Saudi Arabia calls for special Islamic summit about Syria

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Saudi Arabia has called for an extraordinary summit of Muslim leaders next month to address the risks of "sedition" threatening Muslim countries.

King Abdullah has called for "an extraordinary Islamic solidarity meeting to ensure... unity during this delicate time as the Muslim world faces dangers of fragmentation and sedition," Saudi state news agency quoted Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal as saying.

King Abdullah wishes to convene the summit in mid-August in a bid at "unifying the ranks" of Muslims, the report said.

No further details concerning the agenda of the meeting were presented.

But the announcement comes amid a spike in deadly violence across Syria, where opposition activists say more than 17,000 people have been killed since an uprising erupted in March 2011 against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

Saudi Arabia and the other energy-rich Sunni nations of the Gulf have repeatedly voiced support for Syrian rebels against the Assad government.

In a separate statement, SPA reported that the Saudi monarch has called for launching a campaign to raise funds "in support of our brothers in Syria" starting on Monday.

"The donations will be from all the kingdom's regions" urging all Saudis "to participate in the campaign".

Saudi Arabia calls for special Islamic summit - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Saudi Arabia has called for an extraordinary summit of Muslim leaders next month to address the risks of "sedition" threatening Muslim countries.

King Abdullah has called for "an extraordinary Islamic solidarity meeting to ensure... unity during this delicate time as the Muslim world faces dangers of fragmentation and sedition," Saudi state news agency quoted Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal as saying.

King Abdullah wishes to convene the summit in mid-August in a bid at "unifying the ranks" of Muslims, the report said.

No further details concerning the agenda of the meeting were presented.

But the announcement comes amid a spike in deadly violence across Syria, where opposition activists say more than 17,000 people have been killed since an uprising erupted in March 2011 against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

Saudi Arabia and the other energy-rich Sunni nations of the Gulf have repeatedly voiced support for Syrian rebels against the Assad government.

In a separate statement, SPA reported that the Saudi monarch has called for launching a campaign to raise funds "in support of our brothers in Syria" starting on Monday.

"The donations will be from all the kingdom's regions" urging all Saudis "to participate in the campaign".

Saudi Arabia calls for special Islamic summit - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

LOL good idea:clap2: someone shoud prep up a really large stadium----shove ALL OF THE LEADERS inside and LOCK THE GATES:badgrin:
King Abdullah has called for "an extraordinary Islamic solidarity meeting to ensure... unity during this delicate time as the Muslim world faces dangers of fragmentation and sedition,"

and next:

Saudi Arabia and the other energy-rich Sunni nations of the Gulf have repeatedly voiced support for Syrian rebels against the Assad government.

In other words, after helping US to FRAGMENT Libya, SA is calling for FRAGMENTATION of Syria in the name of MUSLIM UNITY AGAINST FRAGMENTATION of the Muslim world?????!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol:
Syria is composed of 90% sunni muslims.

It's the religious duty of the gulf arabs to back their sunni brothers and sisters in their quest for freedom from Assad and his alwite thugs. :cool:
what about freedom from the King of S.A.? That country is one of the most backward on the planet. If they didn't have oil under their feet, the U.S. gov't wouldn't have been bending-over backwards to appease their every want.
ANOTHER reason to get off our addiction to oil. Thanks conservatives :fu:
what about freedom from the King of S.A.? That country is one of the most backward on the planet.
The people of Saudia Arabia seem to be very happy with their government.

And there is nothing backwards about S.A. :cool:
perhaps because the King sends them checks to keep them quiet
Do you even know anyone from S.A. ?

I am personal friends with quite a few.

They love their country and like their King.

It's people from the West that have a problem; not the Saudi citizens. :cool:
what about freedom from the King of S.A.? That country is one of the most backward on the planet. If they didn't have oil under their feet, the U.S. gov't wouldn't have been bending-over backwards to appease their every want.

If memory serves me well, in 2006 US and Israel agreed to re-drawing the map of the ME. On that map SA is carved onto few pieces. SA knows it, but is attempting to play its own game.

"Arab Spring" which started along the same lines as any other "coloured revolution" organised by the West, left the West somewhat startled. Is it possible that the West was used by some other force that is not in a hurry to reveal itself?

Yes, destabilisation of the world, including Arab world, and redrawing of the borders is the goal of the global power elite associated first of all with the US; but it looks as if someone else is steering its efforts.

The only country that was formed on a doctrine of Wahabism is Saudi Arabia -- one of the richest countries in the world, yet in military sense -- one of the weakest. The US faithful "tail"... And yet, are Saudits, familiar with the Pentagon map of "New Midle East" acting preemptively; is it a coincidence that for the last few decades US/West European interferrence in other countries results precisely in the rise of militant Islam in the affected countries? In the centre of Europe we now have an Islamic state -- Kosovo where Al-Q was fighting alongside NATO against Serbs; in Libya NATO was fighting effectively on behalf of Senussi and Al-Q; in Russia US/UK support for Chechen Islamists resulted in the rise of Wahabism...

Iran which is a center of US attentions is also Saudit's main enemy in the region alongside Israel. If the US/Israel are dithering over attacking Iran directly, it can be drawn into the war by attack on Syria. And the US/UK efforts in setting up Libyan scenario in Syria is already in progress...
The Saudis are not weak militarily. They choose not to use it and abuse it for insane reasons.
The most influential foreigner in the USA, and according to some -- a member of a shadow cabinet under Bush Jnr., prince Bandar of SA was killed in a terrorist act!

Will US/civilisedcommunity approve of it the way they approved terrorist acts against Syrian government?
Syria is composed of 90% sunni muslims.
That ratio is likely a bit different now.

At least 19,000 killed in Syrian uprising, says NGO

To read more: Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -At least 19,000 killed in Syrian uprising, says NGO

It's the religious duty of the gulf arabs to back their sunni brothers and sisters in their quest for freedom from Assad and his alwite thugs. :cool:
The gulf arabs may need help spelling Alawite in order to understand who to help.

Because you've been in a coma, you're going to eventually learn that gulf arabs are useless when it comes to defending their arab brothers. Try paying attention to what has happened in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Kuwait, etc.

Have you falllen out of the Jihad tree and bumped your head?
Agence France-Presse reported last Friday Saudi Arabian police opened fire on PEACEFUL PROTESTERS :))) who took to the streets to protest against religious and political oppression of Shiites.

:eusa_eh: where are the customary hand wringing, protestations on behalf of, calls to interfere from the usual "human rights" suspects: US/"civilisedcommunity"?

O,well... after "civilised" with the aid of SA and Turkey will deal with Syria, SA is going to be partitioned as well as Turkey by the very "civilised" SA and Turkey are supporting now. A lesson to the so called "national elites" of other countries who think to benefit from throwing their nations against their neighbours for the sake of US interests...
what about freedom from the King of S.A.? That country is one of the most backward on the planet.
The people of Saudia Arabia seem to be very happy with their government.

And there is nothing backwards about S.A. :cool:

As long as you don't do something silly as being born a woman.
I personally know several Saudi women.

They love their country and wouldn't live anywhere else. :cool:
Syria is composed of 90% sunni muslims.

It's the religious duty of the gulf arabs to back their sunni brothers and sisters in their quest for freedom from Assad and his alwite thugs. :cool:

Yes, you have read the Quran which incited Arabs to fight Muhammads rotten wars for him. And fight in the way of Allah, because fighting is prescribed for them whether they like it or not. And if the wandering Arabs turn back from battle against overwhelming odds then Allah has prepared an awful doom for them.

Does that sound familiar, because I can back it all up with quranic verses if you want.

Verses from Muhammads evil warmongering book of lies about God.

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