Sarah Palin's "Asia" speaking event

CLSA is bearish on the American dollar. (Hey, who isn't?) They're trying to show to their Asian clientele why they, too, should be bearish on the dollar by introducing to them a woman whom a large minority of Americans think is qualified to be President.

When is the date of her speech again? I'll remind myself to short the US dollar the night before her speech. I'm sure there will be a sharp spike down afterwards, driven by overnight selling from Asia.
people who know her dismiss her at every turn, that should tell you something.

Like who?
like my friend's dad who works with Todd at BP and my friend's mom who was part of the same social group she was in and my friend who Sarah babysat.
They think she is fake and that is all I will say.
Levi Johnston has an article in Vanity Fair with more interesting details about Caribou Barbie.
Like who?
like my friend's dad who works with Todd at BP and my friend's mom who was part of the same social group she was in and my friend who Sarah babysat.
They think she is fake and that is all I will say.
Levi Johnston has an article in Vanity Fair with more interesting details about Caribou Barbie.

I don't want to give details, for one my friend's dad still works with the guy and is friends with him and he wouldn't something he said spread around. Plus what they have to say is their opinion. And like I said they think she is a fake and have known her since Todd started dating her. Ask Divecon whom I trust more then any of you and I have only shared about the same amount with him through PM.
not to say Obama is the best at going it alone but no one is as bad as bush.

Reagan used a teleprompter. Bush prefered to use notes. They ALL stumble ad-libbing, just as most human beings, you idiot. Are we now back to that? What? No Obama faux pas du jour to bitch about?

uhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhh

Come on, the guy is worse than Bush.

And Reagan used small 3 by 5 note cards he would hand write himself - though he could also ad lib quite well also when the situation arose.

The press gave him hell for those note cards by the way.

Obama gets every single word scripted for him, and he still screws up...

A great revisiting of Reagan follows:

But then one of the most amazing and emotional moments I’ve ever witnessed in politics occurred. Ford, accepting the nomination, gave the best speech of his entire life. But that’s not the moment I’m referring to. It came when Reagan, asked by Ford to say a few words, went to the podium. Ford and his allies expected Reagan to look like a loser, a humiliated foe. He didn’t once he began speaking.

I now know from Craig Shirley that Reagan spoke without notes. But it didn’t seem like that was the case at the time. I thought Reagan, because he was so clear in what he was saying, must be reciting the text of what would have been his acceptance speech had he won the nomination. The audience - 15,000 people or so - was rapt. Some were weeping. Nobody got up. The arena was still. And Reagan was eloquent. It was obvious the delegates were his, both the Reaganites and the Ford delegates. The Ford people were locked into backing an incumbent president of their party. But their hearts were with Reagan. In the time it took for Reagan to speak, the Republican party escaped the clutches of its moderate establishment and fell into Reagan’s lap. He lost the nomination, but won the party -- and ultimately the presidency, the country, and the world.

Reagan's Revolution: By Craig Shirley

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