Sarah Palin was right Obama wrong again

blah blah blah blah :badgrin:

Are you quoting your hero, Obama, again?

Quoting Obama after the TelePromptEr crashed, perhaps?


(Who also uses a teleprompter and even had one installed in her home.)

Okay, now I see why some rw's think Palin has a brain. They're making the same mistake fox made -

They're mistaking Tina Fey for Palin.


Can't make this shit up.


Sarah Palin Reads Green eggs and ham

Of course the coming posts might probably say,

Katie got her answer today...
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If you ask Palin what continent the Ukraine is located, what do you think she would say?

What's a "U-Crane"?

let's hope there is no need for deployment of corpsmen across the 57 states.
If you ask Palin what continent the Ukraine is located, what do you think she would say?

What's a "U-Crane"?

WOW!!! That is a real knee slapper.

Makes me think that if somebody asked Obama what he thinks of euthanasia, he would say: "Let's think about youth in America, not the youth in Asia."
A WaPo editorial last week amazingly characterized Obama's foreign policy as 'Fantasy'
Another writer yesterday stated that Barack Obama actually believes his own 'Bullsh!t'
Sadly, he was elected twice by an electorate, 52 per cent of which, don't even know the Earth revolves around the sun. They won't begin to realize the error of their choice until the water of whatever river their Pied Piper has led them into starts to pour into their open mouths and nostrils drowning them, or the nuclear warheads start raining down on Jewish and American cities, or Russian, Chinese and Muzzie soldiers are going door to door in this country looking for each American's firearms. A very, very "Fundamental Transformation" indeed.

Obama needs to stop believing his own BS | Power Line
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Sarah Palin CPAC 2014 - CPAC Bonus Saturday -- The Princess In Excelsis - Esquire

She is the living representation of the infantilization of American politics, a poisonous Grimm Sister telling toxic fairy tales to audiences drunk on fear, and hate and nonsense. She respects no standards but her own. She is in perpetual tantrum, railing against her betters, which is practically everyone, and volunteering for the job of avatar to the country's reckless vandal of a political Id. It was the address of a malignant child delivered to an audience of malignant children. If you applauded, you're an idiot and I feel sorry for you.
Palin was undoubtedly reciting a notebook card point that someone gave her. I have my doubts that she could point out Ukraine on a map. And before you lib-twits get a hard-on on that comment, I doubt Obama could either.
If you ask Palin what continent the Ukraine is located, what do you think she would say?

What's a "U-Crane"?

If you ask Palin what continent the Ukraine is located, what do you think she would say?

What's a "U-Crane"?

Its the capital of Uze-becki-becki-becki-stan-stan and she can see it from her back porch.

Palin was undoubtedly reciting a notebook card point that someone gave her. I have my doubts that she could point out Ukraine on a map. And before you lib-twits get a hard-on on that comment, I doubt Obama could either.

It was Tiny Fey on SNL who was acting as Sarah Palin that said she could see Russia from her backyard.

I can see how Democrats can be confused, Tiny Fey is easily mistaken for Sarah Palin, and in the minds of Liberal/Democrats, SNL and Jon Stewart are political news stations, not comedy shows.
The best part about all this is that the left here went into immediate attack mode against Palin thrashing her as an idiot.

And they don’t seem to realize that Obama was just called out for getting this incorrect when Palin was correct. What are you when the idiot seems to know more than you do?

Obama is the one that told Romney the 80’s wanted their FP back. I would bet that you liberals were falling over yourselves with that comment. Turns out Obama didn’t know shit about Russia – what a surprise – and the libs here are more than giving him a pass. They are happy about it.
Sarah Palin once said that Reagan won the Cold War. I guess she was wrong about that.

If you want to argue that Palin was right here, you have to prove that if John McCain were in his second term, and domestic unrest broke out in Ukraine,

Russia would not be intervening.

That 'theory' is preposterous, as is Sarah Palin.

Truth is Reagan had more respect from Russia than who we got sitting in the White House. Reagan won the Cold War in that he established and had a very strong relationship with Gorbachov, he knew how to communicate to break down that Cold War barrier between the two countries. He was. Strong negotiator, speaker, and leader that was able to earn the respect of the Russians. Obama, on the other hand, is still left trying to show Putin that he has some significance as a world leader worth listening to. The two Presidents are really night and day with respect to demonstrating their ability in dealing with foreign relations. Perhaps your leader admire so much, might take some notes and learn from those who have proven themselves successful in working with the Russians.
Sarah Palin is an idiot.

Stop pretending otherwise.

She couldn't find Ukraine on a map.

I don't see any leadership qualities from a community organizer in the eyes of the world. Iran is still pursuing its nuclear ambitions without much concern for the United States opinion, North Korea hasn't dismantled any intercontinental missile programs that pose an imbalanced threat in that region of the world, al Qaeda we learned, after Benghazi, isn't as decimated as Obama has boasted but is still very much a terrorist threat. So what accomplishments HAS this president achieved when confronted with a hot spot taking shape in the world? Outside of withdrawing troops while at the same time making threats of condemnation, which only further demonstrates his ability to jump into a crisis with rhetoric or opinion when it would have served him better to learn to lead with his head over his self ambitions to be seen on the "world stage".
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Sarah Palin is an idiot.

Stop pretending otherwise.

She couldn't find Ukraine on a map.

Didn’t say otherwise. I did say that she called it correctly while Obama did not.

So what does that make Obama when the ‘idiot’ was correct where he was not?

Keep on ignoring that. You make our arguments for us.

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