Sarah Palin's Bizarre Iowa Speech Gets Thanks

No moron, I'm saying the systematic destruction of non white males by the left who dare to leave the Democratic plantation and your masters and overseers is pathetic. As is the double standard of what you hold her to versus people like Biden, Gore and Kerry who make her look like a rocket scientist.

Who was "systematically destroyed" for leaving the plantation? The real problem these guys have is that even when I was in the GOP, I found black conservatives a little off-putting. They seemed to be ashamed of their race and filled with self-loathing.

Biden, Gore and Kerry had decades of government service. YOu might not like their politics, but they put in the time. They didn't quit in the middle of their first terms to do reality TV, and then expected to still be taken seriously.

It's OK, liberal women like Bodecea and Seawytch peed on her leg to identify her for the kill. That makes it "the same." You are full of shit. Women must be warned with a good lynching of anyone who tries to not be liberal that not being liberal is not acceptable. You have lynched more blacks than the KKK to make the same point. You seriously are racist, sexist scum. Freedom to speak our views without being targeted because of things like our sex or skin color is the most basic freedom. There is a reason they put it in the first amendment.

Yup, they need to classify LIbertarianism as a mental illness.

You know, there are a bunch of Republican women who actually do the hard work, and no one has an issue with them. Nikki Halley, Susan Martinez. They are just doing their jobs. Palin get whacked because 1) She's stupid and 2) she can't help making a spectacle of herself.
Yes, Einstein, I'm a Republican. You got me. So , Newt Gingrich and the Heritage foundation speak for all Republicans and libertarians. And even if they both change their minds, we are all stuck with what they informed us they support 20 years later. But we didn't, which makes us racists. Actually it doesn't, but it does make you a complete and utter moron.

This is the level of discourse you set on the board and why I just insult you. Do you not read your arguments and feel stupid at all? I mean even a little?

NO, I just read your posts and become convinced the GOP needs to purge Libertarians back into the corner they were in during the 1980's.

We used to LAUGH at Libertarians, because they were kind of stupid.

Now we take them seriously, because they got a couple of rich sugar daddies.
that's fine. People feel that way about Obama. It's not the color of his skin or that he is an ugly human being so called Man. he's an idiot/thug

Yes, I'm sure people do feel that way, but far, far fewer than believe it about Ms. Palin...and it is far more true with Caribou Barbie too...

Exactly, the self victimization of leftists. The liberal woman steps out to validate the kill for the mob. It's OK to destroy a woman, you validated it. As I said, you are a liberal first. Even before you are gay. You are a woman down the line. What the left does to Palin is pathetic and immoral.'s "immoral" to treat her like a public figure subject to criticism and ridicule? I can't wait until the Hillary Presidential season. :lol:


Ah, the Kaz go to line when he needs to deflect.

Typical liberal. I give you the name of a fallacy you actually committed. You pick a fallacy you want me to have committed and try to make it sound the same.
that's fine. People feel that way about Obama. It's not the color of his skin or that he is an ugly human being so called Man. he's an idiot/thug

Yes, I'm sure people do feel that way, but far, far fewer than believe it about Ms. Palin...and it is far more true with Caribou Barbie too...

Exactly, the self victimization of leftists. The liberal woman steps out to validate the kill for the mob. It's OK to destroy a woman, you validated it. As I said, you are a liberal first. Even before you are gay. You are a woman down the line. What the left does to Palin is pathetic and immoral.'s "immoral" to treat her like a public figure subject to criticism and ridicule? I can't wait until the Hillary Presidential season. :lol:

And yes, Hillary. A woman who has every stereotypical liberal view on everything, she is OK with you. Not being the sharpest knife in the drawer you don't realize you just supported my point, not yours. You have no tolerance for dissent, people will think what you do. Then you think you're open minded because you are OK with someone having a different skin color think exactly what you do, but only if they think exactly what you do.

Yes, I like Hillary's policies better than Palins. It has nothing to do with gender or race, but policies. I am a liberal and support more liberal candidates and policies. My criticism of Palin has everything to do with her ideology and the stupid things she says and has nothing to do with her gender. She is, in my opinion, on par with Louie Gomert or Todd Akin.

OK, but has nothing to do with my argument. No one said you can't disagree with her. Try to keep up with the discussion if you want to participate in it..
Yes, I'm sure people do feel that way, but far, far fewer than believe it about Ms. Palin...and it is far more true with Caribou Barbie too...

Exactly, the self victimization of leftists. The liberal woman steps out to validate the kill for the mob. It's OK to destroy a woman, you validated it. As I said, you are a liberal first. Even before you are gay. You are a woman down the line. What the left does to Palin is pathetic and immoral.'s "immoral" to treat her like a public figure subject to criticism and ridicule? I can't wait until the Hillary Presidential season. :lol:


Ah, the Kaz go to line when he needs to deflect.

Typical liberal. I give you the name of a fallacy you actually committed. You pick a fallacy you want me to have committed and try to make it sound the same.

It's the victimhood that you find attractive in Sarah, admit it. :lol:
Yes, I'm sure people do feel that way, but far, far fewer than believe it about Ms. Palin...and it is far more true with Caribou Barbie too...

Exactly, the self victimization of leftists. The liberal woman steps out to validate the kill for the mob. It's OK to destroy a woman, you validated it. As I said, you are a liberal first. Even before you are gay. You are a woman down the line. What the left does to Palin is pathetic and immoral.'s "immoral" to treat her like a public figure subject to criticism and ridicule? I can't wait until the Hillary Presidential season. :lol:

And yes, Hillary. A woman who has every stereotypical liberal view on everything, she is OK with you. Not being the sharpest knife in the drawer you don't realize you just supported my point, not yours. You have no tolerance for dissent, people will think what you do. Then you think you're open minded because you are OK with someone having a different skin color think exactly what you do, but only if they think exactly what you do.

Yes, I like Hillary's policies better than Palins. It has nothing to do with gender or race, but policies. I am a liberal and support more liberal candidates and policies. My criticism of Palin has everything to do with her ideology and the stupid things she says and has nothing to do with her gender. She is, in my opinion, on par with Louie Gomert or Todd Akin.

OK, but has nothing to do with my argument. No one said you can't disagree with her. Try to keep up with the discussion if you want to participate in it..

Right...we just can't call her an idiot 'cause she's a chick. :lol:
Yes, Einstein, I'm a Republican. You got me. So , Newt Gingrich and the Heritage foundation speak for all Republicans and libertarians. And even if they both change their minds, we are all stuck with what they informed us they support 20 years later. But we didn't, which makes us racists. Actually it doesn't, but it does make you a complete and utter moron.

This is the level of discourse you set on the board and why I just insult you. Do you not read your arguments and feel stupid at all? I mean even a little?

NO, I just read your posts and become convinced the GOP needs to purge Libertarians back into the corner they were in during the 1980's.

We used to LAUGH at Libertarians, because they were kind of stupid.

Now we take them seriously, because they got a couple of rich sugar daddies.

You seriously don't get this, do you? Of the three major areas of politics, social, fiscal and military, I agree with them on one, fiscal policy. And I don't agree with them on that in that I mean it and they don't. So, I left the party and stopped voting for them. So, one question, simpleton.

How do they purge people who don't belong to their party?

Shortly after declaring that she's "seriously interested" in running for president in 2016, Sarah Palin delivered a confusing speech that was panned by many, even some on the right.

Sarah Palin s Bizarre Iowa Speech Gets Thanks -- From The Democrats

We are having way too much fun with this poor woman . It's almost like making fun of the mentally challenged. It seems like she's completely out of her mind. She has to be treated.

More leftist misogyny. No bitch is going be allowed to think differently than you do.

Except the criticism of Sarah Palin has nothing to do with the fact that she is a woman and everything to do with the fact that she is an idiot.
My criticism of Obama has nothing to do with his skin color. He is a liar and an incompetent, disingenuous Marxist. I keep saying that and you idiot liberals claim racism.

Why should anyone believe you're not a woman hater?

I wouldn't be a very successful lesbian if I hated women.

Marxist. :lol:
You hate women with real family values.
Exactly, the self victimization of leftists. The liberal woman steps out to validate the kill for the mob. It's OK to destroy a woman, you validated it. As I said, you are a liberal first. Even before you are gay. You are a woman down the line. What the left does to Palin is pathetic and immoral.'s "immoral" to treat her like a public figure subject to criticism and ridicule? I can't wait until the Hillary Presidential season. :lol:


Ah, the Kaz go to line when he needs to deflect.

Typical liberal. I give you the name of a fallacy you actually committed. You pick a fallacy you want me to have committed and try to make it sound the same.

It's the victimhood that you find attractive in Sarah, admit it. :lol:

If that were true, I would find you attractive. She attacks the left for your positions, she does not attack you for what you do to her. I know you're not intelligent enough to grasp that and I'm not going to keep responding to duh, dar, I don't get it.
Exactly, the self victimization of leftists. The liberal woman steps out to validate the kill for the mob. It's OK to destroy a woman, you validated it. As I said, you are a liberal first. Even before you are gay. You are a woman down the line. What the left does to Palin is pathetic and immoral.'s "immoral" to treat her like a public figure subject to criticism and ridicule? I can't wait until the Hillary Presidential season. :lol:

And yes, Hillary. A woman who has every stereotypical liberal view on everything, she is OK with you. Not being the sharpest knife in the drawer you don't realize you just supported my point, not yours. You have no tolerance for dissent, people will think what you do. Then you think you're open minded because you are OK with someone having a different skin color think exactly what you do, but only if they think exactly what you do.

Yes, I like Hillary's policies better than Palins. It has nothing to do with gender or race, but policies. I am a liberal and support more liberal candidates and policies. My criticism of Palin has everything to do with her ideology and the stupid things she says and has nothing to do with her gender. She is, in my opinion, on par with Louie Gomert or Todd Akin.

OK, but has nothing to do with my argument. No one said you can't disagree with her. Try to keep up with the discussion if you want to participate in it..

Right...we just can't call her an idiot 'cause she's a chick. :lol:

If you disagree with me that's fine. Say why. But if you come back with another duh, dar, I don't get what you said post again I'm putting you on ignore for 24 hours because we're getting back into the rut of you saying I said things I didn't say over and over and treating it as if I had said that. When I start posting over and over "strawman, strawman, strawman" that is what I'm telling you. I like to argue with an adult. I find conversations where you process what I said and disagree with them to be fun. I find arguments with an 8 year old posting over and over that you didn't grasp what I said and clearly you aren't even trying to grasp what I said to just be tiresome. You are deep into tiresome right now.
Shortly after declaring that she's "seriously interested" in running for president in 2016, Sarah Palin delivered a confusing speech that was panned by many, even some on the right.

Sarah Palin s Bizarre Iowa Speech Gets Thanks -- From The Democrats

We are having way too much fun with this poor woman . It's almost like making fun of the mentally challenged. It seems like she's completely out of her mind. She has to be treated.

More leftist misogyny. No bitch is going be allowed to think differently than you do.

Except the criticism of Sarah Palin has nothing to do with the fact that she is a woman and everything to do with the fact that she is an idiot.
My criticism of Obama has nothing to do with his skin color. He is a liar and an incompetent, disingenuous Marxist. I keep saying that and you idiot liberals claim racism.

Why should anyone believe you're not a woman hater?

I wouldn't be a very successful lesbian if I hated women.

Marxist. :lol:
You hate women with real family values.

Yeah, go with that.
You can only shake your head over the tizzy these people get all into over a "private Citizen" Sarah Palin of our country just giving a speech

man oh man. that shows some deep seated hate inside these people. Now if she were a politician they wouldn't look so shallow and hateful

Is liberalism a mental disorder? YOU DECIDE by any Palin thread on here

scary's "immoral" to treat her like a public figure subject to criticism and ridicule? I can't wait until the Hillary Presidential season. :lol:


Ah, the Kaz go to line when he needs to deflect.

Typical liberal. I give you the name of a fallacy you actually committed. You pick a fallacy you want me to have committed and try to make it sound the same.

It's the victimhood that you find attractive in Sarah, admit it. :lol:

If that were true, I would find you attractive. She attacks the left for your positions, she does not attack you for what you do to her. I know you're not intelligent enough to grasp that and I'm not going to keep responding to duh, dar, I don't get it.

Oh the irony from Mr. Victim himself. Poor Kaz, nobody understands him. Boo hoo.

I will attack Palin both for her policy positions (if she actually had any other than "libruls are bad") and her abject stupidity just like I would Louie Gomert or the other clowns in the clown car. She's a grifter on par with Donald Trump. She's much hotter though. :lol:'s "immoral" to treat her like a public figure subject to criticism and ridicule? I can't wait until the Hillary Presidential season. :lol:

And yes, Hillary. A woman who has every stereotypical liberal view on everything, she is OK with you. Not being the sharpest knife in the drawer you don't realize you just supported my point, not yours. You have no tolerance for dissent, people will think what you do. Then you think you're open minded because you are OK with someone having a different skin color think exactly what you do, but only if they think exactly what you do.

Yes, I like Hillary's policies better than Palins. It has nothing to do with gender or race, but policies. I am a liberal and support more liberal candidates and policies. My criticism of Palin has everything to do with her ideology and the stupid things she says and has nothing to do with her gender. She is, in my opinion, on par with Louie Gomert or Todd Akin.

OK, but has nothing to do with my argument. No one said you can't disagree with her. Try to keep up with the discussion if you want to participate in it..

Right...we just can't call her an idiot 'cause she's a chick. :lol:

If you disagree with me that's fine. Say why. But if you come back with another duh, dar, I don't get what you said post again I'm putting you on ignore for 24 hours because we're getting back into the rut of you saying I said things I didn't say over and over and treating it as if I had said that. When I start posting over and over "strawman, strawman, strawman" that is what I'm telling you. I like to argue with an adult. I find conversations where you process what I said and disagree with them to be fun. I find arguments with an 8 year old posting over and over that you didn't grasp what I said and clearly you aren't even trying to grasp what I said to just be tiresome. You are deep into tiresome right now.

By all means, feel free to ignore me much longer than that. I'll never understand the poor picked on and misunderstood Kaz. You should give up. :lol:
yes she needs to stay in alaska in the woods with a bow. I am a conservative and I want to staple her mouth shut. be real fellow conservatives. She needs to go.

that's so tolerant of you

She can practice her free speech here on this site or in alaska, but people need to quit asking her to speak publicly. She is hurting the party of the right. Mainly because she's not very smart when she talks. Her ability to form coherent sentences out of her mouth is none existent. The GOP and the far rights problem is communication. It always has been. Let rubio, gingrich, Rand paul, Kasich, etc.. speak for the party publicly. Paul Ryan is an idiot also. all he has to do is replace the word cut with improve. moron.

You're no conservative. they wouldn't show so much disrespect for a successful woman Governor
Successful? How do you define 'success'? Quitting?
And yes, Hillary. A woman who has every stereotypical liberal view on everything, she is OK with you. Not being the sharpest knife in the drawer you don't realize you just supported my point, not yours. You have no tolerance for dissent, people will think what you do. Then you think you're open minded because you are OK with someone having a different skin color think exactly what you do, but only if they think exactly what you do.

Yes, I like Hillary's policies better than Palins. It has nothing to do with gender or race, but policies. I am a liberal and support more liberal candidates and policies. My criticism of Palin has everything to do with her ideology and the stupid things she says and has nothing to do with her gender. She is, in my opinion, on par with Louie Gomert or Todd Akin.

OK, but has nothing to do with my argument. No one said you can't disagree with her. Try to keep up with the discussion if you want to participate in it..

Right...we just can't call her an idiot 'cause she's a chick. :lol:

If you disagree with me that's fine. Say why. But if you come back with another duh, dar, I don't get what you said post again I'm putting you on ignore for 24 hours because we're getting back into the rut of you saying I said things I didn't say over and over and treating it as if I had said that. When I start posting over and over "strawman, strawman, strawman" that is what I'm telling you. I like to argue with an adult. I find conversations where you process what I said and disagree with them to be fun. I find arguments with an 8 year old posting over and over that you didn't grasp what I said and clearly you aren't even trying to grasp what I said to just be tiresome. You are deep into tiresome right now.

By all means, feel free to ignore me much longer than that. I'll never understand the poor picked on and misunderstood Kaz. You should give up. :lol:

I wasn't asking you a question, I was informing you. You like to bicker, and you don't like to pay attention to what is being argued. You are not always like that, but you were having a bad day about it this morning even for you.
Exactly, the self victimization of leftists. The liberal woman steps out to validate the kill for the mob. It's OK to destroy a woman, you validated it. As I said, you are a liberal first. Even before you are gay. You are a woman down the line. What the left does to Palin is pathetic and immoral.'s "immoral" to treat her like a public figure subject to criticism and ridicule? I can't wait until the Hillary Presidential season. :lol:

And yes, Hillary. A woman who has every stereotypical liberal view on everything, she is OK with you. Not being the sharpest knife in the drawer you don't realize you just supported my point, not yours. You have no tolerance for dissent, people will think what you do. Then you think you're open minded because you are OK with someone having a different skin color think exactly what you do, but only if they think exactly what you do.

Yes, I like Hillary's policies better than Palins. It has nothing to do with gender or race, but policies. I am a liberal and support more liberal candidates and policies. My criticism of Palin has everything to do with her ideology and the stupid things she says and has nothing to do with her gender. She is, in my opinion, on par with Louie Gomert or Todd Akin.

OK, but has nothing to do with my argument. No one said you can't disagree with her. Try to keep up with the discussion if you want to participate in it..

Right...we just can't call her an idiot 'cause she's a chick. :lol:
No....every comment made against Palin is because she's a woman. That's it. No discussion. She's a victim. Period.

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