Sarah Palin Tops Poll Of Women Americans Want To Run For President

Palin is smart,

She's a dumbass.

WTF does that have to do with anything?


Half of a term, which she quit in the middle of, breaking her promise to Alaskans? Get real.

and a woman,

She has a vagina!! WHOOPEE!!!!

so libs should also support her for President! Wait, she's a Conservative, so that will never do!

Of course we aren't going to support her, you dumb motherfucker - she is not in favor of Liberal policy positions!

Goddamn, you're an idiot.
Even conservatives call palin an uneducated moron
This was an extremely good and accurate commentary on S.P.

And coming from a fellow Conservative...AND female.


I'm going to have to look-up more commentary from Liz Trotta.

Thanks for posting that link guno...seriously.

Oh my, another Karl Rove, RINO supporting Republican elitist! Of course the deranged left and the RINO republican's DON'T want a REAL PARTY working to actually do something for THE PEOPLE.... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
Putin would not ever humiliate Palin on the world stage as he has done Obama

Dood, Pee Wee Herman could humiliate Palin in a high school gymnasium. She's like the Jerry Lewis of politics.
And she has one of Jerry's kids, or close enough.

The TRUE LEFTIST SCUMBAG finally throws out the HATE card, and over a baby! And these cocksuckers say that the children are OFF LIMITS... Fucking douchebag liars!
Even conservatives call palin an uneducated moron
This was an extremely good and accurate commentary on S.P.

And coming from a fellow Conservative...AND female.


I'm going to have to look-up more commentary from Liz Trotta.

Thanks for posting that link guno...seriously.

Oh my, another Karl Rove, RINO supporting Republican elitist! Of course the deranged left and the RINO republican's DON'T want a REAL PARTY working to actually do something for THE PEOPLE.... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
Rinos? Elites? Do I need more popcorn for the show?

How I enjoy watching you guys tear into each other, let me count the ways...
This was an extremely good and accurate commentary on S.P.

And coming from a fellow Conservative...AND female.


I'm going to have to look-up more commentary from Liz Trotta.

Thanks for posting that link guno...seriously.

Oh my, another Karl Rove, RINO supporting Republican elitist! Of course the deranged left and the RINO republican's DON'T want a REAL PARTY working to actually do something for THE PEOPLE.... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:
Rinos? Elites? Do I need more popcorn for the show?

How I enjoy watching you guys tear into each other, let me count the ways...

Care to walk back you Jerry's kid hateful, scumbag retort, No, I wouldn't except an apology from a dick like you!

Dood, Pee Wee Herman could humiliate Palin in a high school gymnasium. She's like the Jerry Lewis of politics.
And she has one of Jerry's kids, or close enough.

The TRUE LEFTIST SCUMBAG finally throws out the HATE card, and over a baby! And these cocksuckers say that the children are OFF LIMITS... Fucking douchebag liars!
He's a toddler now. And off limits? Only in the way that 15 will still get you 20.

You have to wonder why though, these days 15 is 20.
And she has one of Jerry's kids, or close enough.

The TRUE LEFTIST SCUMBAG finally throws out the HATE card, and over a baby! And these cocksuckers say that the children are OFF LIMITS... Fucking douchebag liars!
He's a toddler now. And off limits? Only in the way that 15 will still get you 20.

Perhaps we should start picking on the obuma girls, I'm sure that would have you ladies up in arms! You're still a cocksucker for even bringing that up! I thought family members not involved in politics were OFF LIMITS, apparently not for you scum!
The TRUE LEFTIST SCUMBAG finally throws out the HATE card, and over a baby! And these cocksuckers say that the children are OFF LIMITS... Fucking douchebag liars!
He's a toddler now. And off limits? Only in the way that 15 will still get you 20.

Perhaps we should start picking on the obuma girls, I'm sure that would have you ladies up in arms! You're still a cocksucker for even bringing that up! I thought family members not involved in politics were OFF LIMITS, apparently not for you scum!
Read up to your First Lady comments. She's just the wife, remember?
He's a toddler now. And off limits? Only in the way that 15 will still get you 20.

Perhaps we should start picking on the obuma girls, I'm sure that would have you ladies up in arms! You're still a cocksucker for even bringing that up! I thought family members not involved in politics were OFF LIMITS, apparently not for you scum!
Read up to your First Lady comments. She's just the wife, remember?

She's a political target for making speeches and opening her mouth about politics. Remember!
Care to walk back you Jerry's kid hateful, scumbag retort...
Can't think of a reason I would? Welcome to the Internet.

This site is sure better without all those emoticons and signatures. I can almost stand to be here.

I'll try harder next time to annoy you a little more! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
I only see the text when I post, so don't bother on my account. They're blocked. All it looks like is this :blah::blah::blah::blah::blah:
Can't think of a reason I would? Welcome to the Internet.

This site is sure better without all those emoticons and signatures. I can almost stand to be here.

I'll try harder next time to annoy you a little more! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
I only see the text when I post, so don't bother on my account. They're blocked. All it looks like is this :blah::blah::blah::blah::blah:

Doesn't matter what you can or can't see, I enjoy it! :dev3:
Perhaps we should start picking on the obuma girls, I'm sure that would have you ladies up in arms! You're still a cocksucker for even bringing that up! I thought family members not involved in politics were OFF LIMITS, apparently not for you scum!
Read up to your First Lady comments. She's just the wife, remember?

She's a political target for making speeches and opening her mouth about politics. Remember!
So at least one of Palin's kids is an open target then? As for the others, she puts them on TV. Sarah and the Drooler get what they deserve. He should have been aborted anyway. The last thing we need is another Downs kid.
Last edited:
Putin would not ever humiliate Palin on the world stage as he has done Obama


Dood, Pee Wee Herman could humiliate Palin in a high school gymnasium. She's like the Jerry Lewis of politics.
And she has one of Jerry's kids, or close enough.

Wow, so much for actually caring about people. Progressives never do though, do they? Nope. They just care about how they can screw them over for money and power.

So very typical.
Palin is everything that feminist democrats told their daughters they could become. She was a hockey mom that was unhappy with the way her city was run and she ran for mayor and won and later she was elected governor. Why do democrats absolutely hate her? Because she chose to give birth to a Down's Syndrome baby rather than abort? Why can't democrats control their hatred and show their daughters that they support a successful woman even if she is a republican?

So you actually think one of the main reasons liberals dislike Palin is because she did not abort her Down syndrome son? Wow you people are unbelievable lol. You have seriously fried your brain on Fox News.

Hillary is an accomplished woman and she isn't an idiot. Obviously i am going to choose her.

Of course you would come to the idiotic conclusion. I listed all of the idiotic complaints the left had against Palin that I could remember. And yes there were those on the left that thought she should abort.


You people are way too much lol.

breitbart is great fiction.

please run the idiot... .. pretty please.

Breitbart didn't conduct the poll. The Economist/YouGov did.

If not Hillary, then who?

And just for the record, the polls was

The Economist/YouGov survey asked respondents in a series of polls last week which female candidate not named Hillary Clinton they would want to run for president.

Palin gets 9% in a hypothetical poll, well within the margin of error, while Hillary is at 50% in real polls. So, congrats. Palin is "first loser" that cannot be statistically confirmed. That's quite an accomplishment.

As a reminder

A solid majority of Americans don’t want to see Sarah Palin ever become president, according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.

Two-thirds, 67%, said they don’t ever want the former Alaska governor to be president, compared with the 21% who said they would.

While it should come as no surprise that 87% of Democrats said they don’t ever want Palin as commander-in-chief, some 43% of Republicans said the same thing—as well as 65% of independents.

Even 46% of self-identified conservatives said they do not want Palin as president, as well as 44% of those who voted for Arizona GOP Sen. John McCain in 2008.

At 44%, white evangelicals are the largest subgroup supporting Palin as president one day.

WSJ/NBC Poll: Would You Like to See Palin as President Someday? - Washington Wire - WSJ

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