Satanism rising in the gay community .

From the source:

Despite its name – intended to freak out Christians – the Satanic Temple is essentially an atheistic movement, explaining “we do not promote a belief in a personal Satan”.

The group explains: “To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions.”

The movement is also proud of its pro-LGBT record, while using its status as a quasi-religious group to challenge the seeping of religion into secular government activities.

It adds: “The mission of The Satanic Temple is to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense and justice, and be directed by the human conscience to undertake noble pursuits guided by the individual will.

Meh. Looks like their aim of freaking out the Bible-thumpers is working with the added bonus of ratcheting up tbe anti gay hate. Time for torches and pitchforks yet? Satan would approve.
if they dont believe in him why do they have rituals invoking his name ?
From your link....

10 to 12 million followers worldwide.

Even if everyone one of those were in Mexico we are still talking less than 8% of the population.

You are full of shit once again
The article is about the spread of belief but the increase in that belief.
What war?

Do you think bible believers need more representation in govornment? Holidays?

What is the problem. Be specific.
The problem is with people like you who somehow think you're justified in determining how many Christians should be allowed. If the people vote to fill their state legislature with Christians then that's their business. That's the war. It's a cultural war.
The problem is with people like you who somehow think you're justified in determining how many Christians should be allowed. If the people vote to fill their state legislature with Christians then that's their business. That's the war. It's a cultural war.
So what are you talking about? I have asked you multiple times.

Present your case counselor.
What religious rights guaranteed by the constitution do you think are being violated.

Please be specific.
Obvious. The fact you just stated that Christians have too much influence in government. You're the ones who preach democracy, the will of the people, etc, but only if it goes your way. The most obvious violation is probably the famous Christian baker who was destroyed for not submitting to the queers demanding a special wedding cake. Unless Christians submit, your lawyers who pass queer laws will destroy the Christian.
Obvious. The fact you just stated that Christians have too much influence in government. You're the ones who preach democracy, the will of the people, etc, but only if it goes your way. The most obvious violation is probably the famous Christian baker who was destroyed for not submitting to the queers demanding a special wedding cake. Unless Christians submit, your lawyers who pass queer laws will destroy the Christian.
When did I post they had to much influence in govenrment?

The baker violated business laws. She was held accountable.

You think religion justifies lawlessness?
When did I post they had to much influence in govenrment?

The baker violated business laws. She was held accountable.

You think religion justifies lawlessness?
And there it is. You pass a law that violates Constitutional religious rights and then call it lawlessness when the Christian refuses to submit. You really don't get it. That's the problem.
If you don't like satanism don't be a satanist. Problem - Solution.
I am not into Hinduism so I am not a Hindi. Its a marvel of simplicity.
I don't want schools indoctrinating kids into satanism nor Hindi. Problem: Groomers targeting little kids. Solution: Finding ways to make groomers stay away from kids.

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