Sarah Palin Soon to Be Single! Conservative Hottie!

Some guy is going to get lucky with this break-up. I dunno who is hotter shooting a weapon...Sarah Palin or Dana Loesch!
Sarah Palin and husband, Todd, apparently getting a divorce, court papers indicate
Hopefully she puts out because she’s dumber than a post. Hell she might as well be in a coma. No meaningful conversation either way.
She's a multi-millionaire! What do you do compared to her?
Michelle Obama is a multi-millionaire too.....but continue with your wealth worship
She didn't earn it nor deserves it.
How did liddle Sawuh earn or deserve her riches?

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Hopefully she puts out because she’s dumber than a post. Hell she might as well be in a coma. No meaningful conversation either way.
She's a multi-millionaire! What do you do compared to her?
Michelle Obama is a multi-millionaire too.....but continue with your wealth worship
She didn't earn it nor deserves it.
She didn't earn or deserve the VP slot in 2008??

So what were republican voters thinking??
She should have been the presidential candidate. It was lost because of McCain
So how did she go from "should have been president" to where she is now??
Michelle Obama is a multi-millionaire too.....but continue with your wealth worship

Just like Crooked Hillary, thanks to political corruption.

Big bucks in corruption, isn't it?

She (and I use the term loosely since "she" is a transsexual) is a stupid hateful ghetto ho.
But she is smarter than you ...because she is a millionaire and you are not....

and when I use to term you, I mean you are a moron.
Michelle Obama is a multi-millionaire too.....but continue with your wealth worship

Just like Crooked Hillary, thanks to political corruption.

Big bucks in corruption, isn't it?

She (and I use the term loosely since "she" is a transsexual) is a stupid hateful ghetto ho.
But she is smarter than you ...because she is a millionaire and you are not....

and when I use to term you, I mean you are a moron.

Some dumbass ghetto ho transsexuals may more money because of corruption than me but that doesn't meant they know their ass from a hole in the ground. All I ever hear out of the filthy ass bitch is hate and stupidity . I mean the idiot voted for Obama for President. How stupid could somebody be to do something like that?

She is trash as are most uppity hate filled entitlement Negroes. "Her" being a transsexual is just icing on the stupidity cake, isn't it?

Oh, god. I hate to break it to you and this isn't a knock against Palin but people get old and they....change. Hot ass?


Nancy Reagan's younger sister?
Looking good!

If you say so.
Do you really want to compare her to the manlike Michelle O?
If we are going to compare, Michelle Obama in a landslide.
Talk about getting divorced. The two mentioned below were responsible for McCain's VP choice:

"McCain had only talked to her a few times, and the campaign's vetting operation had mostly relied on Internet searches to check her background.[9] Steve Schmidt and Nicolle Wallace assumed, incorrectly, that Palin would have a basic working knowledge about the public policy debates of the previous five to ten years"

Vice presidential candidacy of Sarah Palin - Wikipedia
She should have been the presidential candidate. It was lost because of McCain
The first woman president will be a Republican. Possibly Ivanka Trump after Donald Trump has served his 8 years in office. Palin has been damaged by the SNL skits, too many people believe what they saw on SNL was true.
Michelle Obama is a multi-millionaire too.....but continue with your wealth worship

Just like Crooked Hillary, thanks to political corruption.

Big bucks in corruption, isn't it?

She (and I use the term loosely since "she" is a transsexual) is a stupid hateful ghetto ho.
But she is smarter than you ...because she is a millionaire and you are not....

and when I use to term you, I mean you are a moron.
Thomas Edison died a rich man. Nikola Tesla died a poor man. Tesla was the real visionary and smarter. That is the way it is. When I went to Catholic school, nuns did their job for love of faith and in a austere manner. You have community organizers and block captains who cost hundreds of times more in inner city neighborhoods. I guarantee you nuns did their jobs better but those block captains and community organizers get to put the dog on and promote themselves living pretty good. The church was the center of the real village in neighborhoods back then. Not the made up one by a master parasite like Hillary.
Some guy is going to get lucky with this break-up. I dunno who is hotter shooting a weapon...Sarah Palin or Dana Loesch!
Sarah Palin and husband, Todd, apparently getting a divorce, court papers indicate

Another of the religious right that cannot live up to their own standards.
What standards are those and in what way is she not living up to them?

The Christian religion gives a very specific reason why divorce is allowed, and " “incompatibility of temperament between the parties such that they find it impossible to live together as husband and wife.” is not that reason.
Another of the religious right that cannot live up to their own standards.
Which of her standards is she not living up to?

The Christian religion gives a very specific reason why divorce is allowed, and " “incompatibility of temperament between the parties such that they find it impossible to live together as husband and wife.” is not that reason.
The Christian religion gives a very specific reason why divorce is allowed, and " “incompatibility of temperament between the parties such that they find it impossible to live together as husband and wife.” is not that reason.
You don't seriously expect to be viewed as an expert on Christianity, do you?

Your hatred for Christianity limits your perspective.

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