Sarah Sanders, worlds highest paid janitor?

But it seems only left leaning assholes.

So what?

So you are just one more partisan hack that populates this board

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I'm a partisan, but not a hack.

People who deny they are partisans are living in a fantasy world. True neutral only exists amongst Pathfinder Druids and crazy old hermits.

You are a hack. People can favor a party and yet still find some fault in it. Then there is you...

Yes but the far left never find faults with in their party, as you keep proving!
You forgot to say far left drone

So you are just one more partisan hack that populates this board

Sent from my iPhone using

I'm a partisan, but not a hack.

People who deny they are partisans are living in a fantasy world. True neutral only exists amongst Pathfinder Druids and crazy old hermits.

You are a hack. People can favor a party and yet still find some fault in it. Then there is you...

Yes but the far left never find faults with in their party, as you keep proving!
You forgot to say far left drone

And here is one of the far left drones that proves my point!
So you are just one more partisan hack that populates this board

Sent from my iPhone using

I'm a partisan, but not a hack.

People who deny they are partisans are living in a fantasy world. True neutral only exists amongst Pathfinder Druids and crazy old hermits.

You are a hack. People can favor a party and yet still find some fault in it. Then there is you...

Yes but the far left never find faults with in their party, as you keep proving!
You forgot to say far left drone

And here is one of the far left drones that proves my point!
Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
Notice how the far left has not denied any accusations!

Normally we would get long lists of links, but now they have nothing and do not deny the fact that insult Sarah on her looks!

This is what they do against anyone that is not part of the far left religion!
Trump says so much stupid shit, she is constantly under fire and left to clean up his mess.
Notice how the far left has not denied any accusations!

Normally we would get long lists of links, but now they have nothing and do not deny the fact that insult Sarah on her looks!

This is what they do against anyone that is not part of the far left religion!

That is far left DRONES!

Get it right or pay the price
Notice how the far left has not denied any accusations!

Normally we would get long lists of links, but now they have nothing and do not deny the fact that insult Sarah on her looks!

This is what they do against anyone that is not part of the far left religion!

That is far left DRONES!

Get it right or pay the price

And you see they prove my point for me, they have nothing and do not deny attacking Sanders on her looks!
Appearance and looks are not the same thing. Mocking her fashion choices is not attacking her looks by any stretch of the imagination. She's not "attacked" for her looks outside of a comment section. That you think commentary about her clothing is commenting on her attractiveness tell us how you feel about her looks and nothing more.

OK. She's a lying bitch. That didn't insult her looks, did it?

She hasn't been "attacked" for her looks. RWers, who obviously don't find her attractive, perceive anything said about her to be about her looks...but that's on THEM. Wolf never said anything about her attractiveness or lack thereof. They perceived an attack on her looks because they see her as unattractive.

Watch Chelsea Handler Call Sarah Huckabee Sanders A 'Whore'

“That harlot that they’re dressing up and trolloping out every day?” Handler said. “I mean, one day she has no makeup on at all, the next she has six-foot-long eyelashes, she’s got cleavage and summer whore lipstick all over her face. Can you believe what they turned her into? A proper trollop.”

Commentary on fashion choices are not commentary on attractiveness. Calling her a lying whore is not calling her unattractive.

Wow, you are such a gutless hack.

They are commenting on her LOOKS, which includes how one prepares oneself, not just purely physical attributes.

Then she is treated no differently than any other public figure when they make poor fashion choices. (Spicer and his ill fitting suits, Huckleberry Saddlebag on her bad makeup and frumpy clothing) They aren’t calling her ugly. That you think they are just means you think she’s ugly.
Notice how the far left has not denied any accusations!

Normally we would get long lists of links, but now they have nothing and do not deny the fact that insult Sarah on her looks!

This is what they do against anyone that is not part of the far left religion!

That is far left DRONES!

Get it right or pay the price

And you see they prove my point for me, they have nothing and do not deny attacking Sanders on her looks!
Failure to use “Far Left DRONES”

You are headed to the Land of the Banned” pal
OK. She's a lying bitch. That didn't insult her looks, did it?

She hasn't been "attacked" for her looks. RWers, who obviously don't find her attractive, perceive anything said about her to be about her looks...but that's on THEM. Wolf never said anything about her attractiveness or lack thereof. They perceived an attack on her looks because they see her as unattractive.

Watch Chelsea Handler Call Sarah Huckabee Sanders A 'Whore'

“That harlot that they’re dressing up and trolloping out every day?” Handler said. “I mean, one day she has no makeup on at all, the next she has six-foot-long eyelashes, she’s got cleavage and summer whore lipstick all over her face. Can you believe what they turned her into? A proper trollop.”

Commentary on fashion choices are not commentary on attractiveness. Calling her a lying whore is not calling her unattractive.

Wow, you are such a gutless hack.

They are commenting on her LOOKS, which includes how one prepares oneself, not just purely physical attributes.

Then she is treated no differently than any other public figure when they make poor fashion choices. (Spicer and his ill fitting suits, Huckleberry Saddlebag on her bad makeup and frumpy clothing) They aren’t calling her ugly. That you think they are just means you think she’s ugly.

Spin it all you want. Again you would be mewling like a stuck cat if she was Obama's press person, you fucking hypocrite.
She hasn't been "attacked" for her looks. RWers, who obviously don't find her attractive, perceive anything said about her to be about her looks...but that's on THEM. Wolf never said anything about her attractiveness or lack thereof. They perceived an attack on her looks because they see her as unattractive.

Watch Chelsea Handler Call Sarah Huckabee Sanders A 'Whore'

“That harlot that they’re dressing up and trolloping out every day?” Handler said. “I mean, one day she has no makeup on at all, the next she has six-foot-long eyelashes, she’s got cleavage and summer whore lipstick all over her face. Can you believe what they turned her into? A proper trollop.”

Commentary on fashion choices are not commentary on attractiveness. Calling her a lying whore is not calling her unattractive.

Wow, you are such a gutless hack.

They are commenting on her LOOKS, which includes how one prepares oneself, not just purely physical attributes.

Then she is treated no differently than any other public figure when they make poor fashion choices. (Spicer and his ill fitting suits, Huckleberry Saddlebag on her bad makeup and frumpy clothing) They aren’t calling her ugly. That you think they are just means you think she’s ugly.

Spin it all you want. Again you would be mewling like a stuck cat if she was Obama's press person, you fucking hypocrite.

See how the far left will justify attacks on women that do not follow the far left religious doctrine?

The far hates all women, they just tolerate them when they can use them as political cannon fodder!

Commentary on fashion choices are not commentary on attractiveness. Calling her a lying whore is not calling her unattractive.

Wow, you are such a gutless hack.

They are commenting on her LOOKS, which includes how one prepares oneself, not just purely physical attributes.

Then she is treated no differently than any other public figure when they make poor fashion choices. (Spicer and his ill fitting suits, Huckleberry Saddlebag on her bad makeup and frumpy clothing) They aren’t calling her ugly. That you think they are just means you think she’s ugly.

Spin it all you want. Again you would be mewling like a stuck cat if she was Obama's press person, you fucking hypocrite.

See how the far left will justify attacks on women that do not follow the far left religious doctrine?

The far hates all women, they just tolerate them when they can use them as political cannon fodder!

10 Point Violation

Failure to say Far Left Drone
Just because I don't fall for the chicken little routine every time you morons hear Trump say something doesn't make me a hack.

You stated that you call people that call Repub women names assholes, but it is ok for people to call Dem women names...that is what makes you a hack.

On the other hand your sides pavlovian response to anything he does of "IMPEACH TREASON DRUMF FUH FUH FUH GAARRRGGGLLLE NARRGGLE SNARF" is what hackery is all about.

My side? This is my side....Libertarian Party This was who I voted for in the last two elections...Gary Johnson - Wikipedia

So, feel free to provide some links to my side calling for impeachment of Trump.

As for my views on impeachment...North Korea fires another missile, government shutdown looming...
I actually felt sorry for her after the "burn the truth and use the ashes for smokey eyes" jab. I mean remember Dee Dee Myers getting blindsided with Clinton's escapades.

But at some point, when they've been called upon not just to defend lies but also to defend behaviors toxic to the ideals America's supposed to stand for ... do they act like Ari Flieshner or Larry Ziegler?
But it seems only left leaning assholes.

So what?

So you are just one more partisan hack that populates this board

Sent from my iPhone using

I'm a partisan, but not a hack.

People who deny they are partisans are living in a fantasy world. True neutral only exists amongst Pathfinder Druids and crazy old hermits.

You are a hack. People can favor a party and yet still find some fault in it. Then there is you...

Yes but the far left never find faults with in their party, as you keep proving!

Neither of the wings find fault with their party, that is the problem with the wings and why they are fucking up this country so damn much. People like you put party before country. People like you would be fine with fucking the country over if you could just win a few more points on a political forum.

By the way, this is my party you fucking moron...Libertarian Party and I find plenty of fault with them

So you are just one more partisan hack that populates this board

Sent from my iPhone using

I'm a partisan, but not a hack.

People who deny they are partisans are living in a fantasy world. True neutral only exists amongst Pathfinder Druids and crazy old hermits.

You are a hack. People can favor a party and yet still find some fault in it. Then there is you...

Yes but the far left never find faults with in their party, as you keep proving!

Neither of the wings find fault with their party, that is the problem with the wings and why they are fucking up this country so damn much. People like you put party before country. People like you would be fine with fucking the country over if you could just win a few more points on a political forum.

By the way, this is my party you fucking moron...Libertarian Party and I find plenty of fault with them
Well, I think the left of the dems is finding a lot of fault with the center of the party. And if they don't find a way to make nice, the Soviet Stool might get reelected.
Who insults her about her looks? Nobody that isn't hiding behind an internet username.

Have you already forgotten Michelle Wolf?

Not at all. Wolf never once attacked Sanders for her looks. She actually complimented her on her makeup.

You realize that's about as stupid as Donald trying to back track with "wouldn't" right? Wolf wasn't complimenting Sarah's makeup, she was making fun of her. Any idiot would understand that. Maybe not you...

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