Satellite pictures show Iran may be trying to destroy nuclear evidence


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It's very difficult nowadays to hide what you are doing with all those satellites checking on what you are up to.

Satellite pictures show Iran may be trying to destroy nuclear evidence
Photos appear to show bulldozer and oil spills at the controversial Parchin military base


A recent photograph of the Parchin military complex Photo: DigitalGlobe

By Raf Sanchez, Washington

5:03PM BST 06 Aug 2015

New satellite images show Iran may be trying to scrub of evidence of its past nuclear experiments before international inspectors are allowed to investigate a controversial military facility.

Recent photographs of the Parchin military complex, where the West suspects Iran conducted experiments on developing nuclear arms, show an uptick in activity in the weeks since the nuclear deal was reached in Vienna.

Pictures taken on July 26 and analysed by the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), a respected Washington think tank, appear to show a bulldozer at the facility as well as possible oil spills, which can indicate heavy machinery at work.

"What the activity is precisely is unknown," said Serena Kelleher-Vergantini, an ISIS analyst. "But the concern is that Iran is potentially trying to get rid of any evidence of past experiments."

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Satellite pictures show Iran may be trying to destroy nuclear evidence - Telegraph
Well that will just have to stop! Now that our Muslim president has given them the ok to produce bombs, there's no need to hide.
Why liberals want to pander to Iran is beyond rationality. The sanctions were working, they they think they'll just give them 150 billion in frozen assets and a chance to get a nuke.

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