Satanism rising in the gay community .

From the source:

Despite its name – intended to freak out Christians – the Satanic Temple is essentially an atheistic movement, explaining “we do not promote a belief in a personal Satan”.

The group explains: “To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions.”

The movement is also proud of its pro-LGBT record, while using its status as a quasi-religious group to challenge the seeping of religion into secular government activities.

It adds: “The mission of The Satanic Temple is to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense and justice, and be directed by the human conscience to undertake noble pursuits guided by the individual will.

Meh. Looks like their aim of freaking out the Bible-thumpers is working with the added bonus of ratcheting up tbe anti gay hate. Time for torches and pitchforks yet? Satan would approve.
You realize faggots are less than 2% of the population. No, only a he non religious embrace satanism
What does the amount of gays have to do with acceptance?

What percent of the population does a group need to be before it's not ok to reject them?
Thats unAmerican. Get the hell out of my country.
There are tens of millions of people in this nation that will keep it down when the worse happens. Hell, the COVID had the insufferable progs telling all how to respond as they did a self-destructive agenda of this nation in their areas. We are moving closer and closer to exterminations of people. Even if it just starts of denying any way of living through laws.
Is that why it is so hard to potty train them? Pedo straights do it more yet you leave them alone because they are not queer
I don't let any Pedos off the hook. All of them (whether dressed like satanic freaks or not) are guilty of a high crime.







Let me know if you need any more evidence.
Evidence of what? Thats people in costume reading to kids. They could be clowns, pirates, dinosaurs, whatever. LOOK AT ALL THE PARENTS THERE.

You people are some sick mothers. You are so so afraid of anything different than you. You are dinosaurs hiding on minor websites and 4chan, scared because the rest of the US has passed you by.
My belief in satan is a little different from what humans understand him. He is the god of pain, evil and punishment. If people want to worship that then that is fine by me or believe that it is fun or exciting that is also fine by me. lol ;) Me personally, don't believe that having fun, having sex and wearing nice clothes is evil or that of punishment.
So you dont believe in god, but you believe in satan? :lol:
My belief in satan is a little different from what humans understand him. He is the god of pain, evil and punishment. If people want to worship that then that is fine by me or believe that it is fun or exciting that is also fine by me. lol ;) Me personally, don't believe that having fun, having sex and wearing nice clothes is evil or that of punishment.

Sooooo, you're claiming to not be human?

Makes your positions a bit more understandable.
I asked you. What are you doing to save the children?
Everything I can. What are you doing to save the children? It seems you spend more time defending the Pedos. "Christian" my tail!!
Evidence of what? Thats people in costume reading to kids. They could be clowns, pirates, dinosaurs, whatever. LOOK AT ALL THE PARENTS THERE.

You people are some sick mothers. You are so so afraid of anything different than you. You are dinosaurs hiding on minor websites and 4chan, scared because the rest of the US has passed you by.
The books they're reading convey "woke" messages.
Everything I can. What are you doing to save the children? It seems you spend more time defending the Pedos. "Christian" my tail!!
What is everything you can? What are you going to do? Don't do that circular thing you guys always do when pinned down. Besides sitting on a keyboard making theats to all the pedos out there, what are you going to do?
What is everything you can? What are you going to do? Don't do that circular thing you guys always do when pinned down. Besides sitting on a keyboard making theats to all the pedos out there, what are you going to do?
If you're hoping that I'm going to say that I'm going to blow someone's head off then I'm sorry to disappoint. I am doing what I always do and what I've already told you several times that I do. I've voicing my opposition to pedophilia; transgenderism; child sex mutilation; and general child abuse. I am sending donations to groups that fight these sorts of social sins. I'm voting for politicians who are opposed to these social ills. I'm praying for the souls of the victims of these abuses.
If you're hoping that I'm going to say that I'm going to blow someone's head off then I'm sorry to disappoint. I am doing what I always do and what I've already told you several times that I do. I've voicing my opposition to pedophilia; transgenderism; child sex mutilation; and general child abuse. I am sending donations to groups that fight these sorts of social sins. I'm voting for politicians who are opposed to these social ills. I'm praying for the souls of the victims of these abuses.
I just don't understand how you guys can believe what you say you believe, and still sit on your computer all day. There is a disconnect somewhere.
I just don't understand how you guys can believe what you say you believe, and still sit on your computer all day. There is a disconnect somewhere.
I am at work. I help customers all day long. I hop on the computer in between other responsibilities. One of the benefits of being the manager. I also discuss these issues and many others with my walk in business. In this area of the country, most of my customers are as a conservative as I am.

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