Saudi Arabia Says US lied to Them, Will Strike Out on Their Own

You have no idea if that is the case. Iran can be playing the rest of the world for fools, and continuing thier work in secret. But you little Nevilles out there have your piece of paper, and hopes of Peace in Our Time. Lets see how that works for ya.

You're comparing present day Iran to 1933 Nazi Germany?

Given everything we know about Germany and Iran.

And not changing a thing.

1933 Nazi Germany would roll Iran in heartbeat.

Its comparing the wishful thinking of those seeking peace then, with the same wishful thinking that is going on now.

and the Munich Agreement was in 1938, not 1933. In 1938 they had a whole gamut of broken promises by old Adolf, but chose to ignore the evicence in one last hope of peace.

Fittingly, the people would be most affected by this in case it goes bad have been left off the table, same as the Czechs were in 1938.

Amazing how history repeats itself.

You're missing the point.

Today's Iran would be no military match for 1933 Germany.

And it's not just gear. It's the disciplined and well trained military, although German gear back then was probably the best in the world and could still hold up.

Iran simply isn't a threat to the world. And they aren't a threat to Israel. The Saudis? Yeah..big threat. But that's if it were part of the Iranian culture to attack people. It isn't.

Iran isn't set on taking over the world. They just want to keep what they own.
You're comparing present day Iran to 1933 Nazi Germany?

Given everything we know about Germany and Iran.

And not changing a thing.

1933 Nazi Germany would roll Iran in heartbeat.

Its comparing the wishful thinking of those seeking peace then, with the same wishful thinking that is going on now.

and the Munich Agreement was in 1938, not 1933. In 1938 they had a whole gamut of broken promises by old Adolf, but chose to ignore the evicence in one last hope of peace.

Fittingly, the people would be most affected by this in case it goes bad have been left off the table, same as the Czechs were in 1938.

Amazing how history repeats itself.

You're missing the point.

Today's Iran would be no military match for 1933 Germany.

And it's not just gear. It's the disciplined and well trained military, although German gear back then was probably the best in the world and could still hold up.

Iran simply isn't a threat to the world. And they aren't a threat to Israel. The Saudis? Yeah..big threat. But that's it was part of the Iranian culture to attack people. It isn't.

Iran isn't set on taking over the world. They just want to keep what they own.

Are you really that dense? If iran gets a bomb and a viable means of delivery it could end a war with Saudi in 5 minutes, and Israel in 15 minutes. Israel cannot be beaten easily via conventional war, the saudis only slightly easier, but they can both be decimated or worse by a first strike due to thier population concentration.

You are comparing the militaries of the two countries for some reason that escapes me, and not the situation then and now, which are very similar. Munich was made to preven the Czechs and Germans from going to war, something the Czechs were very willing to do. Here the goal is to prevent Israel from feeling so threatened that they feel they have to attack. The agreement does not do that for them, thus is a failure on its face.
This has all the earmarks of obama saying "Give them anything they want. We can tell the public anything. After they bought "If you like your plan you can keep your plan", Americans will believe anything and I am desperate for something that makes me look good for the next five minutes."
More reason to believe that we are going to be seeing more conflict in the near future
Its comparing the wishful thinking of those seeking peace then, with the same wishful thinking that is going on now.

and the Munich Agreement was in 1938, not 1933. In 1938 they had a whole gamut of broken promises by old Adolf, but chose to ignore the evicence in one last hope of peace.

Fittingly, the people would be most affected by this in case it goes bad have been left off the table, same as the Czechs were in 1938.

Amazing how history repeats itself.

You're missing the point.

Today's Iran would be no military match for 1933 Germany.

And it's not just gear. It's the disciplined and well trained military, although German gear back then was probably the best in the world and could still hold up.

Iran simply isn't a threat to the world. And they aren't a threat to Israel. The Saudis? Yeah..big threat. But that's it was part of the Iranian culture to attack people. It isn't.

Iran isn't set on taking over the world. They just want to keep what they own.

Are you really that dense? If iran gets a bomb and a viable means of delivery it could end a war with Saudi in 5 minutes, and Israel in 15 minutes. Israel cannot be beaten easily via conventional war, the saudis only slightly easier, but they can both be decimated or worse by a first strike due to thier population concentration.

You are comparing the militaries of the two countries for some reason that escapes me, and not the situation then and now, which are very similar. Munich was made to preven the Czechs and Germans from going to war, something the Czechs were very willing to do. Here the goal is to prevent Israel from feeling so threatened that they feel they have to attack. The agreement does not do that for them, thus is a failure on its face.

First off, Israel has nukes.


That about ends your whole silly post.
If it destroys Israel, the left doesn't care if the rest of the world goes too. Killing Jews is so jmportant that it's worth the sacrifice.


Iranians are not suicidal.

You're thinking Saudis.

You are talking about a government run by Twelvers. So yeah they are suicidal. As long as it moves forward the end time conflict.
You're missing the point.

Today's Iran would be no military match for 1933 Germany.

And it's not just gear. It's the disciplined and well trained military, although German gear back then was probably the best in the world and could still hold up.

Iran simply isn't a threat to the world. And they aren't a threat to Israel. The Saudis? Yeah..big threat. But that's it was part of the Iranian culture to attack people. It isn't.

Iran isn't set on taking over the world. They just want to keep what they own.

Are you really that dense? If iran gets a bomb and a viable means of delivery it could end a war with Saudi in 5 minutes, and Israel in 15 minutes. Israel cannot be beaten easily via conventional war, the saudis only slightly easier, but they can both be decimated or worse by a first strike due to thier population concentration.

You are comparing the militaries of the two countries for some reason that escapes me, and not the situation then and now, which are very similar. Munich was made to preven the Czechs and Germans from going to war, something the Czechs were very willing to do. Here the goal is to prevent Israel from feeling so threatened that they feel they have to attack. The agreement does not do that for them, thus is a failure on its face.

First off, Israel has nukes.


That about ends your whole silly post.

and they havent used them despite having them for decades, including a time when they were getting beaten in 73 during a conventional war. Israel has never professed to wanting a country destroyed, they want to be left alone.

Nice try, dumb guy.
What duty does the U.S. owe to Saudi Arabia? And why would we trust sensitive information on negotiations with the nation whose 19 sons flew planes into the WTC under the leadership of OBL, another Saudi?

Don't the Saudis allow us to have bases on their soil and fly in their airspace? Or is that all over with?
If it destroys Israel, the left doesn't care if the rest of the world goes too. Killing Jews is so jmportant that it's worth the sacrifice.


Iranians are not suicidal.

You're thinking Saudis.

Yeah well, It's the iranians making the threats not the Saudis.. so put that in yer hemp rope and smoke it.

Wait, what?

What threats?

And the last time a plane full of Iranian Nationals crashed a plane into a US building was when?

Because the last time planes hijacked by Saudi nationals that crashed in US Buildings was 09/11/2001.
If it destroys Israel, the left doesn't care if the rest of the world goes too. Killing Jews is so jmportant that it's worth the sacrifice.


Iranians are not suicidal.

You're thinking Saudis.

You really are a stupid bitch, aren't you?

Do you even read the FUCKING news? Honest to God, do you?

No, you don't, then you come in here with your STUPID fucking uninformed big mouth and scream your STUPID fucking opinions at everybody and their brother.

Khameini threatened Israel and promised their destruction on the Eve of the signing of the fucking treary.

Iran HATES Israel and has been promising to destroy them almost every day for the last 34 years..... Non-Stop.

Israel vows ?whatever is necessary? to stop Iran

Warned Danon: “We are not in a position of making a mistake or to gamble with our future. That is why I am saying it very clear. All options are still on the table. And if we see that Iran continues with the effort to build a nuclear bomb, we will do whatever is necessary to protect ourselves.”

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday called Israel a “rabid dog”

"We want to have friendly relations with all nations, even the United States," Khamenei said. "We are not hostile to the American nation. They are like other nations in the world," he added. In response, the militiamen chanted "Death to America.
Are you really that dense? If iran gets a bomb and a viable means of delivery it could end a war with Saudi in 5 minutes, and Israel in 15 minutes. Israel cannot be beaten easily via conventional war, the saudis only slightly easier, but they can both be decimated or worse by a first strike due to thier population concentration.

You are comparing the militaries of the two countries for some reason that escapes me, and not the situation then and now, which are very similar. Munich was made to preven the Czechs and Germans from going to war, something the Czechs were very willing to do. Here the goal is to prevent Israel from feeling so threatened that they feel they have to attack. The agreement does not do that for them, thus is a failure on its face.

First off, Israel has nukes.


That about ends your whole silly post.

and they havent used them despite having them for decades, including a time when they were getting beaten in 73 during a conventional war. Israel has never professed to wanting a country destroyed, they want to be left alone.

Nice try, dumb guy.

On October 8, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir authorized the assembly of thirteen 20-kiloton nuclear warheads on Jericho missiles and F-4s, which were prepared for action against Syrian and Egyptian targets;[3] their preparation was made easily detectable, likely as a signal to the United States.[4] Kissinger learned of this threatening nuclear escalation on the morning of 9 October. On that same day, Meir issued a personal appeal for military assistance, which European nations declined. U.S. President Richard Nixon, however, ordered the commencement of Operation Nickel Grass, to replace all of Israel's materiel losses.[5] The decision was taken the same day the Soviets began their own resupply operation of Arab forces by sea.[6] Anecdotal evidence suggests that Kissinger had told Anwar El Sadat that the reason for the U.S. airlift was that the Israelis were close to "going nuclear.

Operation Nickel Grass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First off, Israel has nukes.


That about ends your whole silly post.

and they havent used them despite having them for decades, including a time when they were getting beaten in 73 during a conventional war. Israel has never professed to wanting a country destroyed, they want to be left alone.

Nice try, dumb guy.

On October 8, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir authorized the assembly of thirteen 20-kiloton nuclear warheads on Jericho missiles and F-4s, which were prepared for action against Syrian and Egyptian targets;[3] their preparation was made easily detectable, likely as a signal to the United States.[4] Kissinger learned of this threatening nuclear escalation on the morning of 9 October. On that same day, Meir issued a personal appeal for military assistance, which European nations declined. U.S. President Richard Nixon, however, ordered the commencement of Operation Nickel Grass, to replace all of Israel's materiel losses.[5] The decision was taken the same day the Soviets began their own resupply operation of Arab forces by sea.[6] Anecdotal evidence suggests that Kissinger had told Anwar El Sadat that the reason for the U.S. airlift was that the Israelis were close to "going nuclear.

Operation Nickel Grass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They prepped them, but they didnt use them.
and they havent used them despite having them for decades, including a time when they were getting beaten in 73 during a conventional war. Israel has never professed to wanting a country destroyed, they want to be left alone.

Nice try, dumb guy.

On October 8, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir authorized the assembly of thirteen 20-kiloton nuclear warheads on Jericho missiles and F-4s, which were prepared for action against Syrian and Egyptian targets;[3] their preparation was made easily detectable, likely as a signal to the United States.[4] Kissinger learned of this threatening nuclear escalation on the morning of 9 October. On that same day, Meir issued a personal appeal for military assistance, which European nations declined. U.S. President Richard Nixon, however, ordered the commencement of Operation Nickel Grass, to replace all of Israel's materiel losses.[5] The decision was taken the same day the Soviets began their own resupply operation of Arab forces by sea.[6] Anecdotal evidence suggests that Kissinger had told Anwar El Sadat that the reason for the U.S. airlift was that the Israelis were close to "going nuclear.

Operation Nickel Grass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They prepped them, but they didnt use them.

Because we pledged to resupply them, had we not, I'm pretty sure they would have nuked Cairo and Damascus.
On October 8, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir authorized the assembly of thirteen 20-kiloton nuclear warheads on Jericho missiles and F-4s, which were prepared for action against Syrian and Egyptian targets;[3] their preparation was made easily detectable, likely as a signal to the United States.[4] Kissinger learned of this threatening nuclear escalation on the morning of 9 October. On that same day, Meir issued a personal appeal for military assistance, which European nations declined. U.S. President Richard Nixon, however, ordered the commencement of Operation Nickel Grass, to replace all of Israel's materiel losses.[5] The decision was taken the same day the Soviets began their own resupply operation of Arab forces by sea.[6] Anecdotal evidence suggests that Kissinger had told Anwar El Sadat that the reason for the U.S. airlift was that the Israelis were close to "going nuclear.

Operation Nickel Grass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They prepped them, but they didnt use them.

Because we pledged to resupply them, had we not, I'm pretty sure they would have nuked Cairo and Damascus.

Not so sure, the combined arab offensives were pretty much already spent within 3 days, far too quick for any supplies to arrive. I think they were concerned about other Arab countries not already involved sensing victory, and dog piling onto them, which of course didnt happen.

The first few days, however, were enough to worry the IDF leadership enough to consider thier last resort weapon, that is clear.

The promise of US resupply probably allowed the non-nuclear proponents to keep the ones considering using the bomb in check.
Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own
Saudi Arabia claims they were kept in the dark by Western allies over Iran nuclear deal and says it will strike out on its own

A senior advisor to the Saudi royal family has accused its Western allies of deceiving the oil rich kingdom in striking the nuclear accord with Iran and said Riyadh would follow an independent foreign policy.

Nawaf Obaid told a think tank meeting in London that Saudi Arabia was determined to pursue its own foreign and policy goals. Having in the past been reactive to events, the leading Sunni Muslim nation was determined to be pro-active in future.

Mr Obaid said that while Saudi Arabia knew that the US was talking directly to Iran through a channel in the Gulf state of Oman, Washington had not directly briefed its ally.
"We were lied to, things were hidden from us," he said. "The problem is not with the deal struck in Geneva but how it was done."

Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own - Telegraph

Do we have to say it again? Obama does not have a clue how to handle foreign affairs or how to negotiate agreements. He's a community organizer. Please, send him back to the streets of Chicago where he knows what the hell he's doing!


I am not defending Obama - I am defending his decision to normalize relations with Iran.

A US president must do what is best for the US not Saudi Arabia.

The Sunnis and the Shias have been at it for thousands of years.

Let gazillionaire Saudi Arabia pay for its own defense.

Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own
Saudi Arabia claims they were kept in the dark by Western allies over Iran nuclear deal and says it will strike out on its own

A senior advisor to the Saudi royal family has accused its Western allies of deceiving the oil rich kingdom in striking the nuclear accord with Iran and said Riyadh would follow an independent foreign policy.

Nawaf Obaid told a think tank meeting in London that Saudi Arabia was determined to pursue its own foreign and policy goals. Having in the past been reactive to events, the leading Sunni Muslim nation was determined to be pro-active in future.

Mr Obaid said that while Saudi Arabia knew that the US was talking directly to Iran through a channel in the Gulf state of Oman, Washington had not directly briefed its ally.
"We were lied to, things were hidden from us," he said. "The problem is not with the deal struck in Geneva but how it was done."
Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own - Telegraph

Do we have to say it again? Obama does not have a clue how to handle foreign affairs or how to negotiate agreements. He's a community organizer. Please, send him back to the streets of Chicago where he knows what the hell he's doing!

Only idiot conservatives would think it's a good idea to trust the Saudis with top secret information about our negotiating position prior to any deal being struck.
So are the 25K troops that the US pays for to protect the Saudi oil fields coming back home?

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