palin was invited to talk on the Today show this morning, and when she was asked about her comments about her blaming Obama for her son's PTSD, she backed away from her previous statements and started to get all pissy with the interview.

Sarah Palin Freaks Out on ‘Today Show’ Over PTSD Question

Wonder if she's gonna start another war on the "lamestream media"?

I got to disagree. I don't think her position is all that unreasonable. She was invited on to talk about Iowa and these clowns (and sorry, if you are on Today, you are a clown) asked her about a family matter that really isn't anyone's business.

If they promised her that they wouldn't ask about her family and reneged on that, shame on them. It's sleazy journalism.

Still no love for Palin, she makes our political discourse DUMBER, but this was below the belt.
Sarah Palin was invited to talk on the Today show this morning, and when she was asked about her comments about her blaming Obama for her son's PTSD, she backed away from her previous statements and started to get all pissy with the interview.

Sarah Palin Freaks Out on ‘Today Show’ Over PTSD Question

Wonder if she's gonna start another war on the "lamestream media"?

I got to disagree. I don't think her position is all that unreasonable. She was invited on to talk about Iowa and these clowns (and sorry, if you are on Today, you are a clown) asked her about a family matter that really isn't anyone's business.

If they promised her that they wouldn't ask about her family and reneged on that, shame on them. It's sleazy journalism.

Still no love for Palin, she makes our political discourse DUMBER, but this was below the belt.

No love for the Today Show either?
Sarah Palin was invited to talk on the Today show this morning, and when she was asked about her comments about her blaming Obama for her son's PTSD, she backed away from her previous statements and started to get all pissy with the interview.

Sarah Palin Freaks Out on ‘Today Show’ Over PTSD Question

Wonder if she's gonna start another war on the "lamestream media"?

I got to disagree. I don't think her position is all that unreasonable. She was invited on to talk about Iowa and these clowns (and sorry, if you are on Today, you are a clown) asked her about a family matter that really isn't anyone's business.

If they promised her that they wouldn't ask about her family and reneged on that, shame on them. It's sleazy journalism.

Still no love for Palin, she makes our political discourse DUMBER, but this was below the belt.
Good grief... a nonpartisan and objective and dispassionate judgment call... and a sound one, no less... directed towards a political opponent...

Stop it... you're confusing my tiny little brain...

But... in the meantime...

That's a lot of botox! The only part of Palin's face that moves these days is the lower jaw. It's creepy.

Not true.Check out those saggy neck laps. Every time she moves her head, they flop back and forth and wave at you.
OK, bois and girls....yeah, both you's time to accept that Mrs. Palin is not running for president and you really should be concerned about Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky's piss-poor showing against a Nutty Old Attic Uncle in that flyover state......
Palin is crazy to appear on Sunday shows that have become a venue for the DNC. She isn't running for anything but they throw hardball questions at her anyway. Imagine "Today" asking Hillary why she blamed the "vast right wing conspiracy" for her husband's infidelity.
OK, bois and girls....yeah, both you's time to accept that Mrs. Palin is not running for president and you really should be concerned about Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky's piss-poor showing against a Nutty Old Attic Uncle in that flyover state......

As soon as she steps out of the spotlight, people will quit looking at her. As long as she stays there, people will laugh at her silly remarks.

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