Satanism rising in the gay community .

This forum and the Q crew here are almost the only time I ever hear about this stuff.
Funny. Just a few moments ago admitted to thinking about kiddie porn. Is that why you frequent this site?
Yeah, the Holy Spirit in me has obviously exposed it and made you aware. Scripture tells us to submit to God and the devil will flee.

You should really worry that a demon possessed man knows the bible 100 times better than you.
Funny. Just a few moments ago admitted to thinking about kiddie porn. Is that why you frequent this site?
You are trying that thing you guys do. Normal people don't think about pedo stuff all the time. They just don't and you cannot justify it.
You are trying that thing you guys do. Normal people don't think about pedo stuff all the time. They just don't and you cannot justify it.
I NEVER thought about it until you and your close friends started infiltrating Kindergarten classes (or supporting them who do). Now that it's mainstream news ... it's become the topic of the day. You don't have a problem with it while I DO.
I NEVER thought about it until you and your close friends started infiltrating Kindergarten classes (or supporting them who do). Now that it's mainstream news ... it's become the topic of the day. You don't have a problem with it while I DO.
I have not been to a kindergarten class since my youngest son was in kindergarten. You use this concern for the children, and accusing me and my friends (I have no friends, liar) of infiltrating kindergarten classes to, in your mind to cover your pedo porn surfing history. If you really believe what you say you would be out there trying to stop it. Instead you surf pedo porn and do nothing except pretend to be some hero for the children on the internet and do nothing.
I have not been to a kindergarten class since my youngest son was in kindergarten. You use this concern for the children, and accusing me and my friends (I have no friends, liar) of infiltrating kindergarten classes to, in your mind to cover your pedo porn surfing history. If you really believe what you say you would be out there trying to stop it. Instead you surf pedo porn and do nothing except pretend to be some hero for the children on the internet and do nothing.
I wonder why you are so interested in keeping kid porn topics going. You've got me worried about you.
You know what? None of you Qanon clowns on this site have ever denied pedo porn surfing, you just accuse others of it too. Weird huh?

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