Sarah Palin Tops Poll Of Women Americans Want To Run For President

Apple will soon release iPhones with olfactory capability. As soon as they perfect the automatic turn-off for those who want to visit liberal websites and can't stand the smell of fear.
g5000 sure is bitch-slapping Stephanie around this thread. :lol:

yeah sure, and that's giving you a little woody? getting sticky?
go wash your hands...
because you're not big enough to bitch slap me you have to bow down to someone should use knee pads though and vasaline
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I believe the electorate are waking up knowing Gov. Palin would make a fine president compared to the non-natural born Citizen we have in office today as well as Hillary who is scandal ridden. Palin would get America back on track to prosperity and end Obamacare as we know it. She would reinstate what it is like to be proud to be an American along with the exceptionalism that goes with it. Putin would not ever humiliate Palin on the world stage as he has done Obama with Syria and the Crimea/Ukraine crisis. If she runs vote for her.

Sarah Palin Tops Poll of Women Americans Want to Run for President


I agree. The GOP should definately have Palin on the ticket for President in 2016.
If Palin ran I doubt it would be on a Republican ticket

but who care's but you on the left...Obambam is sitting at 30's approval and 60% disapproves of him

so you need something to hang your little hats on and as usual it's go after the WOMAN..
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Well, if your talking about you looking like a total ass trying to bait me with such foolishness, I believe the word you're looking for is hilarity, as in what you type is hilarious, it is also transparent, and every college debating freshman used to be taught the technique. But, undoubtedly, you didn't have an opportunity to go to a decent school before they became bastions of socialism/communism/subversiveism ( I believe I just coined a new word! :badgrin:) as I did! But continue, Pogo was my entertainment, 2 days ago, PaintMyShack was yesterday, and you can be today's! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

What? You mean this is just a one day pass? Come on man! Gimme another day! I want to be your entertainment for at least one more day. Please!!!

OK, go for it! :badgrin:
Still playing footsie eh V?

Putin/Palin - Putalin 2016.
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Palin is smart, pretty, experienced, and a woman, so libs should also support her for President! Wait, she's a Conservative, so that will never do! The libs will simply have to spend their time tearing her down even though she would be a far better President than the crooks and phonies they have!
Palin is smart, pretty, experienced, and a woman, so libs should also support her for President! Wait, she's a Conservative, so that will never do! The libs will simply have to spend their time tearing her down even though she would be a far better President than the crooks and phonies they have!
Believe me, We Support Sarah Palin Running For President!!!

It's just not for reasons you'd approve of...
Putin would not ever humiliate Palin on the world stage as he has done Obama


Dood, Pee Wee Herman could humiliate Palin in a high school gymnasium. She's like the Jerry Lewis of politics.
I fell in love with her the first time that she winked at me!

Although I admit that I can not think of anyone else who served in that office who would have done that. I guess it is kind of on the same level as when Jimmy Carter told Playboy that he lusted in his heart....

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