Saturday Night Seduction

I didn't say "impossible."

But "pretty hard to make a determination," is simply a ridiculous characterization. Sexually mature mammals, including humans, can easily sense if the opposite sex has any interest in them.

What I meant by "spark". As for humans the interplay is much more complex so it's anything but a ridiculous characterization.

The "interplay is much more complex?"


Human emotions and motivations. Oh and I'm not a Desmond Morris adherent.
Here's my theory on this, for what it's worth. Social/sexual communication is multi-layered. There's what we say, how we say it and all the non-verbal cuing that goes on. This is fairly deeply embedded in the culture at large.

There just is not a context in which a lady can say to a man she likes: Let me take you to dinner so we can get to know one another better. Ever single effort at saying anything of the sort gets garbled in translation and the man apparently hears something like "I'm a total slut with AIDS and wanna fuck you dead", or whatever.

So we are reduced to meaningful glances, and the frustrating thing is, some men seem just unable to pick up on those signals. Cuz trust me, if dropping a glove or fan still worked, we'd be fine with it.

Apparently young people have developed some nifty calling card-with-net addy thingy -- mebbe something that new stands a chance of clearer communication.

Could it be that men always want the women they can't have, and like a challenge (so to speak). And maybe women who ask them out instead...aren't very challenging...which makes the chase boring?

ask the bastard to go out with ya----

Yes, I know what you think. "hey baby,how do you want it"?...LOL JK Dillo. ;)
Could it be that men always want the women they can't have, and like a challenge (so to speak). And maybe women who ask them out instead...aren't very challenging...which makes the chase boring?

ask the bastard to go out with ya----

Yes, I know what you think. "hey baby,how do you want it"?...LOL JK Dillo. ;)

Okay .. so.. what's the question again? I don't feel like reading a bunch of posts..
How absurd: You don't need to be hit with a 2 X 4 to make a fuckin' "determination."

:eusa_eh: I didn't say it was impossible just much harder. Try reading as opposed to interpreting.

I didn't say "impossible."

But "pretty hard to make a determination," is simply a ridiculous characterization. Sexually mature mammals, including humans, can easily sense if the opposite sex has any interest in them.

Interest in sex...yes. Not always about if the person would like more than just the physical relationship though.
:eusa_eh: I didn't say it was impossible just much harder. Try reading as opposed to interpreting.

I didn't say "impossible."

But "pretty hard to make a determination," is simply a ridiculous characterization. Sexually mature mammals, including humans, can easily sense if the opposite sex has any interest in them.

Interest in sex...yes. Not always about if the person would like more than just the physical relationship though.

:eusa_eh: I didn't say it was impossible just much harder. Try reading as opposed to interpreting.

I didn't say "impossible."

But "pretty hard to make a determination," is simply a ridiculous characterization. Sexually mature mammals, including humans, can easily sense if the opposite sex has any interest in them.

Interest in sex...yes. Not always about if the person would like more than just the physical relationship though.

You could wait and wait and wait. That's always an option. Maybe he won't ever be interested in someone else.:eusa_whistle:
Didn't say it was magic, or that it would work, just a suggestion based on the limited information available.
On second thought it would work. She finds out whether he's interested or not. Later she can find out whether he's interested in her or what's between her legs.........

That's one of the reasons I'm wondering if asking a man out,without him showing interest first is a good idea.

One of the reasons you are even intersted in him is because he has something between his legs. Ask him to go out with you.

Well,yes, Dillo...I DO like him due to the fact that he is a MALE.

Thanks for pointing that out though. LOL :lol::lol:
That's one of the reasons I'm wondering if asking a man out,without him showing interest first is a good idea.

One of the reasons you are even intersted in him is because he has something between his legs. Ask him to go out with you.

Well,yes, Dillo...I DO like him due to the fact that he is a MALE.

Thanks for pointing that out though. LOL :lol::lol:

exactly what do you have to lose ?
Well,yes, Dillo...I DO like him due to the fact that he is a MALE.

Thanks for pointing that out though. LOL :lol::lol:

exactly what do you have to lose ?

A friendship?

Mebbe that will not happen, if you both have enough social grace. But it could. Still Shadow.....being capable of making the first move includes being capable of handling rejection.

If it is any help, I have had a few friendships survive the revelation that one or the other of us wanted more and wasn't going to get it.
Okay,so I was reading this article about women asking men out. Apparently some men don't like it, because they don't like women who seem "agressive" "masculine" or "desperate". They would rather the woman "flirt"...and "get the man to ask them out" using their feminine wiles.

So, now I'm confused...and want some men's opinion's on this. Anyone??

Should Women Ask Men Out on First Dates? | Evan Marc Katz Blog - Dating Coach

Okay then.. If you've given him, "the look" and he hasn't responded, he's either gutless or has something else going on.
exactly what do you have to lose ?

A friendship?


Shadow, you are such a gurl.

I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous.

No male will be anything but flattered, at least, and thrilled at best.

Unless he flat out turns me down. Then he will be uncomfortable around me,he already seems kind of stand off(ish). But a way you have a point. He already ignores what's the diff. LOL.

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