Satanists in OK seek to put monument at State House like 10 Commandments

I think we ought to have a monument to the unknown religion. (just in case):eusa_shifty:

If you want to pay for it, you should be able to put up a monument to anything you like.

Freedom, what a concept....

Monuments on public land may be initially paid for by private donations...but maintained with public (tax) funds. Not surprised you didn't know that.
Monuments on public land may be initially paid for by private donations...but maintained with public (tax) funds. Not surprised you didn't know that.

Feeding and watering a concrete plaque is very important, Shortbus. :thup:
Worth mentioning, that yes, it IS appropriate. Of the many religions recognized by the US military (and by extension any government building,) Church of Satan is one. Temple of Set, Wicca, and some amusing others too.

As of 2000, the listed faiths are recognized by the US Army Chaplains:

Church of Christ, Scientist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Family of Love Foundation Faith of God
Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity

Jehovah's Witnesses
Mennonite Church Religious Society of Friends in the U.S.
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Seventh-day Adventist Church
Unity School of Christianity The Way International
Worldwide Church of God

Integral Yoga International International Society for Krishna Consciousness
Sri Chinmoy Centres Syda Yoga Dham
World Plan Executive Council

American Muslim Mission Hanafi Madh-Hab Center of Islam Faith
Islamic Center Shi'a Islam
Sufi Order

Buddhist Churches of America Nichiren Shoshu of America
Perfect Liberty Kyodan Zen Center of Rochester (New York)

Black Judaism Conservative Judaism .
Federation of Reconstructionist Congregations and Havaruth Lubavitch Hassidism
Orthodox Judaism Reform Judaism

Movement for Spiritual Inner Awareness, church of the Sikh Council of North America
Sikh Dharma (3HO)

Baha'i Faith Church of Satan
Church of Scientology Church Universal and Triumphant
Gardnerian Wicca "I AM" Religious Activity
Native American Church Rastafarians
Temple of Set United Church of Religious Science
Universal Church of the Master Universal Life Church
Vajradhatu Wicca


Apologies for the formatting glitch. Go to source for an easier version to view.
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Satanic Temple Not Allowed to Put Holiday Display in Florida Capitol

The Satanic Temple, based in Tallahassee, was all set to put up its display and had even received an email from the DMS giving it the go-ahead. Then, it received an email of rejection, calling the display "grossly offensive."

The display, which, again, followed every guideline the DMS requires, depicts the scene from Isaiah 14:12, which reads:

"How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, You who have weakened the nations!"

Some believe the Scripture speaks of Satan being cast down to the Earth. Hence, his "birth." It's a clear juxtaposition of the birth of the baby Jesus. But clearly not "grossly offensive" in any way. It's also a well-known Scripture among other religions.

The Satanic Temple whose display was a depiction from the Christian Bible were not allowed permission to display their mural in the Florida Capitol rotunda ... after first receiving permission.

of course, the Republicans knew better ... so much for freedom of religion(s).

Satanic Temple Not Allowed to Put Holiday Display in Florida Capitol

The Satanic Temple, based in Tallahassee, was all set to put up its display and had even received an email from the DMS giving it the go-ahead. Then, it received an email of rejection, calling the display "grossly offensive."

The display, which, again, followed every guideline the DMS requires, depicts the scene from Isaiah 14:12, which reads:

"How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, You who have weakened the nations!"

Some believe the Scripture speaks of Satan being cast down to the Earth. Hence, his "birth." It's a clear juxtaposition of the birth of the baby Jesus. But clearly not "grossly offensive" in any way. It's also a well-known Scripture among other religions.

The Satanic Temple whose display was a depiction from the Christian Bible were not allowed permission to display their mural in the Florida Capitol rotunda ... after first receiving permission.

of course, the Republicans knew better ... so much for freedom of religion(s).


Some are more equal than others.....
The Satanic Temple whose display was a depiction from the Christian Bible were not allowed permission to display their mural in the Florida Capitol rotunda ... after first receiving permission.

of course, the Republicans knew better ... so much for freedom of religion(s).


Maybe it's the use of a verse from the Hebrew Talmud that caused the government to reject the display? Christianity is illegal, isn't it? Let me check with the Duck Dynasty guys to be sure....
Just because a structure is inorganic doesn't mean it requires zero maintenance, lol. You know this, I'm sure.

A concrete plaque takes no more maintenance than a bare wall. Prohibition of religious speech is based purely on bigotry - there is no rational justification.
Just because a structure is inorganic doesn't mean it requires zero maintenance, lol. You know this, I'm sure.

A concrete plaque takes no more maintenance than a bare wall. Prohibition of religious speech is based purely on bigotry - there is no rational justification.

As I understand it, it's a standalone slab (which will require a little more maintenance than a bare wall). Either way, maintenance is probably minimal and not integral to the discussion.

Also, I don't think someone is a "bigot" because they believe that a stone monument that represents a two very specific religions in front of a Capitol building is crossing the separation of church and state line. That's an unfair thing for you to say.

A bigot is someone who says they "hate Christians because they're this or that".

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