Sarah Still Has It


Sep 23, 2010
I can understand Sarah Palin topping the Economist/YouGov poll. A few of the others have me puzzled:


For the past several weeks, the Economist/YouGov Poll has asked Americans their opinions of other women who could potentially run for president. Last week, when people were asked what women other than Hillary Clinton Americans would want to run for president in either 2016 or 2020, 49 different names were mentioned. However, there were only 8 women named by at least 1% of survey takers, and nearly 2/3 of those in the survey couldn't name a single other woman beyond Clinton.

If not Hillary, then who?
by YouGov Staff in Economist/YouGov Poll, Front Page, Model Politics and Politics
Mon March 24, 2014 7:36 a.m. PDT

If not Hillary, then who?

I prefer polls designed specifically for conservative-female possibilities; nevertheless, I have a few comments about the ladies in the chart.


Clinton gets a hundred times more coverage than does Sarah; so Sarah coming out on top in a general poll tells me she would beat Hillary Clinton like a drum should the two square off in a presidential race.


Fred Allen (1896 -1956) said everything there is to say about Elizabeth “Cherokee” Warren:

She used to be a teacher but she has no class now.


A lot of Democrats must love Condoleezza Rice. Tea Party conservatives should have no use for anyone who considers Madeleine Albright’s father the most important influence in her life. It was a tossup between Rice Cakes and Colin Powell as to which one was Bush the Younger’s worst cabinet pick. Rice also comes from the education industry. Her only saving grace is that she did not teach at Harvard like Warren.

Michelle with two Ls

Michelle Obama has to be on the list as a joke. But then Hillary Clinton started out as the biggest joke in politics and she’s still going.


Nikki Haley has been getting honorable mention in the media which is no endorsement for a Tea Party conservative. She does have a few things going for her. Tea Partiers in South Carolina like her. Sarah Palin endorsed her for governor of South Carolina, but then so did Mitt Romney. Time will tell if she turns out to be another disappointment like Governor Jan Brewer.

Michele with one L

Michele Bachmann also has name recognition but she deserves it. She actually made a run for the Republican nomination that ended up going to Mitt Romney. How’s that for voter stupidity! Bachmann’s conservatism is proved by the Left’s fear of her that is almost on par with their fear of the divine Sarah.


Diane Feinstein is proof that name recognition counts. She sure as hell has nothing else going for her. Before the media deified Hillary Clinton they touted Di Fi as THE ONE. Interestingly, Clinton’s lies and scandals never did her image a bit of harm, while Di Fi’s ethical lapses, public pronouncements, and Senate conduct makes her a bigger joke than Sir Edmund Hillary Clinton.

Kirsten who?
I can't think of a single woman on either side of the aisle I have any confidence in. Well ... perhaps Michelle Malkin if she decided to run. Since it's apparent that America votes for candidates based on looks she would probably grab a ton just for that reason alone but she's also very intelligent:

Palin still knows how to feed pablum to the TeaTards
Palin still knows how to feed pablum to the TeaTards

Look over your head ^^^

Obviously, so does Michelle Malkin. Arguably one of the least intelligent of the radical pundits and yet she has followers.

Maybe they could all run together. One big conga line of dumb.
Palin still knows how to feed pablum to the TeaTards

Look over your head ^^^

Obviously, so does Michelle Malkin. Arguably one of the least intelligent of the radical pundits and yet she has followers.

Maybe they could all run together. One big conga line of dumb.

You must be a racist. Mustn't disagree with folks of color. Tsk tsk. :whip:
I can't think of a single woman on either side of the aisle I have any confidence in. Well ... perhaps Michelle Malkin if she decided to run.


:thup: Michelle Malkin is tops in my book, too. What a word warrior with a great brain and common sense.
Oh goody goody ...

Hope $he runs.

To Luddly Neddite: If that’s true you should be singing Sarah’s praises.

Palin still knows how to feed pablum to the TeaTards

To rightwinger: Happily, Sarah does not have to feed liberals anything. Her very name sends liberals around the bend as you and the other libs are demonstrating in this thread.

Yep. The GOP should definitely run her for Pres. That would have my full support! :D

To Esmeralda: You and Luddly Neddite can stop worrying. Establishment Republicans still have too much power, money and media support. The last thing the forces lining up against conservatives want is for Sarah to get the nomination where she can cash in on the huge advantage every Republican has over the Democrat.

Sarah has one chance of getting the nomination. As good as Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul happen to be Sarah’s one chance is being drafted in a deadlocked convention.

The only way the Republicans can lose is to run another stiff like John McCain or Mitt Romney.

:thup: Michelle Malkin is tops in my book, too. What a word warrior with a great brain and common sense.

To AquaAthena: Ditto. Way back in 2002 on another message board I said “Ms. Malkin is always a tigress stalking her communist prey. She doesn’t often use the words “communism” or “socialism” in her articles that I can remember offhand, but she mauls red-underwear Democrats just the same.”
I can understand Sarah Palin topping the Economist/YouGov poll. A few of the others have me puzzled:


For the past several weeks, the Economist/YouGov Poll has asked Americans their opinions of other women who could potentially run for president. Last week, when people were asked what women other than Hillary Clinton Americans would want to run for president in either 2016 or 2020, 49 different names were mentioned. However, there were only 8 women named by at least 1% of survey takers, and nearly 2/3 of those in the survey couldn't name a single other woman beyond Clinton.

If not Hillary, then who?
by YouGov Staff in Economist/YouGov Poll, Front Page, Model Politics and Politics
Mon March 24, 2014 7:36 a.m. PDT

If not Hillary, then who?

I prefer polls designed specifically for conservative-female possibilities; nevertheless, I have a few comments about the ladies in the chart.


Clinton gets a hundred times more coverage than does Sarah; so Sarah coming out on top in a general poll tells me she would beat Hillary Clinton like a drum should the two square off in a presidential race.


Fred Allen (1896 -1956) said everything there is to say about Elizabeth “Cherokee” Warren:

She used to be a teacher but she has no class now.


A lot of Democrats must love Condoleezza Rice. Tea Party conservatives should have no use for anyone who considers Madeleine Albright’s father the most important influence in her life. It was a tossup between Rice Cakes and Colin Powell as to which one was Bush the Younger’s worst cabinet pick. Rice also comes from the education industry. Her only saving grace is that she did not teach at Harvard like Warren.

Michelle with two Ls

Michelle Obama has to be on the list as a joke. But then Hillary Clinton started out as the biggest joke in politics and she’s still going.


Nikki Haley has been getting honorable mention in the media which is no endorsement for a Tea Party conservative. She does have a few things going for her. Tea Partiers in South Carolina like her. Sarah Palin endorsed her for governor of South Carolina, but then so did Mitt Romney. Time will tell if she turns out to be another disappointment like Governor Jan Brewer.

Michele with one L

Michele Bachmann also has name recognition but she deserves it. She actually made a run for the Republican nomination that ended up going to Mitt Romney. How’s that for voter stupidity! Bachmann’s conservatism is proved by the Left’s fear of her that is almost on par with their fear of the divine Sarah.


Diane Feinstein is proof that name recognition counts. She sure as hell has nothing else going for her. Before the media deified Hillary Clinton they touted Di Fi as THE ONE. Interestingly, Clinton’s lies and scandals never did her image a bit of harm, while Di Fi’s ethical lapses, public pronouncements, and Senate conduct makes her a bigger joke than Sir Edmund Hillary Clinton.

Kirsten who?

A pretty delusional OP.
Go to this link and then come here and tell us Palin "still has it".
Political Figures: P
So did one of you Tea Partiers put together this Malkin foot-fetish video?

And if it's new to you, you can thank me later. I know you Tea Partiers will spending many happy hours with it.

[ame=]Michelle Malkin - Feet - YouTube[/ame]
So did one of you Tea Partiers put together this Malkin foot-fetish video?

And if it's new to you, you can thank me later. I know you Tea Partiers will spending many happy hours with it.

Michelle Malkin - Feet - YouTube

Her tits don't bounce

At least Sarah Palins would

You make an excellent point. Looks are everything when it comes to the right wingers. They'll only vote for what they believe is a good looking woman with sex appeal: afterall, isn't that the foremost thing we need in a president?
Palin still knows how to feed pablum to the TeaTards

Look over your head ^^^

Obviously, so does Michelle Malkin. Arguably one of the least intelligent of the radical pundits and yet she has followers.

Maybe they could all run together. One big conga line of dumb.

she's the one that caught schools committing waste and fraud at the childrens expense, and got it on tape.

so yea, scum like you hate her

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