Satellites and weather stations...changing data to push agendaI


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes...why is it that satellite data and weather station data disagree on global warming? Weather stations seem to have had their data changed while satellites say there has been no global warming for over 18 years....

Polar Temperature Recordings Proving Climate Change Nothing More than a Guess - Breitbart

“This is not about anthropogenic or man-made climate change, this is about whether the gatekeepers of the data, the meteorological agencies, are providing reliable information.”

Dr Peiser raised concerns that some researchers who contribute to the temperature records have been outspoken in their views on climate change, saying: “People ask why they are the gatekeepers of the data if they have such strong opinions. Should they really be the guardians of data quality and high standards?

“As in every scientific venture, there should be quality checks just to make sure people know exactly what is happening. In a way, this inquiry is a quality control exercise.”

Inevitably, some of those whose careers depend on global warming have hit back, accusing Dr Peiser and the research panel team of conducting nothing more than a “political stunt”.
Yes...why is it that satellite data and weather station data disagree on global warming? Weather stations seem to have had their data changed while satellites say there has been no global warming for over 18 years....

Polar Temperature Recordings Proving Climate Change Nothing More than a Guess - Breitbart

“This is not about anthropogenic or man-made climate change, this is about whether the gatekeepers of the data, the meteorological agencies, are providing reliable information.”

Dr Peiser raised concerns that some researchers who contribute to the temperature records have been outspoken in their views on climate change, saying: “People ask why they are the gatekeepers of the data if they have such strong opinions. Should they really be the guardians of data quality and high standards?

“As in every scientific venture, there should be quality checks just to make sure people know exactly what is happening. In a way, this inquiry is a quality control exercise.”

Inevitably, some of those whose careers depend on global warming have hit back, accusing Dr Peiser and the research panel team of conducting nothing more than a “political stunt”.

"why should we provide you our data and methods? You will just try and find something wrong" Phil Jones (CRU/EAU/MET Climate Team Chief)

Dr Peiser is correct. We need an impartial group to manage data credibility and integrity which then should be open access to all for use, discussion, and checking. The Climatic Repository Unit took their original data, faked it, and dumped the original data saving the manufactured data as the original.

NOAA and NASA are busy rewriting the data and throwing away the real data.. Just like the CRU/EAU did..

Gives you warm fuzzy feeling doesn't it..
Dr. Peiser is a proven liar and fraud.

He claimed to have 34 abstracts of papers that argued against the consensus. None of those papers argued against the consensus.

Peiser s 34 abstracts Deltoid

Hence, he's Billy's hero. If he was honest, Billy would despise him.
Dr. Peiser is a proven liar and fraud.

He claimed to have 34 abstracts of papers that argued against the consensus. None of those papers argued against the consensus.

Peiser s 34 abstracts Deltoid

Hence, he's Billy's hero. If he was honest, Billy would despise him.

Please show how his work is fraud... Be specific and bring facts that can be corroborated. NOT the pure partisan conjecture you posted..
Billy Boob is Walleyes sock. See, Walleyes, two can make that silly claim. Gonna delete this post also? LOL
Global Warming Policy Foundation

Jesus fuck you're a moron. You idiots keep reading the same anonymously funded fake scientist shill bullshit and spouting it off as truth. Seriously you should ask for your money back on your education.

Well there dumb fuck, you are bashing real scientists versus your fake liars... Your bull shit is priceless as are your attacks without a shred of evidence to support your position. SO, please show us, Mr Dumb Fuck, how the science is wrong and quit whining like a little bitch.
Billy Boob is Walleyes sock. See, Walleyes, two can make that silly claim. Gonna delete this post also? LOL

Wow... You really are clueless...

Tell me Old Crock, How do you defend endless corrections to data and the denial of access to all data, methods, and reasons for the changes from those who wish to conduct real science and validate the data for use in critical thinking and theories?

A good scientist will always validate their data and quality check it as a matter of doing ETHICAL SCIENCE!

SO your against ETHICAL SCIENCE?
Billy Boob, you have never seen the inside of a University. Given the level of your knowledge of science judged by your posts, you saw very little of of the inside of a high school. The water molecule is ten times the size of a carbon dioxide molecule. What a hoot you are.
Billy Boob, you have never seen the inside of a University. Given the level of your knowledge of science judged by your posts, you saw very little of of the inside of a high school. The water molecule is ten times the size of a carbon dioxide molecule. What a hoot you are.

Proving once more that Old Crock doesn't know shit about the subjects he chooses to comment on.
Global Warming Policy Foundation

Jesus fuck you're a moron. You idiots keep reading the same anonymously funded fake scientist shill bullshit and spouting it off as truth. Seriously you should ask for your money back on your education.

Well there dumb fuck, you are bashing real scientists versus your fake liars... Your bull shit is priceless as are your attacks without a shred of evidence to support your position. SO, please show us, Mr Dumb Fuck, how the science is wrong and quit whining like a little bitch.

Benny Peiser is a "real scientist" alright - in social anthropology. As far as climate science goes he's as fake as they come. The GWPF is headquarted at the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, their funding is ANONYMOUS, and their leader is a social scientist - yet you take their word as Gospel truth. You are surely a moron.
I hope the global warming agenda is worth possibly losing support for our weather service, satellites and meteorological weather observations that have saved tens of thousands of lives. I hope it is worth watching our science programs getting cut to the bone as a large proportion of this country really does feel that they're being lied to. We have got to find away to prove some things to these people that we're in fact telling the truth.

If we can't then they may get the support needed to do some real damage to our nations science infrastructure. It will be a sad day for humanity.
Billy Boob, you have never seen the inside of a University. Given the level of your knowledge of science judged by your posts, you saw very little of of the inside of a high school. The water molecule is ten times the size of a carbon dioxide molecule. What a hoot you are.

Proving once more that Old Crock doesn't know shit about the subjects he chooses to comment on.
Want me to repost your post claiming the water molecule is ten times the size of the carbon dioxide molecule? That is the claim you made. Along with all the other claims you pull out of your ass.
Billy Boob, you have never seen the inside of a University. Given the level of your knowledge of science judged by your posts, you saw very little of of the inside of a high school. The water molecule is ten times the size of a carbon dioxide molecule. What a hoot you are.

Proving once more that Old Crock doesn't know shit about the subjects he chooses to comment on.
Want me to repost your post claiming the water molecule is ten times the size of the carbon dioxide molecule? That is the claim you made. Along with all the other claims you pull out of your ass.

Wow, Moron Crock

Molar mass of H2O is 18.01528 ± 0.00044 g/mol

Molar mass of CO2 is 44.0095 g/mol

The electron density distribution for water is shown above right with some higher density contours around the oxygen atom omitted for clarity. The polarizability of the molecule is almost isotropic, centered around the O-atom (1.4146 Å3) with only small polarizabilities centered on the H-atoms (0.0836 Å3) [736]. Parameters using ab initio calculations with the 6-31G** basis set are shown right.b For an isolated H216O, H217O or H218O molecule, the more exact calculated O-H length is 0.957854 Å and the H-O-H angle is 104.500° (D216O, 0.957835 Å, 104.490°) [836]. The charge distribution depends significantly on the atomic geometry and the method for its calculation but is likely to be about -0.7e on the O-atom (with the equal but opposite positive charge equally divided between the H-atoms) for the isolated molecule [778d The experimental values for gaseous water molecule are O-H length 0.95718 Å, H-O-H angle 104.474° [64].e

This drawing shows the magnetic fields surrounding the molecule and its given size and bonding length.

CO2 is approximately 3.4 Angstroms in size and H2O is 1.41 Angstroms in size. Almost a 15 times greater size difference.


Old Crock was actually right for once (a broken clock is right twice a day) but only about fractional size. I had them inverted. I will concede that much. However, The magnetic bonding envelope is considered part of the molecules diameter. It matters very little as the properties remain and CO2 can not block the convention cycle but may enhance its speed up.
I hope the global warming agenda is worth possibly losing support for our weather service, satellites and meteorological weather observations that have saved tens of thousands of lives. I hope it is worth watching our science programs getting cut to the bone as a large proportion of this country really does feel that they're being lied to. We have got to find away to prove some things to these people that we're in fact telling the truth.

If we can't then they may get the support needed to do some real damage to our nations science infrastructure. It will be a sad day for humanity.

NASA needs to be defunded and taken out of the forecasting buisness. Their only input should be keeping the satellites in orbit. that is it.
Global Warming Policy Foundation

Jesus fuck you're a moron. You idiots keep reading the same anonymously funded fake scientist shill bullshit and spouting it off as truth. Seriously you should ask for your money back on your education.

Well there dumb fuck, you are bashing real scientists versus your fake liars... Your bull shit is priceless as are your attacks without a shred of evidence to support your position. SO, please show us, Mr Dumb Fuck, how the science is wrong and quit whining like a little bitch.

Benny Peiser is a "real scientist" alright - in social anthropology. As far as climate science goes he's as fake as they come. The GWPF is headquarted at the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, their funding is ANONYMOUS, and their leader is a social scientist - yet you take their word as Gospel truth. You are surely a moron.

As opposed to Socialist unlimited funding and agenda driven answers from the government.... Naw no conflict of interests there.. Fucking moron.

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