Saudi Arabia Is NOW Threatening the USA

Call of the day: Don’t rule out $400 oil if the U.S. sanctions Saudi Arabia

“If U.S. sanctions are imposed on Saudi Arabia, we will be facing an economic disaster that would rock the entire world,” he wrote in an op-ed. “If the price of oil reaching $80 angered President Trump, no one should rule out the price jumping to $100, or $200, or even double that figure.”


Wow, $400 a BBL crude; I guess Baby Trump is gonna cave to his murderous terrorist buddies

The US is the largest producer of oil in the world.

then why does the US still import crude? Do you know?

We sell a lot of it.
If the Saudis want to play hard ball we can always use it here instead.

So, it's obvious you DON'T know the answer to my question.
Are you watching Trump on TV? Defending Arabian murder?

He defends murderer Vladimir Putin.

He defends murderer Kim Jung Un.

And now he’s defending another murder?

No wonder Republicans love this guy. They are the party of lynching.

Some people think that Trump defends murderers because they give him money. But I think trump defends murderers because that is something he wished he could do and get away with.
Call of the day: Don’t rule out $400 oil if the U.S. sanctions Saudi Arabia

“If U.S. sanctions are imposed on Saudi Arabia, we will be facing an economic disaster that would rock the entire world,” he wrote in an op-ed. “If the price of oil reaching $80 angered President Trump, no one should rule out the price jumping to $100, or $200, or even double that figure.”


Wow, $400 a BBL crude; I guess Baby Trump is gonna cave to his murderous terrorist buddies

The US is the largest producer of oil in the world.

then why does the US still import crude? Do you know?

We sell a lot of it.
If the Saudis want to play hard ball we can always use it here instead.

So, it's obvious you DON'T know the answer to my question.

We sell the oil to make money.
How hard is that to understand?
"Just spoke to the King of Saudi Arabia who denies any knowledge of whatever may have happened “to our Saudi Arabian citizen.” He said that they are working closely with Turkey to find answer. I am immediately sending our Secretary of State to meet with King!" - President Trump
"Just spoke to the King of Saudi Arabia who denies any knowledge of whatever may have happened “to our Saudi Arabian citizen.” He said that they are working closely with Turkey to find answer. I am immediately sending our Secretary of State to meet with King!" - President Trump
A normal president doesn’t say something like that in public. Oh he denies it.

But Trump is not a normal president. He’s a ConMan. And Republicans wanted to be conned by a white person. And they got what they wanted.
The Saudis and the Clintons had business-type interactions also.

The below quote from Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department

“The Saudi deal was one of dozens of arms sales approved by Hillary Clinton’s State Department that placed weapons in the hands of governments that had also donated money to the Clinton family philanthropic empire, an International Business Times investigation has found.”

Does anyone know what her plans were for the Clinton Foundation had she won?
Trump will blink; he's from New York for gods sake.

Trump is a tremendous negotiator, who knows our strengths. The Saudi's need us more than we need them. He will not "blink". He will cut a deal that benefits the U.S. This is a mere bargaining chip. He now has the upper hand.

Read his books for God's sake.

Trump NEVER wrote a goddamn book; he utilized ghost writers FFS.

No shit. Most celebrities hire ghostwriters LOL
Khashoggi case: Saudi Arabia vows to retaliate against any sanctions - CNN

But in a strongly worded op-ed published later on Sunday, Turki Aldakhil, general manager of the Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya news channel, warned that if the US imposed sanctions on Riyadh "it will stab its own economy to death," cause oil prices to reach as high as $200 a barrel, lead Riyadh to permit a Russian military base in the city of Tabuk, and drive the Middle East into the arms of Iran.


So, Trump needs to double down on these assholes, like we ALL know he does, and put the Saudis in their little high chair.

BUT, we ALL know that Trump will do nothing; why?
Because we all know that Trump is bought & paid for by $$$$$$$$.

The Saudis & King Salman will grab Trump by his crotch, right where Trump likes it.

If Trump has any cojones whatsoever, maybe we can finally find out that the Saudis are not our friends but only the terrorists we always knew they are.
Calm down, snowflake. :itsok:

But you see: Trump is playing a losing game of chess.
1. He attacks our allies
2. He attacks the free press.
3. He sucks up to authoritarians & dictators
4. He starts trade wars
5. All of these have consequences

Now we have a POTUS that is
1. owned by the Russians
2. is looking like he is owned by the Saudis
3. is putting US warships off the Chinese coast
4. is currently presiding over a major negative market correction
5. will be the harbinger of a very nasty, major war

It's all coming into alignment & view. Pence & his evangelicals gotta be loving this.
Thanks Donald
Don’t go getting yourself all worked up over things you don’t fully understand. Unlike obama, Trump is more than capable of addressing tough issues in a way that’ll eventually benefit Americans and the world.


The only thing Trump is interested in is benefiting himself & his rich GOP bubba buddies
Really? If that’s true, how do you explain the accomplishments he’s made for everyone?

Here’s a short list from June .....
President Donald J. Trump’s 500 Days of American Greatness

I’ve yet to receive an answer for how my $70,000/yr household tax cut is benefitting the rich.
Call of the day: Don’t rule out $400 oil if the U.S. sanctions Saudi Arabia

“If U.S. sanctions are imposed on Saudi Arabia, we will be facing an economic disaster that would rock the entire world,” he wrote in an op-ed. “If the price of oil reaching $80 angered President Trump, no one should rule out the price jumping to $100, or $200, or even double that figure.”


Wow, $400 a BBL crude; I guess Baby Trump is gonna cave to his murderous terrorist buddies

The US is the largest producer of oil in the world.

then why does the US still import crude? Do you know?

We sell a lot of it.
If the Saudis want to play hard ball we can always use it here instead.

So, it's obvious you DON'T know the answer to my question.

We sell the oil to make money.
How hard is that to understand?

My question was: "then why does the US still import crude?"
Trump will blink; he's from New York for gods sake.

Trump is a tremendous negotiator, who knows our strengths. The Saudi's need us more than we need them. He will not "blink". He will cut a deal that benefits the U.S. This is a mere bargaining chip. He now has the upper hand.

Read his books for God's sake.

Trump NEVER wrote a goddamn book; he utilized ghost writers FFS.

No shit. Most celebrities hire ghostwriters LOL

A lot of folks do NOT utilize a ghost writer.

Obama wrote his own, Robert Woodward writes all of his books; some folks actually have a real brain & have the cerebral capacity to write a book.

Trump? Not so much. :206:
Trump will blink; he's from New York for gods sake.

Trump is a tremendous negotiator, who knows our strengths. The Saudi's need us more than we need them. He will not "blink". He will cut a deal that benefits the U.S. This is a mere bargaining chip. He now has the upper hand.

Read his books for God's sake.

Trump NEVER wrote a goddamn book; he utilized ghost writers FFS.

No shit. Most celebrities hire ghostwriters LOL

A lot of folks do NOT utilize a ghost writer.

Obama wrote his own, Robert Woodward writes all of his books; some folks actually have a real brain & have the cerebral capacity to write a book.

Trump? Not so much. :206:

Uh-huh. Whatever you say.
Trump will blink; he's from New York for gods sake.

Trump is a tremendous negotiator, who knows our strengths. The Saudi's need us more than we need them. He will not "blink". He will cut a deal that benefits the U.S. This is a mere bargaining chip. He now has the upper hand.

Read his books for God's sake.

Trump NEVER wrote a goddamn book; he utilized ghost writers FFS.

No shit. Most celebrities hire ghostwriters LOL

A lot of folks do NOT utilize a ghost writer.

Obama wrote his own, Robert Woodward writes all of his books; some folks actually have a real brain & have the cerebral capacity to write a book.

Trump? Not so much. :206:

Did you get your panties in a bunch when Hillary, as Secretary of State, provided foreign countries with weaponry after they donated to the Clinton Foundation? Did you even know about it?

It’s stuff like this that exposes the ignorance and hypocrisy of Trump’s hardcore opposition. Ya’ll will NEVER realize you had reasons to be outraged about how the things were being handled for years and years. Only now that a man you despise is president does anything matter. Not only does it matter but it matters a whole lot more than ever before! At least now you’re paying attention, sort of.
Trump will blink; he's from New York for gods sake.

Trump is a tremendous negotiator, who knows our strengths. The Saudi's need us more than we need them. He will not "blink". He will cut a deal that benefits the U.S. This is a mere bargaining chip. He now has the upper hand.

Read his books for God's sake.

Trump NEVER wrote a goddamn book; he utilized ghost writers FFS.

No shit. Most celebrities hire ghostwriters LOL

A lot of folks do NOT utilize a ghost writer.

Obama wrote his own, Robert Woodward writes all of his books; some folks actually have a real brain & have the cerebral capacity to write a book.

Trump? Not so much. :206:

Did you get your panties in a bunch when Hillary, as Secretary of State, provided foreign countries with weaponry after they donated to the Clinton Foundation? Did you even know about it?

It’s stuff like this that exposes the ignorance and hypocrisy of Trump’s hardcore opposition. Ya’ll will NEVER realize you had reasons to be outraged about how the things were being handled for years and years. Only now that a man you despise is president does anything matter. Not only does it matter but it matters a whole lot more than ever before! At least now you’re paying attention, sort of.

What does any of that have to do with the Saudis killing one of their citizens, Trump's response to the Saudi threats, the potential for international consequences, or some idiot utilizing a ghost writer?

OK; I see. You just wanted to scream the words HILLARY & CLINTON

Got it
Saudi Arabia bought Aramco from American owners, and transformed it into a diversified global energy powerhouse.

Saudi Arabia itself was transformed. its illiterate population became educated.

whereas there used to be fierce musket-wielding warriors on camelback, the Saudis purchased F-15 fighter jets and built a strong military...
Saudi Arabia bought Aramco from American owners, and transformed it into a diversified global energy powerhouse.

Saudi Arabia itself was transformed. its illiterate population became educated.

whereas there used to be fierce musket-wielding warriors on camelback, the Saudis purchased F-15 fighter jets and built a strong military...

I will clue you in with an old Saudi saying:

“My father rode a camel. I drive a car. My son flies a jet-plane. His son will ride a camel.”
Over the weekend, Trump also said "They deny it." Sound familiar? All we need is the "I believe him" and we've got a perfect rerun.

Knowing the Saudis and how they operate, they probably were trying to torture the poor slob, and they accidentally went too far and he died of a heart attack or sumpin, so the
Saudis snuck his corpse out in pieces, lol.
Saudis went nutso on that journalist and are in it deep. Trump has well suggested they could survive only briefly without us. Confess and roll a few heads would go a long way right now.
Call of the day: Don’t rule out $400 oil if the U.S. sanctions Saudi Arabia

“If U.S. sanctions are imposed on Saudi Arabia, we will be facing an economic disaster that would rock the entire world,” he wrote in an op-ed. “If the price of oil reaching $80 angered President Trump, no one should rule out the price jumping to $100, or $200, or even double that figure.”


Wow, $400 a BBL crude; I guess Baby Trump is gonna cave to his murderous terrorist buddies

The US is the largest producer of oil in the world.

then why does the US still import crude? Do you know?

To deplete the resources of our enemies first.

It’s not rocket science.

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