Saudi Arabia Says US lied to Them, Will Strike Out on Their Own

Are you really that dense? If iran gets a bomb and a viable means of delivery it could end a war with Saudi in 5 minutes, and Israel in 15 minutes. Israel cannot be beaten easily via conventional war, the saudis only slightly easier, but they can both be decimated or worse by a first strike due to thier population concentration.

You are comparing the militaries of the two countries for some reason that escapes me, and not the situation then and now, which are very similar. Munich was made to preven the Czechs and Germans from going to war, something the Czechs were very willing to do. Here the goal is to prevent Israel from feeling so threatened that they feel they have to attack. The agreement does not do that for them, thus is a failure on its face.

First off, Israel has nukes.


That about ends your whole silly post.

and they havent used them despite having them for decades, including a time when they were getting beaten in 73 during a conventional war. Israel has never professed to wanting a country destroyed, they want to be left alone.

Nice try, dumb guy.

Yes, the liberal mind is a terrible thing...

The overt aggressions of ME crazies is EXACTLY the magnet that pulls in liberal presidents- think North Korea and Clinton- Nevile Chamberlain and Hitler- Liberals make stupid foreign policy deals- this is just the latest one.
First off, Israel has nukes.


That about ends your whole silly post.

and they havent used them despite having them for decades, including a time when they were getting beaten in 73 during a conventional war. Israel has never professed to wanting a country destroyed, they want to be left alone.

Nice try, dumb guy.

Yes, the liberal mind is a terrible thing...

The overt aggressions of ME crazies is EXACTLY the magnet that pulls in liberal presidents- think North Korea and Clinton- Nevile Chamberlain and Hitler- Liberals make stupid foreign policy deals- this is just the latest one.

As I seem to have to keep pointing this out, one would think folks make get a clue.
Those involved with this six month agreement with Iran are the US, UK, France, Russia, China and Germany. Those with liberal governments are the US and France. The Chief Negotiator was the UK's Catherine Ashton.
Thank you.
Is Pussy Riot still in jail?

The leader has been transferred to Siberia where she should have gone in the first place.

[ame=""]Zappa's Epic Response - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]ZAPPA NAILS IT, THEOCRACY. Antitheist atheist.. - YouTube[/ame]

It's only a question of which will come first if conservatives get their way. Will it be theocracy? Or will it be fascism? My bet is on fascism with some form of Southern Baptist Protestantism as the officially-sanctioned Christian denomination of the USA which will be considered the first among equals as far as Gov't is concerned.
The leader has been transferred to Siberia where she should have gone in the first place.

[ame=""]Zappa's Epic Response - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]ZAPPA NAILS IT, THEOCRACY. Antitheist atheist.. - YouTube[/ame]

It's only a question of which will come first if conservatives get their way. Will it be theocracy? Or will it be fascism? My bet is on fascism with some form of Southern Baptist Protestantism as the officially-sanctioned Christian denomination of the USA which will be considered the first among equals as far as Gov't is concerned.

Just so you know a country can be both fascist and a theocracy.

If you regulate the economy and dictate it doesn't matter if it is done in the name of god, the fatherland or the "common good".




See, dimocrap scum have an advantage over people like us.

scumbags like dimocraps can only take advantage of, can only intimidate, can only use, can only fool people who are more decent than they are.

They do it every day in this Country. But when they run into people who are just as scummy as they are, that are just as dishonest, just as back-stabbing and just as corrupt and lying and low-life pieces of shit.....

They lose that advantage and shit like Syria and this happens.

Time for us to wake up. dimocrap scum want to get down and dirty? I say it's WAY past time we give what we get.

And then some.

The days of gentlemanly politics passed when this scumbag took office.

A complete and utter piece of fucking shit. Just like the people who voted for him
Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own
Saudi Arabia claims they were kept in the dark by Western allies over Iran nuclear deal and says it will strike out on its own

A senior advisor to the Saudi royal family has accused its Western allies of deceiving the oil rich kingdom in striking the nuclear accord with Iran and said Riyadh would follow an independent foreign policy.

Nawaf Obaid told a think tank meeting in London that Saudi Arabia was determined to pursue its own foreign and policy goals. Having in the past been reactive to events, the leading Sunni Muslim nation was determined to be pro-active in future.

Mr Obaid said that while Saudi Arabia knew that the US was talking directly to Iran through a channel in the Gulf state of Oman, Washington had not directly briefed its ally.
"We were lied to, things were hidden from us," he said. "The problem is not with the deal struck in Geneva but how it was done."

Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own - Telegraph

Do we have to say it again? Obama does not have a clue how to handle foreign affairs or how to negotiate agreements. He's a community organizer. Please, send him back to the streets of Chicago where he knows what the hell he's doing!

What is Saudi Arabia going to do against Iran, beg for us to help them when they get into a mess? Both Saudi Arabia and Israel need to learn that WE do not need to go to them for approval of Our foreign policy. We don't owe either country ANYTHING.
Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own
Saudi Arabia claims they were kept in the dark by Western allies over Iran nuclear deal and says it will strike out on its own

A senior advisor to the Saudi royal family has accused its Western allies of deceiving the oil rich kingdom in striking the nuclear accord with Iran and said Riyadh would follow an independent foreign policy.

Nawaf Obaid told a think tank meeting in London that Saudi Arabia was determined to pursue its own foreign and policy goals. Having in the past been reactive to events, the leading Sunni Muslim nation was determined to be pro-active in future.

Mr Obaid said that while Saudi Arabia knew that the US was talking directly to Iran through a channel in the Gulf state of Oman, Washington had not directly briefed its ally.
"We were lied to, things were hidden from us," he said. "The problem is not with the deal struck in Geneva but how it was done."

Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own - Telegraph

Do we have to say it again? Obama does not have a clue how to handle foreign affairs or how to negotiate agreements. He's a community organizer. Please, send him back to the streets of Chicago where he knows what the hell he's doing!

What is Saudi Arabia going to do against Iran, beg for us to help them when they get into a mess? Both Saudi Arabia and Israel need to learn that WE do not need to go to them for approval of Our foreign policy. We don't owe either country ANYTHING.

Talk tough when gasoline goes up to $10 a gallon and you can only buy gas on days that match the last number on your license plate (like a 3, the 3rd, the 13th and the 23rd) and even then, only 10 gallons at a time.

I lived through the gas crunch back in '73 and '79

And you're an idiot....

Iran and/or Saudi Arabia can SHUT THIS COUNTRY DOWN


You people just talk out of your asses. I'm serious. Just fucking stupid

If it destroys Israel, the left doesn't care if the rest of the world goes too. Killing Jews is so jmportant that it's worth the sacrifice.


Iranians are not suicidal.

You're thinking Saudis.

You are talking about a government run by Twelvers. So yeah they are suicidal. As long as it moves forward the end time conflict.

If they are so "suicidal" why haven't they started a conventional war with Israel? Starting a conventional war with Israel would certainly fulfill their alleged "suicide" wish.

It's only a question of which will come first if conservatives get their way. Will it be theocracy? Or will it be fascism? My bet is on fascism with some form of Southern Baptist Protestantism as the officially-sanctioned Christian denomination of the USA which will be considered the first among equals as far as Gov't is concerned.

Just so you know a country can be both fascist and a theocracy.

If you regulate the economy and dictate it doesn't matter if it is done in the name of god, the fatherland or the "common good".


You might want to give Chris Hedges' book "American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America" a read. I read it back in Aug. In my opinion, the most fascinating part of the book is when the author goes to various Christian Right retreats where he listens to the speakers and interacts with the like-minded believers to hear what their plans are for America as they achieve ever greater political clout.
Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own
Saudi Arabia claims they were kept in the dark by Western allies over Iran nuclear deal and says it will strike out on its own

A senior advisor to the Saudi royal family has accused its Western allies of deceiving the oil rich kingdom in striking the nuclear accord with Iran and said Riyadh would follow an independent foreign policy.

Nawaf Obaid told a think tank meeting in London that Saudi Arabia was determined to pursue its own foreign and policy goals. Having in the past been reactive to events, the leading Sunni Muslim nation was determined to be pro-active in future.

Mr Obaid said that while Saudi Arabia knew that the US was talking directly to Iran through a channel in the Gulf state of Oman, Washington had not directly briefed its ally.
"We were lied to, things were hidden from us," he said. "The problem is not with the deal struck in Geneva but how it was done."

Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own - Telegraph

Do we have to say it again? Obama does not have a clue how to handle foreign affairs or how to negotiate agreements. He's a community organizer. Please, send him back to the streets of Chicago where he knows what the hell he's doing!

Fuck them

We made the deal, we spent the money to make the deal, if Iran went to war it would have been our people out there, not them.

Fuck those assholes, they want to put on a show b/c we didn't check in with them?

Now they are going to be pro-active? fuck them



See, dimocrap scum have an advantage over people like us.

scumbags like dimocraps can only take advantage of, can only intimidate, can only use, can only fool people who are more decent than they are.

They do it every day in this Country. But when they run into people who are just as scummy as they are, that are just as dishonest, just as back-stabbing and just as corrupt and lying and low-life pieces of shit.....

They lose that advantage and shit like Syria and this happens.

Time for us to wake up. dimocrap scum want to get down and dirty? I say it's WAY past time we give what we get.

And then some.

The days of gentlemanly politics passed when this scumbag took office.

A complete and utter piece of fucking shit. Just like the people who voted for him

Why do you single out the US when five other world powers were involved in the deal? The Chief Negotiator was British!
Will this plan work? We'll find out when the IAEA wants to make the inspections that were agreed on. If they are in any way rebuffed/detoured, reinstate sanctions that are tougher than the ones before.
Talk about an over-drama-arama!:eek:
What duty does the U.S. owe to Saudi Arabia? And why would we trust sensitive information on negotiations with the nation whose 19 sons flew planes into the WTC under the leadership of OBL, another Saudi?

Don't the Saudis allow us to have bases on their soil and fly in their airspace? Or is that all over with?

Now why do you think that they "allow" us to do both? Do you think they are not getting some benefit from that arrangement?

Look at this MAP, Saudi is now a small player for Our bases. This whole situation should really make us strive to keep on becoming more energy Independent.
Last edited:
It's only a question of which will come first if conservatives get their way. Will it be theocracy? Or will it be fascism? My bet is on fascism with some form of Southern Baptist Protestantism as the officially-sanctioned Christian denomination of the USA which will be considered the first among equals as far as Gov't is concerned.

Just so you know a country can be both fascist and a theocracy.

If you regulate the economy and dictate it doesn't matter if it is done in the name of god, the fatherland or the "common good".


You might want to give Chris Hedges' book "American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America" a read

I don't have to read the book to know that the American Taliban has been busy enacting "drug" laws since 1914, anti- prostitution, anti-pornography, anti-abortion statutes.

Unfortunately , the secular left has been attacking the economy ,ie, Sixteenth Amendment, Federal Reserve Board, massive regulatory apparatus, and of course, Obama Hellcare.

So we have TWO fascists entities trying to tell us what to do.




See, dimocrap scum have an advantage over people like us.

scumbags like dimocraps can only take advantage of, can only intimidate, can only use, can only fool people who are more decent than they are.

They do it every day in this Country. But when they run into people who are just as scummy as they are, that are just as dishonest, just as back-stabbing and just as corrupt and lying and low-life pieces of shit.....

They lose that advantage and shit like Syria and this happens.

Time for us to wake up. dimocrap scum want to get down and dirty? I say it's WAY past time we give what we get.

And then some.

The days of gentlemanly politics passed when this scumbag took office.

A complete and utter piece of fucking shit. Just like the people who voted for him

Why do you single out the US when five other world powers were involved in the deal? The Chief Negotiator was British!
Will this plan work? We'll find out when the IAEA wants to make the inspections that were agreed on. If they are in any way rebuffed/detoured, reinstate sanctions that are tougher than the ones before.
Talk about an over-drama-arama!:eek:

It won't work.

obama is a scumbag and he's being taken advantage of by people who are just scummy as he is.

Well, almost as scummy as he is. At least they have some morals. Stupid ones, but morals nonetheless.

dimocraps are amateurs. They're liars, incompetent and completely devoid of real world experience. They are NOT liberals like in Europe or even Down Under.

They're dimocraps, truly the scum of the Earth.

And BTW, the real objection from the Sauds isn't the deal, it's the WAY the deal was done. Just like my real objection to obamacare.

The Sauds, Iraq, Israel and much of the rest of the ME have discovered that dimocraps are gutless, back-stabbing scum. Just like I've always said they are.

They may go to the Russians for protection. The Russians have a better reputation than we do right now.

What does that mean in the short run? Not much. In the long run, you could be in a bad situation.

Nobody trusts the United States anymore. Nobody. And the reason is because of dimocrap scum.

You might think I'm being partisan but I'm not. dimocraps are truly scumbags.

The Iranians aren't stupid people, they know that obama is a dimocrap scumbag and dimocraps ALWAYS do things for their own, parochial interests. Not the interests of the Country, not the interests of another Country... Only their own interests.

For that reason, Iran will simply use the scumbag-in-chief until they get tired of using him.

And the scumbag-in-chief will only use Iran until he gets tired of using Iran.

Meanwhile, Iran is not kidding when they say they want to destroy Israel.

If they destroy Israel with a sudden, massive nuclear attack, they will become the leading power in the ME and one of the leading powers in the World overnight.

Remember something, Iranians are Persians not Arabs. Big difference.

And don't shit yourself, we can't hit them back. We even fart in their direction and they nuke Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Persian Gulf Region, closing down most of the World's oil supply for Months.... Maybe longer.

It gets complicated and is, quite frankly, above your level of understanding but trust me when I tell you.....

This is a bad deal and it isn't going to work.
Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own
Saudi Arabia claims they were kept in the dark by Western allies over Iran nuclear deal and says it will strike out on its own

Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own - Telegraph

Do we have to say it again? Obama does not have a clue how to handle foreign affairs or how to negotiate agreements. He's a community organizer. Please, send him back to the streets of Chicago where he knows what the hell he's doing!

What is Saudi Arabia going to do against Iran, beg for us to help them when they get into a mess? Both Saudi Arabia and Israel need to learn that WE do not need to go to them for approval of Our foreign policy. We don't owe either country ANYTHING.

Talk tough when gasoline goes up to $10 a gallon and you can only buy gas on days that match the last number on your license plate (like a 3, the 3rd, the 13th and the 23rd) and even then, only 10 gallons at a time.

I lived through the gas crunch back in '73 and '79

And you're an idiot....

Iran and/or Saudi Arabia can SHUT THIS COUNTRY DOWN


You people just talk out of your asses. I'm serious. Just fucking stupid


I lived through it then and we recovered and we will recover if that happens now. Saudi Arabia is not the only country we get Our oil from. Yes 18% of oil imports from Saudi Arabia is a sizable amount, but I don't see them doing what you think that they are going to do.
The world in figures: Countries: Saudi Arabia | The Economist

Take your childish insults and shove them up your ass. I'm not insulting you, I am here having a discussion.

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