Sassy Steve Bullock 2020: he took on campaign finance reform, expanded Medicaid with GOP legislature

More socialist horseshit...universal healthcare...subsidized tuition...product of a single parent household (championing degeneracy).
Another squid spined white bitch.
More socialist horseshit...universal healthcare...subsidized tuition...product of a single parent household (championing degeneracy).
Another squid spined white bitch.
you're judging him based on 1 interview? voting for someone for president is a 2 year process...a national healing process!
"Bullock had a good night. he needs more exposure" - Handsome Howard Dean on CNN just now
More socialist horseshit...universal healthcare...subsidized tuition...product of a single parent household (championing degeneracy).
Another squid spined white bitch.
you're judging him based on 1 interview? voting for someone for president is a 2 year process...a national healing process!
Yes...this is the information age...I have received all of the information I have time for.
More socialist horseshit...universal healthcare...subsidized tuition...product of a single parent household (championing degeneracy).
Another squid spined white bitch.
you're judging him based on 1 interview? voting for someone for president is a 2 year process...a national healing process!
Yes...this is the information age...I have received all of the information I have time for.
time is money...and you're wasting my time...which wastes my money
If you win Montana and Texas a Democrat in the general election, like Beto and Bullock can easily do, you can lose Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Florida, you would still win the presidency!

Texas is the big prize! Dems can win it with the right candidate and kick Trump out of the white house for good!
If you win Montana and Texas a Democrat in the general election, like Beto and Bullock can easily do, you can lose Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Florida, you would still win the presidency!

Texas is the big prize! Dems can win it with the right candidate and kick Trump out of the white house for good!
You're dreaming.

To win TX, a Demo would have to be so far right off the Democrat base that he would look normal. And normal isn't allowed in Democrat candidates.
If you win Montana and Texas a Democrat in the general election, like Beto and Bullock can easily do, you can lose Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Florida, you would still win the presidency!

Texas is the big prize! Dems can win it with the right candidate and kick Trump out of the white house for good!
You're dreaming.

To win TX, a Demo would have to be so far right off the Democrat base that he would look normal. And normal isn't allowed in Democrat candidates.

if he had one more rally in Austin, Beto would have crushed Lyin Ted!
if he had one more rally in Austin, Beto would have crushed Lyin Ted!
You're joking, right?

Beta was never close to winning.

Cruz spent 1/3 the money of Beta.
Cruz had 8 full time staffers while Beta had about 500.
The MSM were orgasmic about Beta..

And still... Cruz won easily.
And Trump is more popular in TX than Cruz.
But you can always:
if he had one more rally in Austin, Beto would have crushed Lyin Ted!
You're joking, right?

Beta was never close to winning.

Cruz spent 1/3 the money of Beta.
Cruz had 8 full time staffers while Beta had about 500.
The MSM were orgasmic about Beta..

And still... Cruz won easily.
And Trump is more popular in TX than Cruz.
But you can always:
View attachment 273703
Trump has the same favorability rating nationwide as does Cruz have in TX.

Sassy Steve is a pro-choice pro-union populist Democrat who won in a red state 3 times not by compromising his principles but by getting stuff done.

we dont need to wait for a political revolution like bernie wants, we need action NOW!
no senator has ever beaten an incumbent president. governors get stuff done, brothers and sisters!

Bullock has the electability argument Biden has except he's actually won in a red state.

I do like this guy. There are several more moderate Dems running but, except for Biden, they can't get any traction. What are the Dems offering middle and working class Whites? We are their natural constituency but they just want to push us out.

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