Saudi Arabia Says US lied to Them, Will Strike Out on Their Own

On October 8, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir authorized the assembly of thirteen 20-kiloton nuclear warheads on Jericho missiles and F-4s, which were prepared for action against Syrian and Egyptian targets;[3] their preparation was made easily detectable, likely as a signal to the United States.[4] Kissinger learned of this threatening nuclear escalation on the morning of 9 October. On that same day, Meir issued a personal appeal for military assistance, which European nations declined. U.S. President Richard Nixon, however, ordered the commencement of Operation Nickel Grass, to replace all of Israel's materiel losses.[5] The decision was taken the same day the Soviets began their own resupply operation of Arab forces by sea.[6] Anecdotal evidence suggests that Kissinger had told Anwar El Sadat that the reason for the U.S. airlift was that the Israelis were close to "going nuclear.

Operation Nickel Grass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They prepped them, but they didnt use them.

Because we pledged to resupply them, had we not, I'm pretty sure they would have nuked Cairo and Damascus.

The lesson to take from that being: if cornered, the Israelis WILL go nuclear! An attack on Israel WILL end with mushroom clouds. All I can say is: if they have to do it, I hope they do it right.
If it destroys Israel, the left doesn't care if the rest of the world goes too. Killing Jews is so jmportant that it's worth the sacrifice.


Iranians are not suicidal.

You're thinking Saudis.

You really are a stupid bitch, aren't you?

Do you even read the FUCKING news? Honest to God, do you?

No, you don't, then you come in here with your STUPID fucking uninformed big mouth and scream your STUPID fucking opinions at everybody and their brother.

Khameini threatened Israel and promised their destruction on the Eve of the signing of the fucking treary.

Iran HATES Israel and has been promising to destroy them almost every day for the last 34 years..... Non-Stop.

Israel vows ?whatever is necessary? to stop Iran

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday called Israel a “rabid dog”

"We want to have friendly relations with all nations, even the United States," Khamenei said. "We are not hostile to the American nation. They are like other nations in the world," he added. In response, the militiamen chanted "Death to America.

Do tell.

Give us a history lesson.

Last time Iran attacked another country was when?
Reminder. Politics is a Zone 2 Forum. Please try to stay on topic and save the heavy flaming for the Taunting Area.
Saudi Arabia will have success against Iran only if Iran attacks with women drivers, or women outside without a male relative, or women showing their hair. Saudi Arabia's armed forces another typical Arab joke.
All I know is that, in the long run, the US is allowing and aiding Iran in producing nuclear weapons if the negotiations continue in the direction they have begun.

Do any of you remember the Doomsday Clock? I would put it at 11:57, since Obama has been in office.

It's not just the US, it's the UK, France, Russia and China, plus Germany.
Russia and China are on Iran's side. The UK is scared shitless and let muslims run rampant in the UK? That leaves France and Germany, neither of whom trust the lying United States.
Russia and China are on Iran's side. The UK is scared shitless and let muslims run rampant in the UK? That leaves France and Germany, neither of whom trust the lying United States.

Well, despite all that, they hammered out the agreement that they all agreed on in a team type of approach.
Kerry doesn't deserve all the glory.
Saudi Arabia broke with Israel on Monday and offered cautious support for a U.S.-backed nuclear deal with Iran.

“This agreement could be a first step towards a comprehensive solution for Iran's nuclear program, if there are good intentions,” the Saudi government said in a statement, according to the Agence France Presse.

Saudis offers cautious support for Iran deal | TheHill
Iran is Sunni. Saudi Arabia is Shia. The Sauds know that Iran would wipe them out if they could and will as soon as they can.

muslims killing each other... so we don't have to... sounds like a great idea.
Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own
Saudi Arabia claims they were kept in the dark by Western allies over Iran nuclear deal and says it will strike out on its own

A senior advisor to the Saudi royal family has accused its Western allies of deceiving the oil rich kingdom in striking the nuclear accord with Iran and said Riyadh would follow an independent foreign policy.

Nawaf Obaid told a think tank meeting in London that Saudi Arabia was determined to pursue its own foreign and policy goals. Having in the past been reactive to events, the leading Sunni Muslim nation was determined to be pro-active in future.

Mr Obaid said that while Saudi Arabia knew that the US was talking directly to Iran through a channel in the Gulf state of Oman, Washington had not directly briefed its ally.
"We were lied to, things were hidden from us," he said. "The problem is not with the deal struck in Geneva but how it was done."

Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own - Telegraph

Do we have to say it again? Obama does not have a clue how to handle foreign affairs or how to negotiate agreements. He's a community organizer. Please, send him back to the streets of Chicago where he knows what the hell he's doing!

Didn't you hear? Obama & the democrat leadership hate the allies of our past. Hezbollah, Iran, Al-Qaeda, China, Cuba, Pakistan, Russia, ... those are their allies. To hell with the allies of the past, votes matter.
Russia has become a simply better country with better people than the United States. It is becoming what we used to be before we became suicidal as a nation.
Russia has become a simply better country with better people than the United States. It is becoming what we used to be before we became suicidal as a nation.
No, though there can be an argument made that we might be passing each other in opposite directions.
Russia has become a simply better country with better people than the United States. It is becoming what we used to be before we became suicidal as a nation.

Feel free to move there. Once you're settled in, log on to a local website and see what happens if you ever post something which accuses Putin of being like Stalin or Hitler. Better yet, go out in public and say it so everyone can hear you. Who knows, you might even end up in the same cell that Raoul Wallenberg once occupied.
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Russia has become a simply better country with better people than the United States. It is becoming what we used to be before we became suicidal as a nation.

Is Pussy Riot still in jail?

The leader has been transferred to Siberia where she should have gone in the first place.

[ame=]Zappa's Epic Response - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]ZAPPA NAILS IT, THEOCRACY. Antitheist atheist.. - YouTube[/ame]

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