Sarah Palin Sends To Her Potential GOP Rivals A Signal She Is Running For President

She was doing just fine as governor and her policies were doing Alaska good. Obama operatives bogged her office of the Governorship down with bogus ethics lawsuits that tied up states business and it was personally bankrupting her and her family since Alaska law didn't offer defense for Governors in these type lawsuits. She did the best thing and stepped down turning the state over to Sean Parnell who carried on with her fiscal reforms. Once she stepped down the lawsuits were stopped and eventually they were all dismissed as frivolous. She has now taken the fight against Obama and his operatives to mainstream America where she can have their asses handed to them on a silver platter like she did to them during the midterm elections. That is when President Clinton went on national tv and warned democrats to "Do not underestimate this woman. She is resilient like me". Stepping down hasn't hurt her one bit. In fact it has strengthened her as a powerful person in politics.

She balanced the budget in Alaska because oil accounts for ~80% of Alaska's budget revenues, oil prices were soaring, and she raised taxes on the oil companies.

Good luck applying that model to Washington.


And she spread the wealth..
It was the Alaskan's money in the first place. Was their anything wrong with distributing that money rightly owed to them? Just think if she enacted as president drilling in other states with petroleum and got them to rewrite their constitution like Alaska's so they could get the return on petroleum dividends. That is what she intends to do as president. Everybody would benefit.
This should send shivers up the spines of Perry, Romney, Bachmann and Paul. This is extraordinary put together by professionals and it does send a clear message to the voters that this woman has what it takes to be president and she is ready to challenge Barack Obama she is a natural born citizen and is qualified for Article 2 Section 1 to take over as Commander In Chief. Watch how she electrifies the crown with her patriotic statements about being a American and getting our economy moving. This is a clear sign she plans on running for President. She has the knowledge and executive experience and a proven record at fiscal reform, balancing budgets as well as taking own corrupt members of her own party and taking on big greedy corporations. Stay tuned.

Please watch
Iowa Passion - YouTube

Well, maybe you're going to get your wish after all. Karl Rove seems to think so anyway.

Palin’s Pre-Campaign Commercial «
Well I sure hope USAR is right and Sarah is planning on running! Go Sarah, go!
This should send shivers up the spines of Perry, Romney, Bachmann and Paul. This is extraordinary put together by professionals and it does send a clear message to the voters that this woman has what it takes to be president and she is ready to challenge Barack Obama she is a natural born citizen and is qualified for Article 2 Section 1 to take over as Commander In Chief. Watch how she electrifies the crown with her patriotic statements about being a American and getting our economy moving. This is a clear sign she plans on running for President. She has the knowledge and executive experience and a proven record at fiscal reform, balancing budgets as well as taking own corrupt members of her own party and taking on big greedy corporations. Stay tuned.

Please watch
Iowa Passion - YouTube

Do the fucking math. She runs. Obama wins. That may be fine by you.... but it really isn't fine by me. I am not taking another four fucking years of that idiot just because that stupid woman thinks she's smarter than a 10th grader. She isn't. You aren't. Live with it.
The woman is more smarter than you think and she balanced multi billion dollar budgets that gave her approval ratings in the 80s and 90% range. She took on two veteran well seasoned former governors and a incumbent debating them 3 times on serious issues and won. She has executive experience running a government very well compared to Obama who had none and still can't grasp the job of being a head executive.

She jumps in the Repub primary and it will be a clown show. What am I saying?, its already a clown show w/ the exception of Huntsman.
Much to my horror, I think Karl Rove has changed his mind about Sarah Palin. His opinion is now the same as mine!!! Some of what he said about her:

"The years-long feud between Karl Rove and Sarah Palin just morphed from typical public passive-agression to naked hostility as Rove called his fellow Fox Newser's bluff on her presidential aspirations Wednesday night. On Sunday, Rove said Palin was probably going to get into the 2012 race, because she "has a schedule next week that looks like that of a candidate, not a celebrity"--speculating about her ambitions while implying she's lacked seriousness this year. Palin shot back Tuesday with a post on her political action committee's website saying, "Any professional pundit claiming to have 'inside information' regarding Governor Palin's personal decision is not only wrong but their comments are specifically intended to mislead the American public." Wednesday night, Rove took the feud further, portraying Palin as a "thin-skinned" diva reveling in all the attention.

Rove told Greta van Susteren at Fox News that if Palin wants people to quit talking about her, all she has to do is get out of the race."

The years-long feud between Karl Rove and Sarah Palin just morphed from typical public passive-agression to naked hostility as Rove called his fellow Fox Newser's bluff on her presidential aspirations Wednesday night. On Sunday, Rove said Palin was probably going to get into the 2012 race, because she "has a schedule next week that looks like that of a candidate, not a celebrity"--speculating about her ambitions while implying she's lacked seriousness this year. Palin shot back Tuesday with a post on her political action committee's website saying, "Any professional pundit claiming to have 'inside information' regarding Governor Palin's personal decision is not only wrong but their comments are specifically intended to mislead the American public." Wednesday night, Rove took the feud further, portraying Palin as a "thin-skinned" diva reveling in all the attention.

Karl Rove Calls Sarah Palin's Bluff - Politics - The Atlantic Wire
This should send shivers up the spines of Perry, Romney, Bachmann and Paul. This is extraordinary put together by professionals and it does send a clear message to the voters that this woman has what it takes to be president and she is ready to challenge Barack Obama she is a natural born citizen and is qualified for Article 2 Section 1 to take over as Commander In Chief. Watch how she electrifies the crown with her patriotic statements about being a American and getting our economy moving. This is a clear sign she plans on running for President. She has the knowledge and executive experience and a proven record at fiscal reform, balancing budgets as well as taking own corrupt members of her own party and taking on big greedy corporations. Stay tuned.

Please watch
Iowa Passion - YouTube

Did she put crosshairs on them?
This should send shivers up the spines of Perry, Romney, Bachmann and Paul. This is extraordinary put together by professionals and it does send a clear message to the voters that this woman has what it takes to be president and she is ready to challenge Barack Obama she is a natural born citizen and is qualified for Article 2 Section 1 to take over as Commander In Chief. Watch how she electrifies the crown with her patriotic statements about being a American and getting our economy moving. This is a clear sign she plans on running for President. She has the knowledge and executive experience and a proven record at fiscal reform, balancing budgets as well as taking own corrupt members of her own party and taking on big greedy corporations. Stay tuned.

Please watch
Iowa Passion - YouTube

Do the fucking math. She runs. Obama wins. That may be fine by you.... but it really isn't fine by me. I am not taking another four fucking years of that idiot just because that stupid woman thinks she's smarter than a 10th grader. She isn't. You aren't. Live with it.
The woman is more smarter than you think and she balanced multi billion dollar budgets that gave her approval ratings in the 80s and 90% range. She took on two veteran well seasoned former governors and a incumbent debating them 3 times on serious issues and won. She has executive experience running a government very well compared to Obama who had none and still can't grasp the job of being a head executive.

"More smarter"? REALLY???
She was doing just fine as governor and her policies were doing Alaska good. Obama operatives bogged her office of the Governorship down with bogus ethics lawsuits that tied up states business and it was personally bankrupting her and her family since Alaska law didn't offer defense for Governors in these type lawsuits. She did the best thing and stepped down turning the state over to Sean Parnell who carried on with her fiscal reforms. Once she stepped down the lawsuits were stopped and eventually they were all dismissed as frivolous. She has now taken the fight against Obama and his operatives to mainstream America where she can have their asses handed to them on a silver platter like she did to them during the midterm elections. That is when President Clinton went on national tv and warned democrats to "Do not underestimate this woman. She is resilient like me". Stepping down hasn't hurt her one bit. In fact it has strengthened her as a powerful person in politics.

She balanced the budget in Alaska because oil accounts for ~80% of Alaska's budget revenues, oil prices were soaring, and she raised taxes on the oil companies.

Good luck applying that model to Washington.


And she spread the wealth..

Sounds like Socialism to me....
Palin is afraid of those "gotcha" questions the news media asks like, "What's your favorite newspaper?"
Ron Paul is better than both Payland & Parry ;)

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Hummmm............Looks like The Times They are a Changin'............

Some of Sarah Palin's Ideas Cross the Political Divide

But something curious happened when Ms. Palin strode onto the stage last weekend at a Tea Party event in Indianola, Iowa. Along with her familiar and predictable swipes at President Barack Obama and the “far left,” she delivered a devastating indictment of the entire U.S. political establishment — left, right and center — and pointed toward a way of transcending the presently unbridgeable political divide.

Yep ~ Right there in the NYTimes...........Unbelievable

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