Satanism rising in the gay community .

I had a gay Sunday school teacher back in the 70's. He was actually a real good dude, never bothered us kids with his shit at all. We all knew it and nobody bothers him about it either. And eventually he actually switches back to his old Methodist Church which was more conservative than ours! Go figure.

The shit that is happening today is nothing more than double-edged hate-mongering done by the Democrats for political gain, appointing themselves as the Patron Saints of queerdom. What they are are trouble-makers. Racketeers. There was nowhere near this amount of hate from either side back then.
You don't want to accept gay children as you want to treat them like shit and force them into the closet. Lets be honest, once you do this then you'll come after us adults and do the evil shit you do in most of the world. Like throwing us in prison and even killing us.
So when you guys are all together at your favorite place, AKA The Closet, is this what you talk about? Trying to deflect from your reality by bringing hate on your fellows?

Sad. So Sad.
How cute, another Islamaphobes all secretly want to Muslims study. Step away from the voodoo science and start applying some critical thinking.
You don't want to accept gay children as you want to treat them like shit and force them into the closet. Lets be honest, once you do this then you'll come after us adults and do the evil shit you do in most of the world. Like throwing us in prison and even killing us.
Its ok. The US is not the neanderthal Taliban wannabees that exist on US MB.

Qanon is pushing this because they have no actual governing policies besides fuck the Poors and give tax cuts to millionaires.
Nothing short of a Taliban like religous state would satisfy the right wing Christians and make them drop the persecution act.

Nothing short of legalizing the sexual mutliation of 5 year olds will satisfy faggots and their deviant fan clubs.

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