Sarah Palin Soon to Be Single! Conservative Hottie!

Some guy is going to get lucky with this break-up. I dunno who is hotter shooting a weapon...Sarah Palin or Dana Loesch!
Sarah Palin and husband, Todd, apparently getting a divorce, court papers indicate
Hopefully she puts out because she’s dumber than a post. Hell she might as well be in a coma. No meaningful conversation either way.
She’s very intelligent and much more stable or viable than any of the 20 loons the Democrats have seeking the presidency.

Yes. She is about as stable as that stable genius we have in the white house.
Some guy is going to get lucky with this break-up. I dunno who is hotter shooting a weapon...Sarah Palin or Dana Loesch!
Sarah Palin and husband, Todd, apparently getting a divorce, court papers indicate
Hopefully she puts out because she’s dumber than a post. Hell she might as well be in a coma. No meaningful conversation either way.
She’s very intelligent and much more stable or viable than any of the 20 loons the Democrats have seeking the presidency.

Yes. She is about as stable as that stable genius we have in the white house.
She is a successful woman that has put up with a mountain of abuse from the liberal media, and entertainment industry. If you people weren’t hypocrites you would have supported a successful woman...IN THE MANS WORLD OF ALASKA. She sure as the fuck didn’t go to Starbucks everyday and shop in Beverly Hills.
Some guy is going to get lucky with this break-up. I dunno who is hotter shooting a weapon...Sarah Palin or Dana Loesch!
Sarah Palin and husband, Todd, apparently getting a divorce, court papers indicate
Hopefully she puts out because she’s dumber than a post. Hell she might as well be in a coma. No meaningful conversation either way.
She’s very intelligent and much more stable or viable than any of the 20 loons the Democrats have seeking the presidency.
lol oh my god. She was the queen of word salad until Trump came along. I mean yikes, those two are a complete embarrassment to the party lol

Sarah Palin______________________________ Dana Loesch

Nice guns!!
Palin did a very good job as governor of Alaska. She gave Alaskans their largest tax rebate ever up to that time. She got the natural gas pipeline deal done, after her predecessors had failed to do so. She went after corruption on a bi-partisan basis. She balanced the budget while holding spending to a minimal increase. She shifted funds around to provide more money for special education. She did a lot of good things. She's not a details person, but she's a very effective executive.
Why don’t you go spank to a photo of Ayn Rand.

Firstly, I don’t engage in that disgusting activity.

Secondly, Ayn Rand is not an individual who I find physically or philosophically attractive.
Some guy is going to get lucky with this break-up. I dunno who is hotter shooting a weapon...Sarah Palin or Dana Loesch!
Sarah Palin and husband, Todd, apparently getting a divorce, court papers indicate
Hopefully she puts out because she’s dumber than a post. Hell she might as well be in a coma. No meaningful conversation either way.
She’s very intelligent and much more stable or viable than any of the 20 loons the Democrats have seeking the presidency.

She is a gutless wonder. She could have taken out Obama in 2012 but she didn't have the stomach for it. She is one of the 2 biggest disappointments in my book. Now she sounds stupid because she has TDS.

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