Sarah Palin Tops Poll Of Women Americans Want To Run For President

Oh my, another Karl Rove, RINO supporting Republican elitist! Of course the deranged left and the RINO republican's DON'T want a REAL PARTY working to actually do something for THE PEOPLE.... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
Rinos? Elites? Do I need more popcorn for the show?

How I enjoy watching you guys tear into each other, let me count the ways...

Care to walk back you Jerry's kid hateful, scumbag retort, No, I wouldn't except an apology from a dick like you!

Weren't you just whining about the mean messages you get? When you post crap like this you DESERVE what you get.

If you're gonna dish it out - don't whine like a jilted hairdresser when you get it thrown right back attcha
Read up to your First Lady comments. She's just the wife, remember?

She's a political target for making speeches and opening her mouth about politics. Remember!
So at least one of Palin's kids is an open target then? As for the others, she puts them on TV. Sarah and the Drooler get what they deserve. He should have been aborted anyway. The last thing we need is another Downs kid.

You know PaintMyShack, I had a while to think on that crude, insensitive, typical liberal scumbag remark you posted, and thinking about how you leftist get so fucking upset about some Negro comments that the right supposedly makes. This, to me, is just as insensitive, and hateful, as any of those. Picking on a small Downs Syndrome baby, doesn't matter if that is Palin's baby, or someone else's, is quite unbelievable, and I see that NONE of you fellow Comrades have even spoken up about it.... One really has to wonder about you people, with your lack of ethics, when you deal with the other side. You, are one piece of human fecal matter. I will just C&P your statements to ANY RACIAL inference that the left throws down from now on, and we can compare the insensitivity. Good going, little liberal! You assholes just NEVER think of the consequences of your actions!

Waiting for LIBERAL outrage, or shall we just fade into the night over this?.... You KNOW you scum are now my TARGET!!!!
Rinos? Elites? Do I need more popcorn for the show?

How I enjoy watching you guys tear into each other, let me count the ways...

Care to walk back you Jerry's kid hateful, scumbag retort, No, I wouldn't except an apology from a dick like you!

Weren't you just whining about the mean messages you get? When you post crap like this you DESERVE what you get.

If you're gonna dish it out - don't whine like a jilted hairdresser when you get it thrown right back attcha

I could care less what you scum say about me, or any of the other posters,and as my previous posts points out, you fucks getting so indignant about a Negro remark, just shows how much of a hypocrite, All of you are!

Whining? Just pointing out, and rightfully so, that you subversives can't debate without stooping to the lowest form, lose the debate, curse, and stomp your feet like the 3 year old mentality that many of you have (yes idiot, you might have the IQ of a turnip!)

So as turnip brain here says, liberals, " don't whine like a jilted hairdresser when you get it thrown right back attcha!":badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Care to walk back you Jerry's kid hateful, scumbag retort, No, I wouldn't except an apology from a dick like you!

Weren't you just whining about the mean messages you get? When you post crap like this you DESERVE what you get.

If you're gonna dish it out - don't whine like a jilted hairdresser when you get it thrown right back attcha

I could care less what you scum say about me, or any of the other posters,and as my previous posts points out, you fucks getting so indignant about a Negro remark, just shows how much of a hypocrite, All of you are!

Whining? Just pointing out, and rightfully so, that you subversives can't debate without stooping to the lowest form, lose the debate, curse, and stomp your feet like the 3 year old mentality that many of you have (yes idiot, you might have the IQ of a turnip!)

So as turnip brain here says, liberals, " don't whine like a jilted hairdresser when you get it thrown right back attcha!":badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

I have no idea what negro comment you are posting about.

But you whining (yes it is whining) about crude, vulgar, insensitive posts is the pot calling the kettle black.

Sometimes you get what you give.

Man up and deal with it.
Weren't you just whining about the mean messages you get? When you post crap like this you DESERVE what you get.

If you're gonna dish it out - don't whine like a jilted hairdresser when you get it thrown right back attcha

I could care less what you scum say about me, or any of the other posters,and as my previous posts points out, you fucks getting so indignant about a Negro remark, just shows how much of a hypocrite, All of you are!

Whining? Just pointing out, and rightfully so, that you subversives can't debate without stooping to the lowest form, lose the debate, curse, and stomp your feet like the 3 year old mentality that many of you have (yes idiot, you might have the IQ of a turnip!)

So as turnip brain here says, liberals, " don't whine like a jilted hairdresser when you get it thrown right back attcha!":badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

I have no idea what negro comment you are posting about.

But you whining (yes it is whining) about crude, vulgar, insensitive posts is the pot calling the kettle black.

Sometimes you get what you give.

Man up and deal with it.

I deal with it just fine, and I see your just dumb enough to NOT realize that ANY bullshit Racist shit you tards post will get that INSENSITIVE and HATEFUL post added to it. Your mental midgets have sent out the second string, where are the primary players?
I believe the electorate are waking up knowing Gov. Palin would make a fine president compared to the non-natural born Citizen we have in office today as well as Hillary who is scandal ridden. Palin would get America back on track to prosperity and end Obamacare as we know it. She would reinstate what it is like to be proud to be an American along with the exceptionalism that goes with it. Putin would not ever humiliate Palin on the world stage as he has done Obama with Syria and the Crimea/Ukraine crisis. If she runs vote for her.

Sarah Palin Tops Poll of Women Americans Want to Run for President


Wow....brietfart passes gas and you believe it.

How about I sell you the Golden Gate Bridge for just one dollar and I'll even throw in a year of no fog for free.

You are living proof that stupid like water will always seek it's own level.

Dood, Pee Wee Herman could humiliate Palin in a high school gymnasium. She's like the Jerry Lewis of politics.
And she has one of Jerry's kids, or close enough.
Wow, so much for actually caring about people. Progressives never do though, do they? Nope. They just care about how they can screw them over for money and power.
So very typical.
Humans are a disease, however in this case the reference is to the fact that the right-wingers make a hero out of a woman for having a baby she shouldn't have had. We have enough kids to take care of without the profoundly damaged ones being born, no matter how sweet they may turn out to be. He is bad genetic material and should have been aborted. It happens.
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I believe the electorate are waking up knowing Gov. Palin would make a fine president compared to the non-natural born Citizen we have in office today as well as Hillary who is scandal ridden. Palin would get America back on track to prosperity and end Obamacare as we know it. She would reinstate what it is like to be proud to be an American along with the exceptionalism that goes with it. Putin would not ever humiliate Palin on the world stage as he has done Obama with Syria and the Crimea/Ukraine crisis. If she runs vote for her.

Sarah Palin Tops Poll of Women Americans Want to Run for President


Wow....brietfart passes gas and you believe it.

How about I sell you the Golden Gate Bridge for just one dollar and I'll even throw in a year of no fog for free.

You are living proof that stupid like water will always seek it's own level.

Palin couldn't pull double digit support even after they excluded Hillary.

Ain't happening
And she has one of Jerry's kids, or close enough.
Wow, so much for actually caring about people. Progressives never do though, do they? Nope. They just care about how they can screw them over for money and power.
So very typical.
Humans are a disease, however in this case the reference is to the fact that the right-wingers make a hero out of a woman for having a baby she shouldn't have had. We have enough kids to take care of without the profoundly damaged ones being born, no matter how sweet they may turn out to be. He is bad genetic material and should have been aborted. It happens.

So now your GOD? You make the decisions? But you assholes complain violently when we want you scum from killing unborn, innocent babies...The HYPOCRISY with this piece of human fecal matter gets deeper and deeper! From someone with the mental capacity you have, I'm surprised you haven't self aborted!
...dictator of peoples actions!
That is how you can really get things done, when you need to. You don't fight a war by taking a vote on each hill to take, or letting everyone do their own thing.

Perhaps Conservatives should take your advice, just start dispatching idiots, such as yourself....I mean since you put it the way you have, it would certainly being back sanity after the virus was destroyed! Cure the patient, as such!

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