Satanism rising in the gay community .

This is a sad part of the reality in which we live. Drag queens, kings, and drag story hours are the victims of disinformation campaigns and bigoted legislation. Talking heads are throwing around words like “grooming,” not even knowing what those words mean. This begs the question: What does a Drag Story Hour really look like?


I don’t have children myself, so I’d never attended a Drag Story Hour before. Drag shows? Absolutely. I’ve even performed alongside drag queens and kings as part of several burlesque and variety shows. I couldn’t well write this without witnessing one in person, so my wife and I drove across town to a local church.

You claimed it wasn't happening, it is

Your meager attempt at rebuttal is laughably noted

You may go now
You claimed it wasn't happening, it is

Your meager attempt at rebuttal is laughably noted

You may go now

"I will not forgive someone who routinely heads to the local Kindergarten to indoctrinate little kids."

The claim was that random strangers are allowed to show up at Kindergardens and groom the children into being homosexuals. Not that guys in dresses aren't reading books to children in mostly public libraries where parents bring their children to listen to them.

The lame attempts belong to your side.
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Your opinion of satanism is irrelevant. If they do something destructive, they will be subject to the law just like with Christianity.

So you don't support the constitution...after all your talk of supporting the constitution?
My opinion is not irrelevant. Who in the hell do you think you are?
"I will not forgive someone who routinely heads to the local Kindergarten to indoctrinate little kids."

The claim was that random strangers are allowed to show up at Kindergardens and groom the children into being homosexuals. Not that guys in dresses aren't reading books to children in mostly public libraries where parents bring their children to listen to them.

The lame attempts belong to your side.

Gfy you got caught and you're slobbering all over yourself trying to recover

Dumbfck leftist

What has been the track record on straight people turning to Satanism?

Satanists couldn't have possibly been in business this long solely because of gay people....
It's irrelevant to the constitutionality of the religion.

Good grief, don't go all snowflake meltdown on me.
My opinion is based on knowledge of the Constitution. My Constitutional religious rights trump your state laws for queers. There is no such thing as queer rights in the Constitution.
My opinion is based on knowledge of the Constitution. My Constitutional religious rights trump your state laws for queers. There is no such thing as queer rights in the Constitution.
Your opinion is that if BS Filter thinks a religion is evil they don't have constitutional rights.

We aren't talking about queers, we are talking about religion.
Your opinion is that if BS Filter thinks a religion is evil they don't have constitutional rights.

We aren't talking about queers, we are talking about religion.
You have the right to believe in your religion. You don't have the right to force anyone to bend to your religion. That's what all this queer stuff is about, submission.
You have the right to believe in your religion. You don't have the right to force anyone to bend to your religion. That's what all this queer stuff is about, submission.
Queer stuff is probably about acceptance, not submission.

What does that have to do with satanism?
I don't want schools indoctrinating kids into satanism nor Hindi. Problem: Groomers targeting little kids. Solution: Finding ways to make groomers stay away from kids.
Solution, QUIT BUTTING IN ON PARENTS. Newsflash dumbass nanny stating bigot, those were the PARENTS. NOT YOU. It was VOLUNTARY.

Your cracker ass is more dumb than a box of rocks.
Queer stuff is probably about acceptance, not submission.

What does that have to do with satanism?
Accept or be destroyed. That's forced submission. You can polish a turd and call it a statue, but it's still a turd.

What has been the track record on straight people turning to Satanism?

Satanists couldn't have possibly been in business this long solely because of gay people....

Satanist are closet Christians, and visa versa.......If you believe in one don't you sort of have to believe in the other. Not a belief such as having faith in them but just a belief that they exist.
Satanist are closet Christians, and visa versa.......If you believe in one don't you sort of have to believe in the other. Not a belief such as having faith in them but just a belief that they exist.

What the actual fuck? Roflmao

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