Sarah Palin Tops Poll Of Women Americans Want To Run For President

Already there for the last 5+ you're surprised! Morons are!

You can call Obama many things. Dumb ain't one of them. I seriously thought nobody could be dumber than Bush II in charge of the US, then along comes Palin. Why do cons like dumb people. Maybe a bit of mirroring going on there? hhmmmm

Hey now that's not fair.

You left out Dan Quayle.

One POTATO, Two....... help me out here OCD boy, what else did Quayle say?

Can we compare to Joe Biden, that's FAIR, after all they were both V.P.'s?

You can call Obama many things. Dumb ain't one of them. I seriously thought nobody could be dumber than Bush II in charge of the US, then along comes Palin. Why do cons like dumb people. Maybe a bit of mirroring going on there? hhmmmm

Hey now that's not fair.

You left out Dan Quayle.

One POTATO, Two....... help me out here OCD boy, what else did Quayle say?

Can we compare to Joe Biden, that's FAIR, after all they were both V.P.'s?

That's "potatoe" - I forgot about that one.

No I disagree, Quayle was absolutely number one in his time, and since Sarah didn't get elected and quit when she did, Dan's arguably still got the numero uno spot, at least as far as VPs...

Just from memory, "I believe we are on an irreversible course toward freedom and democracy -- but that could change"...

My personal fave is still DQ trying to mouth the UNCF slogan "A mind is a terrible thing to waste" and coming out with:

"What a waste it is to lose one's mind, or not to have a mind as being very wasteful. How true that is" :lmao:

Seriously, this guy was comedy gold wrapped up in milk chocolate hilarity with a chewy guffaw center.


Can't touch this.
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Hey now that's not fair.

You left out Dan Quayle.

One POTATO, Two....... help me out here OCD boy, what else did Quayle say?

Can we compare to Joe Biden, that's FAIR, after all they were both V.P.'s?

That's "potatoe" - I forgot about that one.

No I disagree, Quayle was absolutely number one in his time, and since Sarah didn't get elected and quit when she did, Dan's arguably still got the numero uno spot, at least as far as VPs...

Just from memory, "I believe we are on an irreversible course toward freedom and democracy -- but that could change"...

My personal fave is still DQ trying to mouth the UNCF slogan "A mind is a terrible thing to waste" and coming out with:

"What a waste it is to lose one's mind, or not to have a mind as being very wasteful. How true that is"

:lmao: Seriously, this guy was comedy gold wrapped up in milk chocolate hilarity with a chewy guffaw center.

How soon OCD boy forgets "JoJo" Biden!

Hers's a short clip!.....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap: Hillary's more qualified than I am!

[ame=]Joe Biden Gaffe Blooper Mix - YouTube[/ame]
Do you really want me to trot out ALL those videos of Bush, AGAIN, do you?

Sure, you can also trot out Cheney's and I'll put up Joe "The World's Dumbest Politician" Biden...Go for it sweet thang! :badgrin:

The Dick didn't trip over his words ... sometimes they blurted out all too clearly...


To QUOTE one of your infamous OCD posts...."YOU LOST"...sucka!

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forget it, Palin could not win. The media would complete its destruction of her.

I agree that she would probably do a pretty good job, certainly better than obama or any democrat, but she is not electable.

Senator from Alaska would be a good job for her.

So you want dumb people running your country? Why am I not surprised...

Again, couldn't be any dumber than the clown now inhabiting 1600 Penn....Already been proven. That half breed can't get out of his own way without Valerie Jarrett and a TelePrompTer.
forget it, Palin could not win. The media would complete its destruction of her.

I agree that she would probably do a pretty good job, certainly better than obama or any democrat, but she is not electable.

Senator from Alaska would be a good job for her.

So you want dumb people running your country? Why am I not surprised...

Again, couldn't be any dumber than the clown now inhabiting 1600 Penn....Already been proven. That half breed can't get out of his own way without Valerie Jarrett and a TelePrompTer.

The NEW term for the Manchurian muslim is HALFRICAN, it's so much more PC than mulatto! :eusa_whistle:
So you want dumb people running your country? Why am I not surprised...

Again, couldn't be any dumber than the clown now inhabiting 1600 Penn....Already been proven. That half breed can't get out of his own way without Valerie Jarrett and a TelePrompTer.

The NEW term for the Manchurian muslim is HALFRICAN, it's so much more PC than mulatto! :eusa_whistle:

Sorry. Never was one for that PC crap. I was born black, you were born white. If you have a black father and a white mother you are half of each. Half of each equals Half Breed.

If it offends the left - they should grow a pair. I got used to being called ****** decades ago. Water off a duck's back now.
Posits "Swahili pauses" -- which somehow morphs into "Kenyan pauses" in spite of all the laws of linguistics..

The President's origins and speech affectations aside, to what "laws" are you referring?
Again, couldn't be any dumber than the clown now inhabiting 1600 Penn....Already been proven. That half breed can't get out of his own way without Valerie Jarrett and a TelePrompTer.

The NEW term for the Manchurian muslim is HALFRICAN, it's so much more PC than mulatto! :eusa_whistle:

Sorry. Never was one for that PC crap. I was born black, you were born white. If you have a black father and a white mother you are half of each. Half of each equals Half Breed.

If it offends the left - they should grow a pair. I got used to being called ****** decades ago. Water off a duck's back now.

If you use a term with the intent to offend (as you did above), it is offensive. That is not "PC," it is a simple understanding of communication.
Posits "Swahili pauses" -- which somehow morphs into "Kenyan pauses" in spite of all the laws of linguistics..

The President's origins and speech affectations aside, to what "laws" are you referring?

A reference back to this piece of particularly desperate hackery by Millihenry:

Perhaps Governor Palin would be more warmly received by the Marxists if she adopted Kenyan pauses in her speech. Or even more so were she to try her hand at ebonics!

... which devolved from this:

I dunno.....pretty pleasant to listen to after five + years of Obama's inappropriate pauses and emphasis on words one might expect from someone learning English as a second language. Pauses that are common in Swahili, an official language of several countries - notably Kenya.


DS is damn funny.
Posits "Swahili pauses" -- which somehow morphs into "Kenyan pauses" in spite of all the laws of linguistics..

The President's origins and speech affectations aside, to what "laws" are you referring?

A reference back to this piece of particularly desperate hackery by Millihenry:

Perhaps Governor Palin would be more warmly received by the Marxists if she adopted Kenyan pauses in her speech. Or even more so were she to try her hand at ebonics!

... which devolved from this:

I dunno.....pretty pleasant to listen to after five + years of Obama's inappropriate pauses and emphasis on words one might expect from someone learning English as a second language. Pauses that are common in Swahili, an official language of several countries - notably Kenya.


I still don't see what "laws of linguistics" you meant.

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