Sarah Palin Tops Poll Of Women Americans Want To Run For President

Nobody says the UGLY vile shit about Hillary thatyou on the left says about Palin...

Oh dear...

they probably had a three some, (Bill, the hill and the child) I'm sure straps were involved somewhere...

yeah and she stood by her hound dog as he Lied in our you think that's upstanding and she doesn't deserve ridicule for problem...You're pathetic you pick that out as something to hold up to some one ever accused her of fucking black meat...

you'll vote for her...anyway..but you got a good buddy out of it, cute couple you'll make
It looks like the hypocrite is about to go full retard
He's talking about other not being involved in a dust who did he jump into conversation with and cause a dust up? G5000 and me...He just couldn't hold himself back...then comes off as being honorable....what hateful and vile loser

I believe I got to EricTheRed (I don't believe he even posted in this thread :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:) as he just negged me for post #288, with a "LOl...such a stupid wingnut fuck...feel free to add me to your little list, you idiot :D"

Another VICTORY in my pocket! You FAGERALS sure are funny when you lose it!

Please continue libtards, I enjoy showing off your INTOLERANCE to anyone that puts you folks down, like the rabid dogs you are! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
The replies on this subject are what a person would think, coming from the left. Its a fact that Sarah Palin frightens the shit out of democrats. After all the left are aware that obama and his un American administration is on its way out. After they are out of office, they will face the special investigations that will put them all in jail. I'm thinking Sarah will toss the book at them. Sarah Palin is the only chance this country has at getting back in the world as a leader.A country who would make others take notice. The world needs Sarah Palin. Condi will not run as she supported voted for obama and hillery is a rat from the word go. She will be run into the ground on her past lies starting with when she was 27 and a tow truck chaser. What I don't understand is why do people, the democrats want the greatest country in the world to fail. Want it to be put in the position of weakness. Want its people to suffer under an administration that imposes unconsitutional laws and regulations upon them. What kind of people are they? Military vets , I'm sure never went to war thinking they left behind a country that would ever end up as America did under obama. I know I didn't. Its Disgusting how a few un American democrats can lead a contingent of nitwits to the polls and get their votes to distroy a great America. Thats why their scared out of their minds about Sarah. They will try to degrade her any way they can. Be it here , the media or anywhere. The thing is , they cant distroy a great American. An American that is always out there defending America and its Constitution and its way of life. Name me one democrat that is out there doing the same. One that can prove that he or she is a citizen , not a traitor or a lier. No gun runners or corrupt AGs either. This thread has about 200+ replys, even threads about obama are less showing how scared they are. I wish she would run but I dought it.

Ask Palin to give you some spelling lessons
Several of us have pointed out that this whole thing is based on which women other than Hillary.
Palin won with 9%.
It's Hillary's if she wants it.
And the liberal Democrat war on women wages on.....

we didn't expect anything different...

What war? I said I supported Sarah running!

Just think, instead of a First Child like Malia, we can have a First Slut like Bristol!

Did you say the same thing about John Edwards baby? I mean cheating on a cancer, bed ridden, DYING wife, and screwing a slut and having a baby and all..... wasn't he a candidate for Democratic president? Yes, just a little more of the Democrats 'WAR ON WOMEN!"
The replies on this subject are what a person would think, coming from the left. Its a fact that Sarah Palin frightens the shit out of democrats. After all the left are aware that obama and his un American administration is on its way out. After they are out of office, they will face the special investigations that will put them all in jail. I'm thinking Sarah will toss the book at them. Sarah Palin is the only chance this country has at getting back in the world as a leader.A country who would make others take notice. The world needs Sarah Palin. Condi will not run as she supported voted for obama and hillery is a rat from the word go. She will be run into the ground on her past lies starting with when she was 27 and a tow truck chaser. What I don't understand is why do people, the democrats want the greatest country in the world to fail. Want it to be put in the position of weakness. Want its people to suffer under an administration that imposes unconsitutional laws and regulations upon them. What kind of people are they? Military vets , I'm sure never went to war thinking they left behind a country that would ever end up as America did under obama. I know I didn't. Its Disgusting how a few un American democrats can lead a contingent of nitwits to the polls and get their votes to distroy a great America. Thats why their scared out of their minds about Sarah. They will try to degrade her any way they can. Be it here , the media or anywhere. The thing is , they cant distroy a great American. An American that is always out there defending America and its Constitution and its way of life. Name me one democrat that is out there doing the same. One that can prove that he or she is a citizen , not a traitor or a lier. No gun runners or corrupt AGs either. This thread has about 200+ replys, even threads about obama are less showing how scared they are. I wish she would run but I dought it.

Ask Palin to give you some spelling lessons

You forgot the PERIOD after lessons, moron! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

breitbart is great fiction.

please run the idiot... .. pretty please.

Breitbart didn't conduct the poll. The Economist/YouGov did.

If not Hillary, then who?



I'm positive Palin could do better than this....:badgrin::badgrin:

The replies on this subject are what a person would think, coming from the left. Its a fact that Sarah Palin frightens the shit out of democrats. After all the left are aware that obama and his un American administration is on its way out. After they are out of office, they will face the special investigations that will put them all in jail. I'm thinking Sarah will toss the book at them. Sarah Palin is the only chance this country has at getting back in the world as a leader.A country who would make others take notice. The world needs Sarah Palin. Condi will not run as she supported voted for obama and hillery is a rat from the word go. She will be run into the ground on her past lies starting with when she was 27 and a tow truck chaser. What I don't understand is why do people, the democrats want the greatest country in the world to fail. Want it to be put in the position of weakness. Want its people to suffer under an administration that imposes unconsitutional laws and regulations upon them. What kind of people are they? Military vets , I'm sure never went to war thinking they left behind a country that would ever end up as America did under obama. I know I didn't. Its Disgusting how a few un American democrats can lead a contingent of nitwits to the polls and get their votes to distroy a great America. Thats why their scared out of their minds about Sarah. They will try to degrade her any way they can. Be it here , the media or anywhere. The thing is , they cant distroy a great American. An American that is always out there defending America and its Constitution and its way of life. Name me one democrat that is out there doing the same. One that can prove that he or she is a citizen , not a traitor or a lier. No gun runners or corrupt AGs either. This thread has about 200+ replys, even threads about obama are less showing how scared they are. I wish she would run but I dought it.

Ask Palin to give you some spelling lessons

You forgot the PERIOD after lessons, moron! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Y o u. Are. An. Idiot.
Or like Obama did his Senate term after he promised not to. Or like Hillary quit her Senate seat then quit as SOS. Or Kerry who quit his Senate seat. A whole lot of quitters out there.
And if they didn't make it

He quit to be President, and the other two quit to be Secretary of State. Yeah! Completely the same. :lol:

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

And if they didn't make it, I'm sure in your fair and balanced opinion, you would have said the same about them..right? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Didn't make it? They quit after being elected/selected. Lol
If Obama had not won he would have still been a senator.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Kinda looks like all these name calling, Palin insulting morons are sure upset that Sarah could be in the running. She could do well against hillery. Sarah being the only one with any honer . I also wonder if my spelling might have something to do with no one having an answer to the question if a democrat was doing what Palin does for us. My spelling must be that important so as to confuse people of the question. Is there a democrat out there that protects America and its constitution like Sarah does? Oh ya is calling Palins family names have something, like points or something? Does Sarah get the chance to call yours names? Think about it.
Kinda looks like all these name calling, Palin insulting morons are sure upset that Sarah could be in the running. She could do well against hillery. Sarah being the only one with any honer . I also wonder if my spelling might have something to do with no one having an answer to the question if a democrat was doing what Palin does for us. My spelling must be that important so as to confuse people of the question. Is there a democrat out there that protects America and its constitution like Sarah does? Oh ya is calling Palins family names have something, like points or something? Does Sarah get the chance to call yours names? Think about it.

Hillery? Who is that?
Yours names?
But if you are trying to make the claim Palin and her family don't attack others you should start following their Facebook pages.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
You've never seen me upset, upset is when your daughter is put in a coma from a car accident. Upset is when your wife falls down a flight of stairs and breaks 13 bones in her body..... this is shits a giggles, as I simply bitch slap ingrates, and subversives that want to "FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE" what was the greatest country, into a refuge for the third world garbage!

But let me know if I can talk you through your derangement!

Maybe upset was the wrong choice of words. When you bring up the injured relatives make total sense. And what a fair way to present your case!

Anguished? Hurt? Bruised? Offended?

Surely one if these words describes the feelings that you are experiencing. I mean....a man in his 70's allowing others to get to him so easily. There must be a term that you are comfortable with.

Imagine, all that time only to end up so sullen and distraught. Gotta be tough.

Well, if your talking about you looking like a total ass trying to bait me with such foolishness, I believe the word you're looking for is hilarity, as in what you type is hilarious, it is also transparent, and every college debating freshman used to be taught the technique. But, undoubtedly, you didn't have an opportunity to go to a decent school before they became bastions of socialism/communism/subversiveism ( I believe I just coined a new word! :badgrin:) as I did! But continue, Pogo was my entertainment, 2 days ago, PaintMyShack was yesterday, and you can be today's! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

What? You mean this is just a one day pass? Come on man! Gimme another day! I want to be your entertainment for at least one more day. Please!!!
Maybe upset was the wrong choice of words. When you bring up the injured relatives make total sense. And what a fair way to present your case!

Anguished? Hurt? Bruised? Offended?

Surely one if these words describes the feelings that you are experiencing. I mean....a man in his 70's allowing others to get to him so easily. There must be a term that you are comfortable with.

Imagine, all that time only to end up so sullen and distraught. Gotta be tough.

Well, if your talking about you looking like a total ass trying to bait me with such foolishness, I believe the word you're looking for is hilarity, as in what you type is hilarious, it is also transparent, and every college debating freshman used to be taught the technique. But, undoubtedly, you didn't have an opportunity to go to a decent school before they became bastions of socialism/communism/subversiveism ( I believe I just coined a new word! :badgrin:) as I did! But continue, Pogo was my entertainment, 2 days ago, PaintMyShack was yesterday, and you can be today's! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

What? You mean this is just a one day pass? Come on man! Gimme another day! I want to be your entertainment for at least one more day. Please!!!

OK, go for it! :badgrin:
Oh yes, by all means let's ignore all of Sarah Palin's shortcomings. We need to focus 100% of our attention 100% of the time on Obama's shortcomings.

Obama's shortcomings are many - no question.
That certainly doesn't make Palin any "better."

Exactly. Some people hate it when their guy/gal is measured by the same standards they have been setting for Obama all these years.

Oopsie! Time for that old amnesia to kick in! :lol:

Just wait until Jeb starts running!
OTHER THAN HILLARY CLINTON, a paltry 9 percent would choose Palin.


Secretary Clinton has substantial leads over other Republican contenders, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds:
49 - 39 percent over U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky;
51 - 35 percent over U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas;
51 - 37 percent over former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida.

Iowa (IA) Poll - March 13, 2014 - Clinton Up As Obama, Christie | Quinnipiac University Connecticut

And there you have it, the list of people that liberals are supposedly scared of.
I'm still terrified of Fred Thompson!

OTHER THAN HILLARY CLINTON, a paltry 9 percent would choose Palin.


Secretary Clinton has substantial leads over other Republican contenders, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds:
49 - 39 percent over U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky;
51 - 35 percent over U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas;
51 - 37 percent over former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida.

Iowa (IA) Poll - March 13, 2014 - Clinton Up As Obama, Christie | Quinnipiac University Connecticut

And there you have it, the list of people that liberals are supposedly scared of.

they have vivid imaginations.

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