Saudi Arabia Is NOW Threatening the USA

yes, they do & a lot of folks didn't think about that before they voted for a TV personality to become a nuclear threat to the planet

What president got Kim Jung Badhair to stop shooting missiles into the sea of Japan and over Japan?

Hint: It wasn't Obama.

In fact this president has done more to CALM nuclear tensions in the world than any other president in recent history.
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yes, they do & a lot of folks didn't think about that before they voted for a TV personality to become a nuclear threat to the planet

What president got Kim Jung Badhair to stop shooting missiles into the sea of Japan and over Japan?

Hint: It wasn't Obama.

In fact this president has done more to CALM nuclear tensions in the world than any other president in recent history.

Thanks for that 'no content' shit post. Try posting some content specific contribution.
Stomp them in what way? We don`t invade countries that have an actual military force.

Iraq had one of the largest armies in the world, and one of the largest tank forces when the Gulf War ensued. N. Vietnam, and N. Korea also had formidable armies, and were supplied and aided by the USSR, and China. Germany, Italy, and Japan had large armed forces also. Don't know much history do you?

We can strangle Saudi Arabia anytime we want with economic sanctions, and military sanctions. We don't need to invade them, nor would we.
yes, they do & a lot of folks didn't think about that before they voted for a TV personality to become a nuclear threat to the planet

What president got Kim Jung Badhair to stop shooting missiles into the sea of Japan and over Japan?

Hint: It wasn't Obama.

In fact this president has done more to CALM nuclear tensions in the world than any other president in recent history.
Agreed. The president of South Korea is doing good work.
Bunch of dang wankers. We don't dontd need any more war. We arenta going to war with Saudi over this. And Rocket man isn't firing missiles. Just a bunch of deranged political posts here.
Saudi affair exposes Trumpism's moral apathy - CNNPolitics

Donald Trump has dug a moral hole through the middle of America's foreign policy -- and he's not sorry at all.
The President's reaction to the apparent murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul offers the clearest evidence yet of his turn away from a foreign policy rooted in universal human values.
The crisis is instead showcasing Trump's radical form of "America First" realpolitik, his promise not to infringe other nations' sovereignty with lectures on human rights and his trust in the word of autocrats.
In his unrepentant conduct of American foreign policy, Trump is lurching from a path taken by every president since World War II, who all believed to various degrees that American leadership was needed to create a world safe for democracy, open commerce and freedom.
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Saudis ‘reject’ threat of U.S. sanctions over Khashoggi disappearance, vowing ‘greater action’ in retaliation

“The Kingdom affirms its total rejection of any threats and attempts to undermine it, whether by threatening to impose economic sanctions, using political pressures, or repeating false accusations,” the official Saudi Press Agency said.

Grant Thornton chief economist Diane Swonk read the Saudi statement as a threat to rein in oil production and thereby push global energy prices higher.
Looks like a tangible threat to reduce oil production and raise oil prices.
Strongmen the world over react the same way, trading short term “wins” for long-term pain.

In 1973 opec was upset that the United States took Israel's side in the Yom Kippur war. They put an embargo on oil to the United States and a handful of other nations.

The price of a barrel of gas tripled and caused an oil crisis in the United States.

saudi arabia can cause a lot of trouble for the United States and world. This is a lose/lose situation for the United States.

If we hold saudi arabia responsible for their criminal actions we could see another embargo.

If we don't hold them responsible for their crimes they will continue to commit those crimes. Just like Russia has been doing.

I don't know what they answer to this is. I do know that it's going to be a very delicate situation.

We will have to wait to see what happens.
Khashoggi case: Saudi Arabia vows to retaliate against any sanctions - CNN

But in a strongly worded op-ed published later on Sunday, Turki Aldakhil, general manager of the Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya news channel, warned that if the US imposed sanctions on Riyadh "it will stab its own economy to death," cause oil prices to reach as high as $200 a barrel, lead Riyadh to permit a Russian military base in the city of Tabuk, and drive the Middle East into the arms of Iran.


So, Trump needs to double down on these assholes, like we ALL know he does, and put the Saudis in their little high chair.

BUT, we ALL know that Trump will do nothing; why?
Because we all know that Trump is bought & paid for by $$$$$$$$.

The Saudis & King Salman will grab Trump by his crotch, right where Trump likes it.

If Trump has any cojones whatsoever, maybe we can finally find out that the Saudis are not our friends but only the terrorists we always knew they are.

He makes lots of money off of them. He will treat them like fragile (delicate) flowers.

He not only makes a lot of money off them but they offered the trump campaign help to win in 2016.

The trump campaign had meetings with the saudis in 2016 to get their help. It was set up by the brother of betsy devoss the education secretary.

All their lawyers say the same thing that was said about the meeting with the russian government lawyer at trump tower, that nothing came of it. I find it very interesting that they use the same excuse. I guess since it worked with the russian meeting, it would work with the saudi arabia meeting and so far it has.

trump is defending saudi arabia the same way he's been defending russia and putin.

Trump Jr. met Gulf princes' emissary in 2016 who offered campaign help | Reuters
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Trump voters are TOO STUPID to understand that, even after you explained it to them. Duh

Sums up the Saudi Situation perfectly.............BTW.......the journalist wasn't American.
King Salman went so far as to propose to Pompeo that he accept a slave girl in his quarters during his stay. so significant a compliment is unprecedented, since the Moslem generally regards with abhorrence the physical possession of a Muslim woman by an infidel.

of course, Pompeo declined, but other foreign dignitaries would have relished the opportunity. when Pompeo recounted the story and his polite refusal to a French colleague, that man's response was: "Only an American would"
I can’t believe the Saudis are this stupid

What did they think would happen if the guy walks in and doesn’t walk out?

If they wanted him dead, they should have anonymously wacked him out in public.....that is what Putin does
Yeah, but look at what they do in their own country.

The Saudis behead people in public for bullshit reasons. So they figure since no one gives a shit and buys their oil and sells them weapons anyway, if they do it in an embassy or consulate, which is considered Saudi territory, no one will care.

And also the fact that Khashoggi was a US resident for a year may also indicate that he was interested in becoming a citizen eventually, thus making the authorities that don't care about this case even more complicit.
Dow dives as Mnuchin bails from Saudi Arabia conference

U.S. stocks fell Thursday as interest rates resume their upward climb and several industrial companies posted disappointing third-quarter results.

An announcement by Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin that he is bowing out of the Future Investment Initiative summit in Saudi Arabia also seemed to weigh on stocks. The Trump administration has faced scrutiny for plans to send a delegation to the three-day affair, scheduled to begin Oct. 23, following the disappearance and alleged killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.


DJIA is already down > 400 points & with two hours of trading left .........

Oh well, looks like Trump's Saudi Arabia excuses are FALLING TO SHIT. :21:
Former CIA Director:
Khashoggi Scandal Will Be The Downfall Of Mohammad Bin Salman

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