Sarah Palin Soon to Be Single! Conservative Hottie!

Hopefully she puts out because she’s dumber than a post. Hell she might as well be in a coma. No meaningful conversation either way.
She’s very intelligent and much more stable or viable than any of the 20 loons the Democrats have seeking the presidency.

Yes. She is about as stable as that stable genius we have in the white house.
She is a successful woman that has put up with a mountain of abuse from the liberal media, and entertainment industry. If you people weren’t hypocrites you would have supported a successful woman...IN THE MANS WORLD OF ALASKA. She sure as the fuck didn’t go to Starbucks everyday and shop in Beverly Hills.
Successful? Quit as'd her tv show(s) work out?
We haven’t seen the last of Sarah.

As long as idiots are involved in drunken brawls, and hypocritical politician's kids keep spitting out illegitimate children, Sarah will be around.

Oh, god. I hate to break it to you and this isn't a knock against Palin but people get old and they....change. Hot ass?


Nancy Reagan's younger sister?
Looking good!

Still more accomplished than Palin. Though to be honest I think most people can hold a job.

Only a Loopy **** wouldn’t want anything to do a slick Willy... You don’t get any uglier than Hildabeast
She’s very intelligent and much more stable or viable than any of the 20 loons the Democrats have seeking the presidency.

Yes. She is about as stable as that stable genius we have in the white house.
She is a successful woman that has put up with a mountain of abuse from the liberal media, and entertainment industry. If you people weren’t hypocrites you would have supported a successful woman...IN THE MANS WORLD OF ALASKA. She sure as the fuck didn’t go to Starbucks everyday and shop in Beverly Hills.
Successful? Quit as'd her tv show(s) work out?
We haven’t seen the last of Sarah.

As long as idiots are involved in drunken brawls, and hypocritical politician's kids keep spitting out illegitimate children, Sarah will be around.

She's the ghost of trailer parks past.

Oh, god. I hate to break it to you and this isn't a knock against Palin but people get old and they....change. Hot ass?


Nancy Reagan's younger sister?
Looking good!

Still more accomplished than Palin. Though to be honest I think most people can hold a job.

Only a Loopy **** wouldn’t want anything to do a slick Willy... You don’t get any uglier than Hildabeast

I'm not the one going ga-ga over the looks of politicians. Plus, leave it to you use a photoshopped image to make a retarded point.
Sagging earlobes.

Not to mention her cellulite. Yuck. Maybe she will go back to Glen Rice.

Sarah Palin's husband files for divorce, cites 'incompatibility of temperament'


Also the Glen Rice story was made up. The author of that autobiography of her admitted it wasn't true.

Nope, it's not photoshopped. Picture was taken when she was on vacation in Hawaii in 2009.

Taking a break: Sun-conscious Sarah Palin covers up for beach holiday in Hawaii | Daily Mail Online
Some guy is going to get lucky with this break-up. I dunno who is hotter shooting a weapon...Sarah Palin or Dana Loesch!
Sarah Palin and husband, Todd, apparently getting a divorce, court papers indicate
Hopefully she puts out because she’s dumber than a post. Hell she might as well be in a coma. No meaningful conversation either way.
She’s very intelligent and much more stable or viable than any of the 20 loons the Democrats have seeking the presidency.
Very intelligent?

Because she wrote her own book?
“Going rogue” by Lynn Vincent?
Ask a Republican who is smarter. Sarah Palin or Barack Obama? And they’ll say that it has to be Sarah Palin because she’s white.
Ask a Republican who is smarter. Sarah Palin or Barack Obama? And they’ll say that it has to be Sarah Palin because she’s white.
Who is the one caught trying to arrange a keystone cop coup?....
Some guy is going to get lucky with this break-up. I dunno who is hotter shooting a weapon...Sarah Palin or Dana Loesch!
Sarah Palin and husband, Todd, apparently getting a divorce, court papers indicate
Hopefully she puts out because she’s dumber than a post. Hell she might as well be in a coma. No meaningful conversation either way.
She’s very intelligent and much more stable or viable than any of the 20 loons the Democrats have seeking the presidency.
Very intelligent?

Because she wrote her own book?
“Going rogue” by Lynn Vincent?
Obama's book was written by a domestic terrorist and friend named Bill Ayers.
Some guy is going to get lucky with this break-up. I dunno who is hotter shooting a weapon...Sarah Palin or Dana Loesch!
Sarah Palin and husband, Todd, apparently getting a divorce, court papers indicate
Hopefully she puts out because she’s dumber than a post. Hell she might as well be in a coma. No meaningful conversation either way.
She’s very intelligent and much more stable or viable than any of the 20 loons the Democrats have seeking the presidency.
Very intelligent?

Because she wrote her own book?
“Going rogue” by Lynn Vincent?
Obama's book was written by a domestic terrorist and friend named Bill Ayers.

Really? Proof?
Oh, god. I hate to break it to you and this isn't a knock against Palin but people get old and they....change. Hot ass?


Nancy Reagan's younger sister?
Looking good!

Still more accomplished than Palin. Though to be honest I think most people can hold a job.

Only a Loopy **** wouldn’t want anything to do a slick Willy... You don’t get any uglier than Hildabeast

I'm not the one going ga-ga over the looks of politicians. Plus, leave it to you use a photoshopped image to make a retarded point.
Actually she looks worse than those pics I was being kind

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