Saudi Arabia launches military operations in Yemen

Yeah, That's why a number of people have died due to floods of shit in the capital, why deep poverty is rampant in the eastern parts of the country, and why it is falling behind on the global development index. Great job!
Two can play this game.

Hurricane Katrina ring a bell?

Appalachia where 40% of the people are way below the poverty line.

Economically the U.S. is for all intents bankrupt and subsisting on fiat petrodollars

Need more?? ...... :cool:
Yeah, That's why a number of people have died due to floods of shit in the capital, why deep poverty is rampant in the eastern parts of the country, and why it is falling behind on the global development index. Great job!
Two can play this game.

Hurricane Katrina ring a bell?

Appalachia where 40% of the people are way below the poverty line.

Economically the U.S. is for all intents bankrupt and living on fiat petrodollars

Need more?? ...... :cool:

Having lived in Appalachia and done so below the poverty line I can assure you that the US poverty line is far higher and of a higher quality (as is public service provision for the poor) than anything that Easterners in Saudi Arabia have ever had. Compared to them I was living like a king, poverty in Eastern Saudi Arabia is destitute and crippling levels.
Having lived in Appalachia and done so below the poverty line I can assure you that the US poverty line is far higher and of a higher quality (as is public service provision for the poor) than anything that Easterners in Saudi Arabia have ever had. Compared to them I was living like a king, poverty in Eastern Saudi Arabia is destitute and crippling levels.
Sure......we believe you........Not. ..... :cool:
No you were right the first time. It is one of the most repressive and backwards regimes in the world, that includes most of Sub-Saharan Africa.
Spoken with the typical mindset of a western colonialist. ..... :cool:

Spoken like someone who knows how poorly Saudi Arabia treats its migrant labor force which is over 30% of the Kingdom's population, how poorly it treats its eastern Shia population and how poorly it treats its women, coupled with how overly entitled and lazy its middle class tends to be.
Having lived in Appalachia and done so below the poverty line I can assure you that the US poverty line is far higher and of a higher quality (as is public service provision for the poor) than anything that Easterners in Saudi Arabia have ever had. Compared to them I was living like a king, poverty in Eastern Saudi Arabia is destitute and crippling levels.
Sure......we believe you........Not. ..... :cool:

When I spent a year living in a tool shed I still lived better than about half of the entire population of Saudi Arabia. And I'd still prefer it to the life of even the other half given the fact that at least in my tool shed I was able to vote in meaningful elections and had freedom of speech, religion, and expression.
America has already picked a side, which is the Sunni side, in terms of military alliances and funding.

What is happening in Iraq and Syria is terrible, but it has bogged down Iran to the extent it can't pose much of a threat - hence Iran's desire for nukes.

Iran have their own 'Vietnam' of sorts to worry about now, drain their finances, and make it harder for them to develop nukes.
Better them than us! Go ahead have at it. As long as no Americans soldiers are involved I don't care what they do over there.

We should, protracted civil war could allow AQAP more room to operate and engage in anti-western attacks.
Then SA needs to deal with it.It's their home they should be the ones dealing with problems not us.
Wonder if more countries in ME get involved this turns into a major ME war? Iran,Syria,Hezbollah,Iraq vs who? Saudi Arabia,Israel?

It looks like the Saudi coalition is supported by Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE, and Kuwait. I doubt any other country will get involved in support of the Houthis except perhaps an increase in material aid from Iran. The only other country I could think would be Israel which has historically funded rebel movements as a way of weakening Arab states it considers enemies.
Ah...very small states. I am going for whoever Iran is backing.. SA is a US puppet state with a HORRID human rights record.
Better them than us! Go ahead have at it. As long as no Americans soldiers are involved I don't care what they do over there.

We should, protracted civil war could allow AQAP more room to operate and engage in anti-western attacks.
Then SA needs to deal with it.It's their home they should be the ones dealing with problems not us.
Wonder if more countries in ME get involved this turns into a major ME war? Iran,Syria,Hezbollah,Iraq vs who? Saudi Arabia,Israel?

It looks like the Saudi coalition is supported by Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE, and Kuwait. I doubt any other country will get involved in support of the Houthis except perhaps an increase in material aid from Iran. The only other country I could think would be Israel which has historically funded rebel movements as a way of weakening Arab states it considers enemies.
Ah...very small states. I am going for whoever Iran is backing.. SA is a US puppet state with a HORRID human rights record.
More of them brilliant republicunt responses!
Jon Karl ‘Astounded’ White House Still Believes Yemen a ‘Model for Counter-Terrorism’

Mediaite ^ | 03/25/2015 | van McMurry
ABC News White House Correspondent Jon Karl was “astounded” at today’s White House briefing, when White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said that the Obama administration still considered Yemen a model of counterterrorism strategy, even as the country imploded against warring rebel factions.“The White House does continue to believe that a successful counterterrorism strategy is one that will build up the capacity of the central government to have local fighters on the ground to have local fighters take the fight to extremists in their own country,” Earnest said. “That is a template that has succeeded in mitigating the threat in...

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